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Essays 811 - 840

Dinosaur Behavior Determination

thoroughly studied (DiChristina). Careful field research is critical to understanding dinosaurs but it alone doesnt give us much ...

Police Families and Domestic Violence

In twenty pages and five sections domestic violence is examined within the context of police families with a problem statement, re...

Weight Loss Product TV Commercial

This paper consists of fifteen pages and examines a campaign to target a certain audience with a television commercial on a weight...

Scholastic Achievement and Visual Arts

In fifteen pages this research proposal considers whether or not there is a connection between visual arts and achievement academi...

Sociology Methods

In five pages this paper examines the methodology and use of variables featured in the article 'Church attendance, denomination, a...

Aspects of Business Research

In fifteen pages the factors involved in conducting a business research project are examined first by looking at the process of de...

Lung Cancer from Smoking and Oset, Cellular Division, and Gender: Common Links Between Osteoporosis and Lung Cancer

A 5 page review of the cellular manifestations of two potentially deadly conditions. Identifies these diseases as targeting femal...

Mozambique and Possibilities of Freshwater Prawn Fishery

In five pages the species Macrobrachium rosenbergii freshwater prawn, its cultural methodology, and the possibilities for Mozambiq...

Memory and Learning Cellular Mechanisms

In twelve pages a proposal regarding a research study outlining memory and learning's basic cellular mechanisms is presented with ...

Marxist Paradigm and International Relations

In four pages this paper is written as a presidential candidate's speech which applies Marxist theory to America's international r...

Future Planning with Cineplex Odeon

reports for the last two quarters with third quarter 1998 showing revenue for the three months that ended November 30, 1998 was $2...

Comparative Study of PERA and CIMOSA

In twenty six pages this paper considers General Enterprise Reference Architecture and Methodology Version 1.6.2 in a comparison o...

Overview of One Hell of a Gamble Khrushchev, Castro and Kennedy, 1958-1964 by Aleksandr Fursenko and Timothy Naftali

is evident that Fursenko played a major role in assessing some of the documents that became available following the opening of the...

New York Crime Reduction Through Drug Legislation

This paper consists of five pages and presents the argument that in New York crime reduction has been achieved through the passage...

Structure and Analysis of DNA and Implications for Society

In twelve pages DNA is considered an overview of its composition, methodologies, and how this technology impacts upon contemporary...

Children, Divorce, and Its Impact

there has been no study that focused explicitly on this population, thus the results will augment what is already known about the ...

Anti Abortion's Normative Argument

all abortions in the United States. The abortion rate of Black women is three times that of White women." Anti-abortion activist...

Razor Advertisement Analysis

by men which are targeted at women, as gift-buyers, but they would tend to emphasise the advantage to the buyer, rather than to th...

Classrooms That Are Graded versus Nongraded

ideas concerning education. Rousseaus thoughts were very different. Rather then seeing the mind of the child as a blank slate, Ro...

Input and Output Data Types

number two pencils are utilized to fill in empty circles. Long documents that have a variety of data will likely have to be rel...

Research Project on the Problems of Marks and Spencer

comparison to the former glory years the downward trend may have been reversed, but the levels of profit are still a long way from...

Health Experiment Project Case Study

first business objective to come from this case study submitted by a student is provided in four parts. The first is that the film...

Infant Imitation Representational Research Proposal

place and the use of self explanation, feeling the their own face may explain some of the imitation (Piaget, 1962). However, it is...

Ethics, Assessments, and Testing

factors that are not within an educators or students control. For example, critics have argued that standardized testing is socio...

General Overview of Network Security

nations e-commerce ("Cyber," 2000). While the attacks proliferated only caused some inconvenience, these types of attacks could ha...

A Research Proposal for US Acculturation

which immigrant social process and acculturation can be understood. Problem Statement Acculturation can be defined as: "t...

Research Proposal on the Effectiveness of Treating Lower Back Pain with Acupuncture

participants in the study required some kind of practitioner response as a result of their lower back pain. The second assumption...

Research Article Assessments

As a result, this study focuses on a methodology aimed at students in social services and related studies, who may find themselves...

CBT, an overview

integrates what has been defined as "behavior modification techniques," or interventions that are introduced to break the cycle be...

Chinese E-Commerce

drought. Because of these varied conditions and the remoteness of many parts of China e-commerce has the potential to draw the co...