Essays 691 - 698

Forecasting for a Fast Food Outlet

and ice creams sold in the summer, this looks at the trends rather than just the past performance. Regression analysis takes th...

Comparative Analysis of Homeward Bound American Families in the Cold War Era and Major Problems in American History Since 1945

This paper explores the concepts and themes featured in these texts in a comparative analysis consisting of four pages. Two sourc...

Sun Tzu's "The Art Of War"

those few but powerful pages described how to achieve holism within the esoteric nature of battle. Firing a weapon to kill the en...

Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin and Historical Context

1852.5 Stowes portrayal of the cruelty of slavery generated "horror in the North and outrage in the South," as Southerners perceiv...

The Vietnam Wars

The Vietnam war did not just happen. The French had been fighting in Indonesia since the early 1950s. The actual conflicts in Viet...

Mexico's Drug Cartel War: United States' Role

United States has long been in battle with itself in an ongoing attempt to control its rampant drug problem, on that clearly stems...

Post-War Adjustment: Literary Comparison

to the soldier, but to his family and the citizens in whose names he fought (Swofford). The author notes how those...

How Americans Were Also at War on the Homefront During the Second World War and the War in Vietnam

In five pages this report discusses how conflicting ideologies were responsible for soldiers to continue to fight overseas' wars a...