YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :The Literature of Black America

Essays 511 - 540


really doing anything about it. Certainly, Sales notes, information sharing means intelligence members can do a better job of conn...

America's Clash with the Rest of the World

For much of our history the US has regarded itself as being exceptional to one extent or another...

America's Move to the West

This paper explores our country's westward expansion, the factors that inspired it, and the positive and negative impacts related ...

Blackwater: America’s Disgraceful Shadow Army

bankroller not only of President Bushs campaigns but of the broader Christian right agenda" (Scahill, 2007). In his book Blackwate...

“Restoring Prosperity: The State Role in Revitalizing America's Older Industrial Cities”

growth in the 1990s and economic well being of the city residents in 2000 (Vey, 2007). Two indices of economic health were create...

Brave New World as a Blueprint for America’s Future

Social stability, in Huxleys nightmare vision, depends on making "[S]tandard men and women; in uniform batches" (Huxley). It turns...

Fleming's View on America's Rise to Power

But it raises a lot of questions for the future. How did events alter the perception of Americans as the U.S. started its journey ...

Vietnam, America’s Lost War

United States had not invested the situation in Vietnam with rivalry with Communist powers, the tragedy might have been avoided. B...

America's Enlightenment Still Exists

great extent, people still cling to religious notions. The observation made more than a century ago is still valid. Not only that,...

America's 'Super Maximum' Prison Security

held in similar conditions of extreme confinement" (pp. 26). Abramsky details those numbers further by adding that, as of 2000, Te...

Nineteenth Century America's Rapid Urbanization Causes and Effects

a new class of wealthy industrialists (The Library of Congress, nd). A more prosperous middle class also emerged during these deca...

1979 Peace Treaty Between Israel and Egypt and America's Mediator Role

Minister Menachem Begin. With an olive branch extended, the U.S. wasted little time in initiating diplomatic efforts to promote p...

How 911 Changed America's Political Landscape

In a paper consisting of 8 pages the impact of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 is discussed and includes such issues a...

America's Changing Business Ethics

these contributions finds one incorporating the interests of ethics and morality within the corporate structure, essential concept...

United Nations and the Importance of America's Continuing Presence

far removed from the days when a country could independently govern within its own boundaries in oblivion to what was occurring on...

A Hypothetical Consideration of Corporate America's Opposition and Support of Iraq War

decision on this important topic, one should of course explore the firm and what it stands for. What is its vision and its mission...

Creation of America's Constitution

called upon each state to appoint a representative and attend a meeting he called the Continental Congress" (U.S. Constitution: Ba...

Immigrants and America's Borders

and cons must be heavily weighed before any legislation is passed. The arguments against opening borders to immigrants have been ...

America's Progressive Era and the 'Roaring Twenties'

had taken on an identity of their own, openly making bold statements for their even bolder owners. Colors played an integral part...

Review of America's Progressive Era

as progressive as it may have seemed at the time, in hind sight, it may have only served to make matters worse. Immigration wa...

America's Greatest President Abraham Lincoln

He loved this country and its people, and truly was inspired by what he believed to be just and right for the country. Because of...

Elian Gonzalez and America's Immigration Policy

This paper examines the immigration policy of the United States in a discussion of the incident involving one of the Cuban boat pe...

Soviet Union, Great Britain, France, and America's Roles in the Crisis of the Suez Canal

In twelve pages this paper considers the 1956 crisis involving the Suez Canal in an overview of its circumstances, the roles of th...

America's Dominican Community in New York

New York's Dominican immigrant community is examined in five pages....

South America's Yanomami and the Ethnographic Film Magical Death

on the day-to-day life of the Yanomami and have titles such as Weeding the Garden, A Man and His Wife Make a Hammock, and Firewood...

'Let America Be America Again' by Langston Hughes

In five pages this paper presents a poetic explication of the work by Langston Hughes in a discussion of what exactly 'land of the...

North America's Security and Prosperity Partnership Agreement

protection, and both of the nations are on an even keel as it respects economic considerations. Mexico fares much worse in that de...

North America's Teenage Consumers

points out that an ideal engine, in optimum condition could theoretically conceive 100 percent efficiency, but that real-world req...

Methodology Analysis of America's Overweight Children

children mature earlier and earlier as time goes on, something studied by scientists over time. However, the theorists draw a conc...

Early 20th Century and America's Foreign Policy with Regard to Mexico

In many respects our foreign policy to Latin America in general has been characterized more by neglect than any other factor. Laz...