YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Wordsworth Three Poems

Essays 361 - 390

Enkidu and Gilgamesh Character Development

have plans for Enkidu and so a Priestess tames Enkidu and convinces him to go with her to meet Gilgamesh in Uruk. Though Enkidu ha...

Storytelling and Emotions in Beowulf

as an adventurous and noble man, and offers us the romance of a story. From this simple beginning we can readily assume that Be...

Odysseus' Journey Mirrored in a Student's Life Narrative

though they were in a war. Their life is perhaps not threatened, but they must struggle to become more honorable and noble as they...

Elitist Poetry of Langston Hughes

but his folk heritage as well. "Hughes made the spirituals, blues, and jazz the bases of his poetic expression. Hughes wrote, he c...

Explication of 'London' by Poet William Blake

in every ban" (line 7). Here again, the footnotes provided by the Norton editors are instructive as inform the reader as to the va...

Dissonance in AJM Smith's 'The Lonely Land'

certain that the reader has not missed the implication. Note that in the lines leading up to the "beauty of dissonance" th...

4 Poems in Billy Collins' Nine Horses

said that, however, this is not a book to simply be shunted off to the used bookstore. For all its problems, Nine Horses is still ...

'Coal' by Audre Lorde and 'Her Kind' by Anne Sexton

that is illustrating the power that was possessed by these women, but not the power that the men and women of the time thought the...

A Critique of Robert Frost's 'Acquainted with the Night'

about having gone out in rain and back again, which represents sorrow and tears. In other words, he has seen many people pass away...

Dramatic Monologue of 'My Last Duchess' by Robert Browning

the complete submission and obedience of his wife to his will. She should concentrate all of her attention on him, or face dire c...

'Phaethon' by Ted Hughes

men would do, Phaethon does not listen. He is a youth and feels that he can take on anything in the world, or the heavens, and com...

Imagery in the 'London' Poem by William Blake

emphasis on "mind-forged" shows that these are mental attitudes rather than physical chains, but their effect on human freedom is ...

Literature and Dangerous Male Cultural Socialization

now, instead of letting his hands out into the open, he shoves them deep into his pockets and does not talk much. When he talks, t...

'The Road Not Taken' Poem by Robert Frost and a Line Analysis

of the word I is that the decision for anyones life is their own. This decision was not reached by conferring with any other soul ...

'The Starry Night' Poem by Anne Sexton and the Starry Night Painting by Vincent Van Gogh

viewing this painting this particular writer feels and thinks many things. There is a powerful boldness to the strokes, which are ...

Use of the Word 'I' in 'The Road Not Taken' by Robert Frost

Road Not Taken" can be viewed as an evaluation of his decisions that the poet takes at midlife. Frost describes standing in a "ye...

Ben Jonson's 'A Celebration of Charis in Ten Lyric Pieces' Explicated

narrator restores the sight of the Greek love god Cupid, and he subsequently flees (Donaldson 154): "And (withal) I did untie / Ev...

Sappho's Poetry, Homer's Epics, and Women

we mortals bear perforce, although we suffer; for they are much stronger than we. But now I will teach you clearly, telling you th...

'The Odyssey' by Homer and Females, Mortal and Divine

all of the kingdoms riches and power for themselves. The problem is Odysseuss only son, who is the natural successor to the throne...

'Ballad of Birmingham' by Dudley Randall

hope. The mothers wise voice could be seen to be the voice of experience, conservative ways, of hope seasoned with hard times. The...

'Sunday Morning' by Wallace Stevens, The Profane and the Sacred

In three pages this paper analyzes the sacred and the profane Wallace Stevens represents in the poem 'Sunday Morning.' There are ...

Extending the Poem 'Tiger, Tiger' by William Blake

In three pages this writer extends the poem 'Tiger, Tiger' by 2 verses in order to further enhance the meaning and intent of the a...

Water Symbolism in The Waste Land by T.S. Eliot

everything has been parched almost to nonexistence. The stanza closes with a line from a German translation of Tristan and Isolde,...

'Woodchucks' by Maxine Kumin

little bit of cyanide gas, and awake to begin eating the farmers vegetables. The verbs used to describe what the woodchucks did t...

Coping with Death in Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger and 'Mid Term Break' by Seamus Heaney

In five pages this paper examines how the young boys in this novel and poem cope with the death of a younger brother and considers...

'Barbie Doll' by Marge Piercy

In three pages this essay examines how women are manufactured as described by Marge Piercy in this powerful poem. One source is c...

Explication of Wilfred Owen's Anti War Poem 'Dulce Et Decorum Est'

In six pages this paper examines how poet Wilfred Owen portrayed sacrificing one's life for country in the antiwar poem 'Dulce Et ...

The Life and Works of Federico Garcia Lorca

This paper examines the works of the Twentieth Century Spanish poet, Federico Garcia Lorca. The author provides a brief biography...

John Donne's Feminist Poetry

This paper details a feminist reading of three John Donne Poems, The Undertaking, A Valediction, and The Good Morrow. The author ...

John Donne's Works and the Themes of Sin and Death

In fifteen pages the themes of death and sin as they manifested themselves in John Donne's poems, sonnets and Biathanatos are disc...