YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Wordsworth Three Poems

Essays 391 - 420

'Eyes That Last I Saw in Tears' by T.S. Eliot

is seeing the eyes in the present, which is "Here in deaths dream kingdom." Again, alliteration, this time with /d/, makes the lin...

Homer and the Old Testament

holds the Greeks captive in his cave, into allowing them to escape by first blinding his one eye while he sleeps. However, Odysseu...

'First Follow Nature and 'An Essay on Criticism' by Alexander Pope

writes in lines 11 through 14: "In Poets as true Genius is but rare, / True Taste as seldom is the Critics share; / Both must alik...

Poetic Comparison of Robert Frost's 'Meeting and Passing,' 'The Road Not Taken,' and 'An Old Man's Winter Night'

it was / That brought him to that creaking room was age. / He stood with barrels round him -- at a loss. / And having scared the c...

Comparison Between John Keats' 'On Seeing the Elgin Marbles' and 'Ozymandias' by Percy Bysshe Shelley

human rulers answers to the sands of time. The message: Power is temporary. Nature is forever. This is a common theme among Roma...

Human Nature and the Poetry of Walt Whitman

this reveals his positive outlook toward the world and his own existence, and allows the reader some comprehension as to his value...

The Epic 'Beowulf' and Anglo Saxon Culture

the tale. In fact, it seems that one of the general ways in which each character is depicted is a quick rundown of their lineage. ...

'Kubla Khan' by Samuel Taylor Coleridge

that in the summer of 1797, he retired in "ill health" to a "lonely farmhouse between Porlock and Linton" (231). Because of a "sli...

Nature and the Poetic Views of John Keats

poet of nature. For example, "The instinct of Wordsworth was to interpret all the operations of nature by those of his own strenuo...

'Salut au Monde!' by Walt Whitman

are structured in the form of questions, which are subsequently answered throughout the poem (Holloway 147-148). His declaration ...

Nature's Role in 'Kubla Khan' and 'Rime of the Ancient Mariner' by Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Ancient Mariner is perhaps the greatest Romantic statement about the consequences of psychic separation of an isolated individual ...

Ancient Greek Civilization Aspects Glimpsed in 'The Odyssey' by Homer

the defeat of Troy and it is about the adventures of Odysseus, king of Ithaca and throughout his travels, the story "provides a pi...

'A Lone Striker' by Robert Frost

not change in a factory and the intervals are always the same. With that in mind we look at the first stanza of Frosts poem. In...

Robert Frost's Poem 'The Death of the Hired Man'

An analytic interpretation of this poem is presented in five pages with a discussion of loneliness and home themes that are featur...

Gender Representations in 'The White Heron' by Sarah Orne Jewett

positively in most of her readers. Whittington-Egan describes Sylvia Plath as a young woman as being the: "shining, super-wholesom...

Love in Andrew Marvell's 'The Definition of Love' and in Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey's 'Love, That Doth Reign and Live Within My Thought'

survive, the most poignant works were his love sonnets. Surrey was considered to be quite the ladies man, even though he was marr...

Enkidu and Gilgamesh Character Development

have plans for Enkidu and so a Priestess tames Enkidu and convinces him to go with her to meet Gilgamesh in Uruk. Though Enkidu ha...

Storytelling and Emotions in Beowulf

as an adventurous and noble man, and offers us the romance of a story. From this simple beginning we can readily assume that Be...

Odysseus' Journey Mirrored in a Student's Life Narrative

though they were in a war. Their life is perhaps not threatened, but they must struggle to become more honorable and noble as they...

Elitist Poetry of Langston Hughes

but his folk heritage as well. "Hughes made the spirituals, blues, and jazz the bases of his poetic expression. Hughes wrote, he c...

Dramatic Monologue of 'My Last Duchess' by Robert Browning

the complete submission and obedience of his wife to his will. She should concentrate all of her attention on him, or face dire c...

'Phaethon' by Ted Hughes

men would do, Phaethon does not listen. He is a youth and feels that he can take on anything in the world, or the heavens, and com...

Explication of 'London' by Poet William Blake

in every ban" (line 7). Here again, the footnotes provided by the Norton editors are instructive as inform the reader as to the va...

'Anonymous A Ballad' by Sir Patrick Spence

ask that pauses and changes in tone come into play for it is clearly set out in a very smooth rhythm. In many ways this establishe...

Thematic Analysis of 'The Rime of the Ancient Mariner'

lifted, they decided that it had been the bird that caused the fog and they praised the Mariner for seeing through it all. Then, h...

Passage Analysis from John Milton's 'Paradise Lost'

Adam is astounded by the plethora of life, beauty and vast expanse of nature to which he is bearing witness. While Raphael assert...

'The Battle of Maldon' and the Characteristics of Old and Modern English

lost" (The Battle of Maldon: Introduction). In this battle, which involved the Vikings and the leader Anlaf tried to land ashore...

'Ballad of Birmingham' by Dudley Randall

hope. The mothers wise voice could be seen to be the voice of experience, conservative ways, of hope seasoned with hard times. The...

A Critique of Robert Frost's 'Acquainted with the Night'

about having gone out in rain and back again, which represents sorrow and tears. In other words, he has seen many people pass away...

Imagery in the 'London' Poem by William Blake

emphasis on "mind-forged" shows that these are mental attitudes rather than physical chains, but their effect on human freedom is ...