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Title Significance in Short Stories of Flannery O'Connor

The grandmother thinks she has the answers and is saved, religiously or otherwise, but yet she perhaps seems to realize that this ...

An Analysis of Moore's Short Story, How to Become a Writer

paper and open a vein. The point is that non-writers dont understand how difficult writing is; writers do, and frequently wish th...

Appearance versus Reality in the Short Stories of Nathaniel Hawthorne

In five pages this paper examines how the conflict between appearances and reality is depicted in the short stories 'The Minister'...

Comparative Analysis of Three Short Stories by Ernest Hemingway

having their baby. His act was accomplished so quietly, no one knew it had happened despite the fact he was lying on the bunk abov...

Comparative Analysis of Short Stories by John Cheever and John Steinbeck

In five pages Steinbeck's 'The Chrysanthemums' is compared with Cheever's 'Country Husband' in an argument that each are about aba...

Symbolism and Theme in the Short Stories of Flannery O'Connor

In five pages a contrast and comparison of O'Connor's short stories 'Everything That Rises Must Converge' and 'Good Country People...

Short Stories by William Faulkner Compared

of her life. One of the children asks her whats wrong: " I aint nothing but a nigger, Nancy said. It aint none of my fault " ("Tha...

Gender Relationships in the Short Stories of Ernest Hemingway

even Hemingway himself consciously does not, that "blowing things heads off" is not the way to prove a mans masculinity. "What imp...

Short Stories of Ernest Hemingway as Reflections of the Author's Life

quotes Gertrude Stein as calling Hemingways set "the lost generation" (Roth, 450). Although only a few of his stories and novels a...

Short Stories as They Reflect the Life of Ernest Hemingway II

In nine pages this paper examines how the life of Ernest Hemingway particularly his wartime experiences are reflected in his short...

Short Stories of William Faulkner and Southern Life

In eight pages this paper discusses how Southern life, history and geography are depicted in the short stories 'A Rose for Emily,'...

Moral Complacency and the Short Stories of Tadeusz Borowski

In five pages this paper analyzes This Way for the Gas, Ladies and Gentlemen in a consideration of moral complacency in the short ...

Female's Changing Role in the Short Stories of Ernest Hemingway

In fifteen pages women's roles are contrasted as they relate to the Hemingway short stories 'A Canary for One,' 'Che Ti Dice La Pa...

Short Story Analysis of Stephen Crane's 'The Blue Hotel' and 'The Bride Comes to Yellow Sky'

blue hotel against the "dazzling winter landscape of Nebraska," so that the comparison of the two makes Nebraska appear to be a "g...

Concepts in Short Stories

cases from the point of view that the person on trial is guilty. There is no presumption of innocence until proven guilty-he start...

Feminist Interpretations of Two Short Stories

It does not necessarily make men evil or bestial, but it does recognize that we live in a patriarchal society and that the structu...

Toni Cade Bambara's Community of African American Women’s Identity in ’s Gorilla, My Love Short Stories

a political fundraiser with a blind man named Bovanne. She shocks her daughters by behavior they regard as unbefitting for a woma...

Edgar Allan Poe's Short Story Themes

In seven pages this paper examines knowledge, time, and truth in this thematic analysis of Edgar Allan Poe's stories 'The Balloon ...

The Element of Tragedy as Presented in Oates' Short Story Characters

Joyce Carol Oates intertwines the element of tragedy in The Crying Baby, The Passion of Rydcie Mather and Where areYou Going? Whe...

The Short Story Chac-Mool by Carlos Fuentes

The writer analyzes the short story Chac-Mool by Carlos Fuentes, and argues that it is representative of his style. The paper is f...

'Desiree's Baby' Short Story Analysis

Realist writers "were more or less in open revolt against [society]," and naturalism combined the theories of Charles Darwin to co...

Short Stories of Stephen King

In ten pages 5 short stories from the collection Nightmares and Dreamscapes are analyzed in terms of the literary techniques emplo...

The Prodigal Son in Augustine's Confessions

tale was reduced to feeding pigs in order to survive. Augustine writes, "Where then, wast thou and how far from me? Far, indeed, w...

Kelvin Moffett/Tattooizm

and having food passed to her through a slot" (Moffett 146). When Dixon mentions his plan, she resists the impulse to yell and tel...

Bronte’s Jane Eyre/Joyce’s The Dead

because he is married to another woman and she will not compromise her morals or her principles. However, when she is offered a ch...

Soldier’s Home/Krebs and Passivity

to indicate how these experiences had changed his internal landscape, and changed a vibrant young man into someone who is both pas...

Faulkner's Barn Burning

social factor to which he is excluded, Abners anger is compounded by the fact that the Negro servant does not acknowledge his whit...

'A Rose for Emily' by William Faulkner from a Psychological Perspective

as devoted as Ms. Emily thinks, goes out with another woman. When he returns, Emily poisons him with arsenic. Finally, she closes ...

Comparative Analysis of Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Minister's Black Veil and Great Stone Face

Stone Face, Ernest, a small boy growing up in the village learns of a prophecy concerning one who will live among them and will be...

'The Storm' by Kate Chopin and Marriage

the line, asking if he can remain there till the storm passes. "He expressed an intention to remain outside, but it was soon ap...