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The Legalization of Gambling: Its Social Impact and the Reasons for Its Continuation Paper Outline

Psychological and Family Studies ii) The Responsibility of the State on Compulsive Gambling iii) Studies from Gamblers Anonymous...

Taking on Hepatitis B in a Philadelphia High School

programs on Hepatitis B and the risk factors that increase ones susceptibility. The first of these programs will provide an overv...


Following is an outline/proposal model detailing a report on the recruitment, selection and retention processes a company undergoe...

Western Warfare Outline

The writer provides a one-page outline for the upcoming paper on the ineffectiveness of Western warfare methods in Afghanistan and...

Nature of Siva in Hindu Myth

This paper is in outline form and pertains to literature promoting understanding of the nature of the god Siva in Hinduism. ...


Outlines Christian viewpoints toward artificial conception and euthanasia/assisted suicide. There are 6 sources listed in the bibl...

Don't Buy CAFO Products

These really huge livestock farms can make a chicken reach 2.2 pounds in 7 days instead of 16 weeks it used to take. These are ope...

Weight Gain, Counseling During Pregnancy

This research paper presents an overview of weight gain recommendations during pregnant that are specifically aimed to address th...

Ethical Dilemma with a Newborn

insist that full intervention for their baby should continue. The Ethics Committee is consulted, informed about the case, and they...

Retaining Participants at Wellness Programs

is low, productivity will be low. They could be the result of a poor management style. It will be important for the industrial psy...

Should Havell Acquire Sylvania?

firm, but also its competitors. Not all models can be used due to space constraints. 2.1 STEP Fahey and Narayanan (1986) put for...

Article Summary and Evaluation (The Factory that refused to die)

Earlier in the decade, foreign competition hurt the furniture industry and China is especially important in this scenario (Byrnes,...

The Oil Spill During the Week of June 6, 2010

mention of surges of natural gas, but rig workers report that numerous surges were experienced in the weeks prior to the explosion...

28 Weeks Later

confines of the city and go to parts that are not yet secure. The part they desire to see is their old home, to gather some items ...

A Week-Long Multicultural Event

A variety of theorists have identified the need to reflect upon the foundations of culture and its importance in how people develo...

Survey Development

contains questions that appear to be important in determining effective curriculum reform but also contains two overriding deficie...

Personal Cholesterol Level Reduction and Health Promotion

of exercise extend beyond helping to burn the energy that the body stores as fat. Fat and cholesterol can collect along the...

Plan for Blood Pressure Reduction

history of hypertension. My desired state of health is that which includes normal blood pressure readings on a regular basi...

FDI Interests in China

the consumer price index increased 5.3 percent year-over-year, greatly increased over the annualized rate of 1.2 percent in 2003 f...

Frequency of Hemodialysis

2% were on home hemodialysis (Freitas, 2002, 167). There are many chronic problems associated with hemodialysis including hyper...

Article on How Microeconomics is At Work

the price of the goods will increase until there the price puts a sufficient number of people off, and the purchase is made. There...

The IMF and Global Monetary Systems

investors and private lenders ended up sending a total of $1.2 trillion to emerging economies, which ranked as six times larger th...

Reduction of Work Week Hours and the EU

a decade ago (Wallace, 1994). The author explains: "cutting the work week is not intended as a reward to those who are employed, b...

Work Hours and the European Union

more hours, so that they can make more money, rather than spreading the wealth by hiring more people. The other side of that is th...

Targets and Goals

the greens, and ensure that these licenses will be granted. Parallel to this visits to other golf courses should also take...

Team Building Through a Virtual Team Experience

written about the importance of teamwork, are working relationships plagued with frustration and disappointment" (p. 56)? When pe...

Statistics of Decision Making

control is the means by which manufacturers achieve that end. Probability can add a measure of confidence to decision making that...

'Income Equality' and the Analysis of Business Articles

income distribution has grown strikingly since the 1970s. By some measures, Americans earnings are more unequal today than at any ...

A Methodology on Sports Psychology

In this paper consisting of eight pages negative athlete feedback and proposed methological research regarding this link are discu...

Considering the Week in the Life of an American President

House portrayed the work of the president as lackadaisical. Photo opportunities generally saw the president jogging or eating a Bi...