Sk8erD00d's User Profile

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Sk8erD00d  (210 points)
Joined : Sunday, December 12, 2004
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Essays Submitted by Sk8erD00d

Title Date Submitted Views
Red Badge of Courage: Fight or Flight, Danger Response 6/19/2005 6:56:08 PM 5115
Raisin in the Sun - Dreams Deferred 6/19/2005 6:54:24 PM 18988
The Great Gatsby - American Dream 6/19/2005 6:47:11 PM 16882
The Great Gatsby Analysis of Nick 6/19/2005 6:32:54 PM 17194
The Scarlet Letter - Individuality within a Puritan Society 6/19/2005 6:24:20 PM 16801
Leaf Cutting Ants 6/19/2005 6:21:12 PM 4782
Importance of Seatbelts from a Physics Standpoint 6/19/2005 6:17:23 PM 19760
Mania In Bipolar Depression 6/19/2005 6:14:12 PM 8935
Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy 6/19/2005 6:10:27 PM 11380
About time to give animals their rights, right? 12/12/2004 6:13:27 AM 8628
Pre-Marital Sex and its Plague 12/12/2004 6:06:23 AM 17765
The Detrimental affects of The Internet 12/12/2004 6:04:13 AM 6619
Programming C++ 12/12/2004 6:02:29 AM 22466
Lord of the Flies: Irony 12/12/2004 5:51:14 AM 17864
Fahrenheit 451 12/12/2004 5:49:43 AM 20783
Do you have what it takes to be a ladies man? 12/12/2004 5:47:58 AM 6551
Cellular Respiration 12/12/2004 5:44:28 AM 14283
Muhammad Ali Biography 12/12/2004 5:41:03 AM 33227
Al Capone - True Gangster 12/12/2004 5:39:35 AM 24058
Abigail Adams' Life: Biography 12/12/2004 5:37:52 AM 13572


philomina200's Avatar
12/12/2013 7:46:28 PM
Hello my name is Edwin Philomina I want your friendship back writing here in my e-mail address ( I'll tell you more about myself, thank you, I would like to hear from you soon to ask me me , Yours Friend, philomina
joymab's Avatar
12/3/2013 6:57:53 PM
Hello My Dear, My Name is JOY Mabou am a good caring young girl I saw your profile today and i become interested in knowing more about you. please contact me in address I have something very important to discus with you.
lovelove150's Avatar
10/19/2013 12:37:57 PM
Hello dear, My name is miss Daba i saw your profile when i was browsing i become interested in you and i will like you to write me back directly through my email why because i have something important to share with you here is my email( to hear from you soonest,
amanda4real's Avatar
5/1/2013 7:10:34 PM
Hi my Dear, Am miss Amanda,i view your profile hear and became interested to you, please dear i want you to contact me with this email id ( to enable me send my Details and pictures to you for us to know each other better i hope to hear from you. Thanks, Yours new friend, Amanda.
monicalovee's Avatar
6/18/2012 10:23:00 AM
Hello, My name is monica,i am interested in you, Also I like to know more about you and establish a relationship which based on truth and trust with you.I want you to send me an email to my email address ( i will give you my picture for you to know whom i am. please i have something very important to tell you.I believe we can start from here. (Remember the distance or color does not matter the age, but love matters a lot in life) I will be happy to see a good responds from you Thanks and remain blessed. Yours sincerely in love with Monica,