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Essays 1 - 30

20th Century Educational Inequality

excel in society. Our schools are not meeting these goals. Part of the reason is an almost myopic concentration on equality in f...

Nineteenth through Twenty First Centuries' Global Power Shifts

Germany and Italy were not major players in the global empire race of the 19th century as they had just become unified until the 1...

Twentieth Century Events That Will Affect the Twenty First Century

In ten pages this paper considers certain events of the twentieth century that will register a major twenty first century impact. ...

Preventing Twentieth Century Mistakes From Repeating

This paper examines the major mistakes and follies of Twentieth-Century society and discusses how they can be prevented from occur...

Development by Eras

Child development theories did not really come to fore until the late 19th and early 20th centuries. In fact, the word ‘childhood’...

Peace, Power, Leadership, Vladimir Lenin and Mohandas K. Gandhi

In five pages this paper discusses the obvious differences but also notes surprising similarities between these 20th century leade...

Twentieth Century Women's Changing Roles

This paper considers 20th century women's changing social roles with employment and family position among the topics discussed in ...

IRA Actions in Great Britain and Terrorism

are made define an abstract concept, there will always be some groups who are able to find exceptions to the definition because of...

Yugoslavian Cultural, Political, and Social Conflict

incorporated Serbs, Croats and Slovenes - three different ethnic groups, but a country in which the Serbians formed the dominant c...

Colonial Powers and Gender Differences

outwards. When we look at this time we can see that there was already a change, the loss of colonial power was...

The Cultural Movement of 20th Century China

10 pages. This paper provides an overview of early 20th century philosophies in China, including those of Ch'en Tu-Huiu and Hu Sh...

Political Practices, Women's Suffrage and Changes in California

5 pages and 8 sources used. This paper provides an overview of the political environment of California in the early 20th century ...

The Transformation of Attitudes about Death and Dying

11 pages and 11 sources. This paper provides an overview of the transformation of views on death and dying in the 20th century. ...

Structural Inequality And Diversity

Plessy vs. Ferguson case in 1896, the court ruled that "separate but equal" was fine, it was okay to have separate schools for whi...

18th Century Painter Francisco de Goya and His Influence

In fifteen pages this paper explores how Goya's 18th century paintings influenced 19th century Impressionists and 20th century Exp...

History Of Child Rearing Practices

(Hulbert, 1999). More children were attending school towards the middle of the century and the trend in education was away from th...

World History and Ethnic Group Persecution

The main reason why the Huguenots were unpopular with the majority in France during the time period was because they were not of t...

Rousseau's Sexual Equality in Our Society and its Impact

In twenty one pages a dissertation on mankind's inequality is included with this topic on the social impact of Rousseau's sexual e...

Mexican Culture and Chicana Feminism

This paper examines the gender inequality that has always characterized Mexican culture in a consideration of Chicana feminism con...

Achievements of the Early 20th Century's US Progressive Movement

In five pages this paper examines how the Progressive Movement reformed intolerable working conditions in America in the early por...

Primo Levi and Sigmund Freud on the 20th Century's Cataclysmic Events

Arguments of Primo Levi and Sigmund Freud are presented in five pages and then applied to the 20th century's cataclysmic events in...

20th Century's Most Historic Events

In seven pages this paper discusses important historical events during the 20th century including changes resulting from the Cold ...

Looking Back at the Culture of the 20th Century from the 22nd Century

This 8 page paper gives a cultural history of the 20th century from the perspective of someone living in the 22nd century. The wri...

Early 20th Century's Neoclassical Music and its Anti Romantic Elements

codified and structured. Neoclassical forms were, in turn, a reaction against the idealism characterised by the Romantic ...

20th Century Glimpses in the 19th Century Poetry of Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson

In five pages these poets' visions of the next century are examined in a consideration of their respective works. Five sources ar...

19th and 20th Centuries' Changes in Scientific Research Funding

the aim of advancing in terms of methodology when uncovering longitude at sea (1991). This situation had been for the most part re...

Right and Wrong According to Philosophers W. David Ross and Thomas Hobbes

In five pages this essay considers right and wrong from Hobbes' 17th century perspectives and Ross's 20th century vantage point. ...

20th Century Energy in the Cubism Art of Georges Braque and Poetry of Carl Sandburg

In 5 pages this paper compares Braque's Houses at L'Estaque painting with Carl Sandburg's 'Chicago' poem in a consideration of how...

American Literature Overview

In five pages this research paper examines American literature from the late 18th century through the 20th century with such autho...

Egyptian Architecture and Art and Their Modern Art Influence

the attention of the fashion-setting upper class. Free-standing obelisks were constructed around England, the first, which is stil...