YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :A Modest Proposal by Jonathan Swift

Essays 1 - 30

Social Satire in E.M. Forster's My Wood and Jonathan Swift's A Modest Proposal

This paper consists of five pages and examines how what the authors condemn as society's false values are satirized in these two w...

Replicating Jonathan Swift's Satire in 'A Modest Proposal'

In five pages this paper presents a satirical version of 'A Modest Proposal' by Jonathan Swift....

The Surprise Ending of Jonathan Swift's "A Modest Proposal"

This 3 page paper gives an analysis of the surprise ending of “A Modest Proposal”. This paper includes a history and summary of th...

Analysis of Jonathan Swift’s A Modest Proposal

people to propose a number of ill-conceived schemes that would "fix" social and economic ills with miraculous ease (Wittkowsky 85)...

A Modest Proposal by Jonathan Swift and Shock, Satire, and Irony

In five pages this paper examines the author's masterful uses of irony, satire, and shock in his criticism of British greed and Ir...

Analyzing 'A Modest Proposal' by Jonathan Swift

all. He knew that writing a political text lamenting the plight of the poor would generate little interest, so in "A Modest Propo...

Sociopolitical A Modest Proposal by Jonathan Swift

In ten pages this paper examines how Swift examined England and Ireland in his writings with the sociopolitical A Modest Proposal ...

Summarizing A Modest Proposal by Jonathan Swift

In three pages this essay presents a summary and examination of the major points featured in A Modest Proposal by Jonathan Swift. ...

Enlightenment and A Modest Proposal by Jonathan Swift

have consumed the island and its resources, it could pursue a useful policy for dealing with Irish children by butchering them and...

Irony in 'A Modest Proposal' by Jonathan Swift

In five pages this paper discusses the author's use of irony in the essay 'A Modest Proposal.' One source is cited in the bibliog...

Narrative Voice in 'A Modest Proposal' by Jonathan Swift and 'Paradise Lost' by John Milton

In five pages the use of narrative voice by these authors in their respective works is contrasted and compared. There are no othe...

Facetious Alternative to 'A Modest Proposal' by Jonathan Swift

In five pages this paper offers a facetious rebuttal to Swift's essay that advocates abortion over the 'trouble' of establishing m...

Modern Day American Life and The Application of A Modest Proposal by Jonathan Swift

of irony ("Literature" PG). Swift emphasizes the horrible poverty found in eighteenth-century Ireland as he ironically proposes th...

A Modest Proposal by Jonathan Swift and Relations Between Tenant and Landlord

In 5 pages this paper discusses Swift's satirical depiction of Anglo Irish landlord and Irish peasant tenant relations in A Modest...

Literary Analysis of A Modest Proposal and Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift

various and sundry obscurities that represent such a supposedly functional society to realize that this was yet another of the aut...

A Modest Proposal by Jonathan Swift

form of thought a solution may be found to this problem. At this point he notes that a child, just "dropped from its dam" would ...

Jonathan Swift/A Modest Proposal

"voluntary abortions and that horrid practice of women murdering their bastard children" (Swift 1641). At this point, Swifts narra...

Swift's Use of Irony in "A Modest Proposal"

personage than William Makepeace Thackeray, who loved Gulliver but who thought that Proposals moral was "horrible, shameful, unman...

Uses of Propaganda in Oronooko by Aphra Behn, Spectator Number 69 by Joseph Addison and A Modest Proposal by Jonathan Swift'

take a closer look at where it is headed in the overall scheme of existence upon this earth. Through his use of syntax...

Use of Satire in Satire in A Modest Proposal by Jonathan Swift and I Want a Wife by Judy Brady

In 5 pages this paper examines how these authors conveyed their essay meaning through satire. There are no other sources listed....

Societal Criticism, Browning and Swift

This essay pertains to Jonathan Swift's "A Modest Proposal," published in 1729, and Robert Browning's poem "My Last Duchess, Ferra...

Gulliver’s Travels by Swift

readers. However, if my own ignorance in sea affairs shall have led me to commit some mistakes, I alone am answerable for them" (S...

Martin Luther King Jr. and Jonathan Swift

speed toward gaining political independence, but we stiff creep at horse-and-buggy pace toward gaining a cup of coffee at a lunch ...

Gulliver’s Travels and A Modest Proposal

not the only way, and it may not be the best way of thinking either. Although one may argue he does not transform completely and u...

Juvenalian v. Horatian Satire

way, this scrutiny becomes a very valuable tool for literature. After reading these two stories and comparing and contrasting the...

Enlightenment Representation in the Writings of Alexander Pope and Jonathan Swift

In 5 pages this paper discusses how the 18th century state of mind is reflected in Alexander Pope's 'Essay on Criticism' and 'Essa...

Satire Types

such as "U.S. Urges Bin Laden To Form Nation It Can Attack" (12C). In fact, Bin Laden jokes are beginning to crop up and while peo...

How Women Are Treated in the Writings of Jonathan Swift and Alexander Pope

In six pages this paper contrasts and compares how the social irony of women's treatment shine through in 'A Modest Proposal' by J...

4 Works of Literature and the Themes of Exploitation and Power

In eight pages this paper discusses exploitation followed by power renewal in A Modest Proposal by Jonathan Swift, Continental Dri...

Literature and Social Injustice

In four pages this paper examines how social injustice is represented in William Blake's poetry, 'A Modest Proposal' by Jonathan S...