Essays 1 - 30


plan to add 600,000 lines of service by late 1992. Bond also planned to install cellular service and paging services, develop a hi...

L'attente de Vladimir sur Godot

continuellement interrompu par Estragon. Il ne finit jamais lhistoire. En dautres termes, il doit continuer ? attendre Godot, o? G...

An Analysis of The Necklace

A 5 analysis of the short story by Guy de Maupassant. 7 sources,...

Utopia Views of the French Enlightenment

failure of the Catholic faith to suppress Copernicus. By the start of the...

Don Quixote and Sancho Panza

fantasy resides and where reality resides. There is a very fantastical quality to Don while Sancho is the common man. The ...

Existentialism, God, and Man’s Purpose

The philosophy of existentialism originated among late nineteenth century philosophers such as Keirkegaard...

Economy of Chile

In nine pages Chile's economy is assessed in terms of its history, basis, and present trends. Six sources are cited in the biblio...

Comparison of Juan Cortes de Tolosa's El Lazarillo de Manzanares and Miguel de Cervantes' El Lazarillo de Tormes

cultivated veneer that the monarchy and the church did not want the general public to see. These works, which also incorporated f...

Comparison of 3 Stories and Passion v. Reason

It is interesting to note, however, that Molieres inspiration did not come from Corneilles comedic tendencies, but rather upon the...

Heteronormativity and the History of Latin America

This paper examines the murder of Hernando de Medina and Gaspar de Peralta's wives. The author argues that Medina and Peralta nee...

Life and Works of Artist Toulouse Lautrec

Toulouse Lautrec's life and art are explored in a paper consisting of 15 pages that includes his fin de siecle social involvement ...

The Letters of Madame de Sevigne

This paper examines the seventeenth century correspondence between Marie de Rabutin-Chantal and Madame de Sevigne. This five page...

Medieval Literature and Portrayal of Political Issues

code of chivalry. This code of chivalry was something seen throughout a kingdom and throughout a society. As such it provides us w...

Diamond Monopoly of De Beers Consolidated Mines Limited

In five pages the domination of the diamond industry by De Beers and its affiliates are examined in a consideration of cartel char...

Holy Grail's History

(Mabinogion, p. 79). The Mabinogion chronicles do not seem to have been widely circulated outside of Wales, probably because of t...

Parents in the Fiction of Guy de Maupassant

In five pages this paper examines the French author's short stories 'Mademoiselle Fifi' and 'Boule de Suif' in terms of how they r...

Barbara Walters and a Theoretical TV Symposium on Women

In three pages this paper discusses a theoretical TV symposium regarded on the presentation of women in literature and thoughts on...

19th Century US' Penitentiary System

more advanced in containing the criminal element than other states at the time. If not, why would the pair go to America to study ...

Comparing Black Boy and Tell

"Tell" by First Degree The D.E., who is also known by birth name, Michael Cohen, offer a contemporary indictment against racism. L...

The influence of Francisco de Haro on San Francisco

Before California within the hands of the Americans, it was a Mexican territory, with the Mexican soldier Francisco de Haro being...

The Dreyfus Affair by Michael Burns

which is epitomized by the extreme anti-Semitism of Madame de Janville (Gyp), who comments on Zolas supporters as men who are not ...

Early French Modern Society and a Hypothetical Debate on the Status of Women and Men at the Time

woman. She was portrayed as being virtuous, committed to her family, and obstinately determined to succeed in her tasks. Davis nee...

Early Modern Society of France and Men's and Women's Status

a patriarchal world would be a gross understatement and one that would also be staunchly supported by the likes of both Bertrande ...

Life and Works of Saint Augustine

how evil is nothing tangibly heinous, but instead reflects the "absence of good."ii In other words, man merely makes bad choices ...

Marie de France, Chretian de Troyes, and Courtly Love

the help of a lion that he rescues from a serpent (Braswell). As this illustrates, the story leaves plenty of room for Ywain to p...

Life and Works of Agnes de Mille

ultimately offers the reader a look at a woman who would not give up and that makes it an inspirational book as well. In truth, th...

De Beers Control of the Diamond Market

over the years has seen many tactics used. The compnay would have external; offices of its own competing with the external purchas...

'Boule de Suif' by Guy de Maupassant

In 5 pages this famous short story by Guy de Maupassant is examined. There are 2 sources cited in the bibliography....

Miguel de Cervantes' Don Quijote de la Mancha

In five pages this story is examined in terms of its male and female characterizations. Four sources are cited in the bibliograph...

A Reading of Don Quixote de la Mancha by Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

imagine the author mocking him in the following description, "Having quite lost his wits, he fell into one of the strangest conce...