YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Alan E Kazdins Cognitive and Behavioral Approach to Conduct Disorder

Essays 1 - 30

Alan E. Kazdin's Cognitive and Behavioral Approach to Conduct Disorder

In ten pages DSM IV criteria is employed to define conduct disorder in a paper that distinguishes it from antisocial and border pe...

A.E. Kazdin's 'Conduct Disorders in Childhood and Adolescence'

Methodology Kazdin all but dismisses the effectiveness of pharmacotherapeutic intervention, contending that there is...

Borderline Personality Disorder and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Treatment

to have their first interactions with a person with BPD as a result of emergency room visits following suicidal attempts. The the...

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) Used in the Treatment of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

a result, more diagnoses have been made (Grinage, 2003). It is now something that is also associated with trauma stemming from chi...

Cognitive Therapy : Addiction & Trauma

specifically the division of artificial intelligence (Boeree, 2000). Some of the major players are Tolman, Piaget, Bandura, Chomsk...

Bipolar Effect on Learning

& Adolescent Bipolar Foundation, 2007). The advanced imaging technologies have allowed scientists to scan the brains of bipolar p...

Various Theories, Techniques and Applications of Behavioral Psychology

In a paper consisting of twelve pages worth of essays on the subject of cognitive or behavioral therapy various applicable topics ...

Conduct Disorder from 2 Perspectives

cruel to people * has been physically cruel to animals * has stolen while confronting a victim (e.g., mugging, purse snatching, ...

A Trio of Perspectives on Antisocial Personality Disorder

defense mechanisms (Chapter Sixteen). They are difficult in therapy because their psychic structure is so poorly constructed; it ...

One Possible Intervention for Schizophrenia

There have been a number of psychotherapeutic approaches used to treat schizophrenia and other serious mental disorders. The one d...

TwoTypes of Therapeutic Interventions

There is confusion when someone talks about cognitive therapy or behavioral therapy alone because since the 1960s, these have give...

MAOA and Conduct Disorder

the correlation between incidences of maltreatment and increased risk for antisocial behavior (Sluzki, 2007). The Caspi, et al, s...

Adolescent Depression And Cognitive Behavior Therapy

29 percent of the entire group of patients at the beginning of the study (Weeks, 2004; NIMH, 2005). This rate was reduced in all f...

Counseling and Behavioral Therapy

cognitive behavioral treatments, including Stress Inoculation Training (SIT), prolonged exposure,and cognitive processing therapy,...

Approaches to Psychology

as cycle speed follows no set pattern and can overlap one another within the maturation process. "In early developmental theories...

Treatment Approaches and PTSD

This research paper offers description of several different approach to treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The ...

Different Types of Sociological Research Approaches

those aspects (religion) and rather than offering alternatives, asks the subject to place religion on a sliding scale of importanc...

Mathews and MacLeod's 'Cognitive approaches to emotion and emotional disorders' Reviewed

In five pages this report reviews and article featured in 1994's Annual Review of Psychology. There is 1 source cited in the bibl...

Family Therapy Approaches

In five pages Bowen's reciprocal relationship concepts, Milan's systemic theories, and cognitive and behavioral approaches are app...

Troubled Teens: SUDs and DBDs in Adolescent Populations

226) and occurs in as much as 26 percent of the adolescent population, and include alcohol, tobacco and illegal substance use. Su...

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy

In fourteen pages and 4 parts this paper examines PTSD and Albert Ellis' REBT in a study recommendations for the combination of Po...

Two Articles on Disabled Veterans

In six pages 2 articles pertaining to veterans with disabilities are compared with a discussion of post traumatic stress disorder ...

Depression and PTSD Treatment

depression disorder is the post partum depression that often results after a woman has given birth. Post Traumatic Stress Disor...

Borderline Personality Disorder and Social Perspectives

BPD as a result of emergency room visits following suicidal attempts. The theoretical basis and etiology of the disorder is relat...

Overview of Disassociative Identity Disorder

In eleven pages behavioral and cognitive perspectives are employed in an examination of disassociative identity disorder. Ten sou...

An Examination of Borderline Personality Disorder

process works. The job of developing a mathematical equation can be quite complex because there has to be some idea of the nature...

The Use of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in the Treatment of Panic Attacks

completely harmless. In many ways a panic attack is reminiscent of the fight-or-flight response which arises in frightening situat...

Behavioral Intervention Regarding Conduct Disorder in the Community

to measure conduct disorder (Kazdin, 1995, 45) " Kazdins "Conduct Disorders in Childhood and Adolescence"...

Cognitive Behavior Therapy and Bipolar Disorder

have been shown to help patients, including "cognitive behavior therapy and interpersonal therapy" (Oerlinghausen, Berghofer and B...


and emotionally unbalancing illnesses they truly are to the adolescent population. Studies have pinpointed six cognitive elements...