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Blacks and Their History as Guided by Reconstruction

equality to all its citizens. Historians have argued that the U.S. was doomed to fight the Civil War when it wrote a Constitution...

Cause And Effects Of Reconstruction Period Between 1865 And 1896

to the whites blatant disregard for such legal safeguards. Fear resided at the crux of this indifference toward the law, inasmuch...

History of Blackface Minstrelsy

Black minstrelsy and its role throughouth the history of Black American culture is discussed within the context of Eileen Southern...

U.S. Civil War and Styles of Reconstruction

how Presidential reconstruction was focused on rapid healing, and then discusses how Radical reconstruction was aimed at designing...

Kenneth Stammp's The Era of Reconstruction 1865-1877

In five pages this paper examines this author's attempts to emphasizes the similarities between the Civil War and the Reconstructi...

Protests Against Black History Month

abolished. Like Killfile, Cox sees Black History Month as a modern form of segregation, referring to it as the "intellectual equiv...

The Culture, History and Artistry of Black America

vision, no true identity, and certainly does not connect with his African American culture. His mother, however, changes some o...

Post Civil Rights Movement and Black Leadership

In a paper that consists of three pages the history of the U.S. black civil rights movement is examined in terms of mainstream soc...

Afghanistan National Development Strategy (ANDS)

Security; Governance Rule of Law & Human Rights; Infrastructure & Natural Resources; Education; Health; Agriculture & Rural Develo...

Analysis of Race Matters by Cornel West

In eleven pages this 1993 text is examined in terms of individual chapters that deal with Malcolm X's black society influence mobi...

Black and White Objectives During the US Reconstruction Era

Confederate states would succumb to the ongoing imprisonment of slavery. It appeared as though the white man did not want to part...

Free Black Men and the Reconstruction in South Carolina

if the South were to win, those in the Confederate states would succumb to the ongoing imprisonment of slavery. It appeared as th...

Race Relations, Slavery, and the U.S. Civil War

In twenty five pages this paper examines the slavery and race issues that culminated in the U.S. Civil War and examines the Jim Cr...

A Review of Freedom Road

A 5 page overview of the book Howard Fast. The focus is on the reconstruction era. Although the slaves had been freed, black whi...

African-Americans and Reconstruction

organizations as the Freedmens Bureau and "Northern benevolent societies," and "after 1868, state governments" (Building the black...

Post-Reconstruction, African American Leaders

This essay begins by describing the stance of Booker T. Washington, W.E.B. Du Bois, Mary McLeod Bethune, and Marcus Garvey on the...

3 Brain Function Book Reviews

In nine pages this paper presents an annotated bibliography and review of Synaptic Self, A User's Guide to the Brain, and The Prim...

The History of Black America as a Component of American History

5 pages and 3 sources. This paper outlines the different elements of Black American history, with a focus on the significant role...

Guidance of the Angel Raphael in Paradise Lost by John Milton

In ten pages this paper analyzes the guide role of the angel Raphael in the epic poem Paradise Lost by John Milton....

How to Use History According to David E. Sutton and Alexander and Sonia Alland

This is a research paper consisting of five pages that compares how history can serve as both guide in inspiration as illustrated ...

US South and Reconstruction's Impact

to what should be done in the area of reconstructing after the Civil War. THE POLITICAL SITUATION AFTER THE WAR Needless to say ...

The Reconstruction Period of American History from 1865 until 1877

the emancipation of slaves (Burkart, n.d.). * Radical Republicans had another idea, those 11 states should be reverted to territor...

'The Color Line' as Perceived by W.E.B. Du Bois

purely social we can be separate as the five fingers, and yet one as the hand in all things essential to mutual progress" (quoted ...

The Civil War and Black Americans Who Fought

6 pages and 6 sources. This paper cosiders the African American experience in the American Civil War. This paper relates the exp...

Black Panther Movement: Misconceptions

This 3 page paper gives an overview of the Black Panther Movement. This paper includes the history of the Black Panther Party and ...

Black Films and Hip Hop Music Videos: Race Representation

is a mixed bag. In films that parody the past like Undercover Brother and in music videos, the most watched genre of film today by...

Would Black Reparations be Redistributive Justice?

our current system of redistributive taxation follows a set pattern that is characterized by an inherent inequality between those ...

Struggle for Black Equality from the Reconstruction to the Present Time

the same way livestock was cared for, consequently they even lacked the experience to care for their most basic of needs (McGuire ...

History and Reconstruction of the Boat of Pharaoh

building, which differ markedly from those in the sealed chamber were it rested for over 4,000 years (Farouk and Grace, 1997). I...

An Examination of American History from 1865 until 1920

as some type of punishment. According to Burkin (1999), the question of the black "freedmen" was also a thorny one. Some politic...