YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Breast Cancer Prevention Strategies

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Breast Cancer Prevention Strategies

This research paper reviews recent research that indicates prevention strategies that affect overall risk for breast cancer. Six p...

Tamoxifen Study and Prevention of Breast Cancer

ductal or lobular carcinoma in situ (35 cases in the tamoxifen group vs. 69 cases in the placebo group). Nine participants have di...

Current Perspectives Overview Regarding Prevention of Breast Cancer

In five pages the problem of breast cancer is first introduced with relevant preventative facts outlined and then a review regardi...

2000 Treatment Program for Cervical and Breast Cancer Prevention

of Cancer Prevention and Control, 2004). Cervical cancer could be eliminated if every woman had regular Pap tests because this te...

Coping Strategies and Breast Cancer

In a paper consisting of twelve pages the field of nursing is discussed in terms of breast cancer, coping strategies, and how nurs...

Cervical and Breast Cancer and Nutrition's Effects

of cell cycle progression change when cells become cancerous. One of these aspects is the proto-oncoprotein c-Src (Taylor and Sha...

Breast Cancer Risk

order to come to an uninformed answer to the research questions. Statistical analysis was not undertaken due to the inconsistenc...

About Breast Cancer

"uninhibited in her sexual expression, regardless of her prior inclinations" (Thorne and Murray, 2000, p. 142). She will probably ...

Current Literature Overview on Breast Cancer

In a paper consisting of twelve pages breast cancer issues are examined in terms of relevant current literature coverage of the di...

Cancer Survival, Role of Attitude, Optimism

This research paper offers an overview description of "Aunt Phyllis," a breast cancer survivor who is experiencing emotional diffi...

Issues Involving Breast Cancer

In a report that contains five pages issues and factors involving breast cancer are presented in an informational overview that co...

Overview of Breast Cancer

In eight pages this paper provides an informative overview on breast cancer and includes discussion of its occurrence, causes, fre...

African American Women and Breast Cancer

percent, while rates among black women increase 1 percent, says the National Cancer Institute). Although White women are more li...

Preventing Cancer with Green Tea

This research report takes a look at a variety of literature on the subject. Prostate and breast cancer are the diseases given the...

Cancer Chemopreventative Agents and Their Effects

In five pages the article by Wendy Smith, Jamal Arif, and R. Gupta entitled 'Effects of cancer chemopreventative agents on microso...

Overview of Breast Cancer

This research paper presents an overview of several different issues that apply to breast cancer. Topics surveyed include discussi...

Diet and Cancer

between certain types of food and cancers (Emery, 1999). In exploring dietary recommendations for people with cancer of the colon...

Connection Between Cancer and Diet

were pasta, white bread and rice (2002). Researchers have suspected that women who eat a lot of refined carbohydrates do not get e...

Lance Armstrong and the notion 'Its Not About the Bike'

on Armstrongs body but the real heroics are attributable to the man and to the body itself! Armstrong was diagnosed with te...

Teaching about Breast Cancer

prefer the least invasive surgical option, others prefer the traditional approach (Katz and Hawley, 2007). Therefore, a major topi...

How Breast Cancer Effects Women

This 7 page paper gives an overview of the psychological effects of breast cancer on women. This paper includes effects before and...

Breast Cancer in Women

"uninhibited in her sexual expression, regardless of her prior inclinations" (Thorne and Murray, 2000, p. 142). She will probably ...

IBC Inflammatory Breast Cancer

dose of antibiotics, after which time -- when the indications do not disappear -- further testing in the form of biopsy, ultrasoun...

Nurse's Knowledge of Breast Cancer Screening

out care. Though there is a need for health care providers as a whole to have a greater awareness of the diagnostic process for b...

Breast Cancer and Early Detection

In six pages this report considers a campaign of public awareness and the importance on early intervention in the detection of bre...

Hormone Replacement Therapy and Breast Cancer

In twenty pages this report discusses the link between breast cancer and postmenopausal estrogen replacement therapy with pros and...

Case Study/Breast Cancer

to replace lost cells or to repair damaged tissue and once this task has been achieved, "proliferation-repressing signals" are act...


Wisdom, 2004). Between 1990 and 2000, breast cancers diagnosed earlier (thus leading to a higher survival rate), increase...

Genetic Disorder - Breast Cancer

Hecht, 2008). Breast cancer in both men and women is a genetic disorder but it is not necessarily hereditary (U.S. National Librar...

Breast Cancer Examination

but it is not uncommon for breast masses that develop in this area to be malignant. Determining the presence of a breast mass is ...