YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Bruce Lees Philosophy

Essays 1 - 30

Bruce Lee’s Philosophy

who indicates that Lee possessed "Philosophical notions of action and inaction, self and not-self, voidness and wholeness, spontan...

Influence and Influential Bruce Lee Film Enter the Dragon

the Bond films (Antulov, 2004). They all seem to come together on some lonely little island, in the middle of nowhere, where th...

Martial Arts and Screen Legend Bruce Lee

in Hollywood features he decided to pack up his wife Linda and two young children and move to Hong Kong, where his ambitions would...

Films of Actor Bruce Lee

style, but did not really have the time to focus on its development until he suffered from a back injury and spent numerous months...


Study, detailed three case studies that introduced a multi-pronged method when it came to the treatment and potential of patients ...

Two Topics: Grant, Lee and Reflection on Writing

final paragraph, Catton makes his last and most significant point, which is that the greatest of their similarities was the abilit...

The Struggle of Assimilation

In a paper consisting of 6 pages the struggles encountered by a Korean man and a black man in white community assimilation are exa...

A Review of the Film, Synthetic Pleasures

This paper analyzes Ira Lee's film, Synthetic Pleasures. The author criticizes Lee's lack of any clear, organizational plot or th...

Spike Lee's Do The Right Thing

solely for blasting rap music on his boom box. A local DJ, Mister Senor Love Daddy, who operates a radio station also acts as a co...

Robert Burns' Poetry and Poetic Devices

In five pages 5 of Robert Burns' poems are analyzed in terms of metrical structure and literary devices including 'Robert Bruce's ...

Comparing Salinger's Catcher with Lee's Mockingbird

This essay contrasts and compares J.D. Salinger's coming of age novel Catcher in the Rye with Harper Lee's account of a Southern c...

Robert E. Lee

name, having done nothing to be reprimanded for (American Civil War, 2008). In 1831 he got married to Mary Ann Randolph Cu...

Painter Lee Krasner

works than the colossal The Eye is the First Circle (about 93" x 191" or about eight by sixteen feet), for example. Here her art...

Greatness of Robert E. Lee

In nine pages this paper discusses the greatness of General Robert E. Lee in a twenty source annotated bibliography....

Education and Philosophy

In nine pages this paper examines teaching philosophies in this overview that explores the relationship between philosophy and edu...

Meditations on First Philosophy by Rene Descartes

The revolutionary philosophy of Rene Descartes as it is presented within Meditations on First Philosophy is explained in an essay ...

Comparative Philosophical Analysis of David Hume and George Berkeley

In five pages this report compares Hume and Berkeley in terms of their philosophies' differences and similarities particularly as ...

Philosophy's Role and Defense of Socrates in Apology by Plato

In two pages this paper examines philosophy's role and human activity purpose as well as Socrates' defense as represented in Apolo...

Phillips/Socrates Cafe

pundits or the mainstream media happen to be handing out at the moment. This is a process that rekindles a "child-like--but by no ...

Spike Lee's When the Levees Broke

Lee, what the victims share is that they had little before Katrina and now have nothing (Samuels 94). It should be noted, howeve...

Themes: To Kill a Mockingbird

one gets the understanding that bravery and courage had nothing to do with being strong in a violent sense. It had nothing to do w...

Abortion: Unborn Human Life by Patrick Lee

that this is necessarily the moment it became a human being worthy and deserving of life. In Lees work he notes that "The majori...

The American Dream: Harper Lee and John Steinbeck

who is noble, honest, and humble. He fights for the rights of an African American accused of raping a white woman even though the ...

Telling More Than a Good Story in Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird

but a poor teacher, and we learn this more and more as the story unfolds. We further see this important theme, that being which...

Film and American Culture

everyone reveals their powerful inner human side, and all comes out well in the end. Some may argue that this film depicts the ...

Film Review of To Kill a Mockingbird

of play. The summer is very representative of a simplistic and conservative community, giving us an ideal setting in a simpler tim...

Malcolm X Film by Spike Lee Historically Reviewed

also shows how the Nation of Islam similarly rehabilitated other prostitutes and drug dealers during the time, "providing moral gu...

Film She's Gotta Have It by Director Spike Lee

of her three suitors, a sex therapist, her father and her former roommate, and a lesbian acquaintance (Shes Gotta Have It). Nolas ...

Khaled Hosseini, Mark Twain, and Harper Lee on Childhood

I tried for a second or two to brace up and out with it, but I warnt man enough--hadnt the spunk of a rabbit. I see I was weakeni...

Spike Lee’s ‘New York State of Mind’

lens but by the filmmakers imagination and based upon the unique New York experiences contained within a particular neighborhood e...