Essays 1 - 30

Superpower Status of China

the low-end retailers like Wal-Mart are able to supply inexpensive goods, low income Americans will remain satisfied and uncritica...

Politics and Economies of Russia and China

In six pages the changes that have resulted since Communism's collapse are considered in terms of the economies and politics of Ru...

Economic Superpower Status and China

In ten pages this paper discusses China's economic progression since 1987 in an assessment of whether or not it is moving toward g...

The Development of China as a Significant Economic Force

5 pages and 5 sources used. This paper provides a view of the nature of change in China and the impact of economic change and tra...

India and China: Emerging Superpowers?

the CIA tells us that India has a diverse economy that encompasses "traditional village farming, modern agriculture, handicrafts, ...


Discusses if China has achieved a superpower status. There are 6 sources listed in the bibliography of this 5-page paper....


become the power that it has become. Some call the transformation - in less than 30 years - nothing short of a miracle....

Asian Dominance of China

Organization are quite varied. Many advantages can possibly be felt in China now including some of the following: * Energy...

1587, A Year of No Significance by Ray Huang

In five pages this paper examines the 1587 collapse of China's Ming dynasty as depicted in Ray Huang's text....

Will the Dragon Rise Again? Reviewed

In three pages this paper discusses China's post Confucianism cultural and philosophical transitions within the context of this bo...

China’s Involvement with Tibet

hierarchies strengthened (Tibet - Its Ownership and Human Rights Situation, 2003). But it became clear that China was the predomi...

American Foreign Policy with China

improve conditions relative to human rights and to divert attention away from nuclear proliferation to other, more constructive pu...

Is The Rise Of China Real

of the United States. Trade accounts for 70 percent of Chinas GDP (Venables and Yueh, 2006). By comparison, trade accounts for 20...

US-China Trade 2008

Chinas "Exports to the U.S. rose 9.9 percent in the first seven months of 2008 from a year earlier after gaining 8.9 percent in th...

China's Role in the International Steel Industry

and put them to sound business use meant to be the only ones doing so. Business people did not recognize the value of competition...

Afghanistan National Development Strategy (ANDS)

Security; Governance Rule of Law & Human Rights; Infrastructure & Natural Resources; Education; Health; Agriculture & Rural Develo...

Aviation Industry in China

well as the local factor conditions. The industry we will consider is the passenger aviation industry in China. This include all...

Google in China

Googles own definition of acceptability has been difficult in China. Google resisted Chinese censorship for some time, making a C...

U.S./China Relations and the Administration of President Barack Obama

of the American debt. The Obama administration needs to formulate a concise and impartial view of the Chinese military and satisf...

Influences on International Relations between the European Union and China

internally reduce in terms of the distance this places an increased emphasis on the proximity of external actors. Increased common...

How will Yum! Brands and WalMart Be Impacted by a Change in the Yuan Exchange Rate

a further 20% this will have a financial impact on US firms, the impact will depend on the type of transactions undertaken by the ...

Hong Kong and China Economics

In ten pages the economic histories of China and Hong Kong are discussed in an assessment of pros and cons regarding China's rappr...

China and Christianity

one more thing that has plagued groups around the world, and that is religious persecution. In fact, a conservative lobbying group...

China and the United States' Trade Relationship

In five pages this paper examines free trade in an overview of various issues including China's agriculture and the trade relation...

Self Strengthening Movement of China

Western barbarians," a position supported by several other historians, including Wilson (1993). Increasing Contact with th...

Imports from Mexico and China and Their Impact Uponn U.S. Manufacturing

the U.S.? A huge trade deficit -- and loss of millions of manufacturing jobs (Anonymous, 2004). In terms of the trade deficit, acc...

Media and Film Documentaries in China

which provided free education, pensions, and social services to the people and peasants. Instead, the self-sacrificing citizen of ...

International Cooperation and Chinese Competition Law

China in the direction of greater economic and personal freedom by adopting a consistent, long-run policy that normalizes trade re...

The Transformation of China in the 20th Century

and 3. Chinas policy towards the Soviet Union and its leaders as opposed to those it formulated in regard to the U.S. and its lea...

Pollution and China

9.8% in 2001" (Balfour, 2005; 122). In addition, it is noted that, according to the World Bank, that China possesses 6 out of the ...