YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Carpe Diem Poems by Herrick and Donne

Essays 31 - 60

'The Flea' by John Donne, Meaning and Metaphor

imagery and emotional intensity alone, but by considering the social context that they grew out of and how they address it, a whol...

Literature and Nature Images

the hierarchy, to base matter, at its lowest level, with man and the natural world between the two, and Donnes commentary reflects...

'The Bait' by John Donne

lover on the edge of being lost. Donne promises that lover that if she abides with the callers wished she will be rewarded with g...

Metaphysical Conceit in the Poetry of John Donne and George Herbert

In eleven pages the concept of 'metaphysical conceit' and how it is stressed in the poems of Herbert and Donne are discussed in th...

John Donne's 'The Flea' and Seduction Meanings

In five pages this paper examines the meaning of seduction within the context of this poem by John Donne. One source is cited in ...

Seduction of Women Through Logic in the Poetry of Andrew Marvell and John Donne

The ways in which logic is employed to seduce women are discussed in a six page comparative analysis of the poems 'To His Coy Mist...

Paradox and Metaphor in 'Batter My Heart' by John Donne

In five pages this paper considers paradox and metaphor as each is represented in this poem by John Donne. There are no other sou...

Death in the Poems of John Donne

In five pages this paper analyzes how the theme of death and John Donne's depression regarding death are reflected in 2 of his 'Ho...

John Donne's Poetry and Themes of Love and Death

In ten pages John Donne's poetry including 'Valediction Forbidding Mourning,' 'The Sunne Rising,' and 'The Anniversary' are exami...

Religion and Romance in John Donne's Poetry

In six pages this report discusses how religion manifests itself in John Donne's love poetry with the soul's passions and spiritua...

Fear Of Death in the Poems of Donne and Dunbar

This paper discusses ways in which death is used as an allegory or theme on Jon Donne's, Death Be Not Proud, and William Dunbar's,...

John Donne and God

to its logical conclusion, reasoning, that there was nothing in the power of humanity capable of effecting personal salvation. The...

Montaigne, Donne, Spencer on Repentance

bodie in salt water smarting sore, The filthy blots of sinne to washe away, So in short space, they did to health restore The man...

Themes of Death and Disease in John Donne, Thom Jones, and Margaret Edson

Edson shows how Vivian uses her poetry as a means for tenaciously clinging to her identity as a person. However, it also becomes c...

Andrew Marvell and John Donne's Neo Platonism

to be a tumultuous coupling that would inspire some of the greatest and most controversial works of Western prose. I. Neo-Platoni...

John Donne

take on religion and his faith which would later lead to his renouncing the Catholic Church (Jokinen). In many ways Donne ...

Mourning and Separaton in the Poems of John Donne and W.H. Auden

died. The poet feels that the entire world, in fact, should be in mourning as even "public doves" should have "crepe bows" around ...

My Last Duchess by Robert Browning

This essay offers an analystical discussion of Browning's most famous poem, My Last Duchess. The writer discusses the dramatic si...

Characteristics of John Donne's Poetry

In five pages this paper discusses the poetry of John Donne in a consideration of their various characteristics including the blen...

John Donne's Sonnets Five and Eleven

In four pages this paper applies Stanley Archer's examination method to Sonnets 5 and 11 by John Donne. There are no other source...

Online Researching of John Donne's 17th Century Poetry

In eight pages this paper discusses how to conduct Internet research on this topic with a consideration of the websites to be used...

John Milton and John Donne's Metaphysical Poetry

In nine pages this paper analyzes the poetry of John Donne and John Milton in terms of the metaphysical aspects of each poet's wor...

Comparing Poems about War to Beowulf

it is essentially the duty of this narrator. Beowulf is a man who sees his duty as that which involves risking his life. He goes...

Poe/Annabel Lee

a child and she was a child/In this kingdom by the sea" (lines 7-8). These lines, as do the opening lines of the poem, establish a...

Gary Soto/”Oranges”

trees carry with them the promise of spring and new growth, new beginnings, which is evocative of the fact that the two children s...

Afghanistan National Development Strategy (ANDS)

Security; Governance Rule of Law & Human Rights; Infrastructure & Natural Resources; Education; Health; Agriculture & Rural Develo...

Robert Lowell/Skunk Hour

farmer/is first selectman in our village;/shes in her dotage" (lines 4-6). As these lines indicate, the poem is in free verse. B...

Afghanistan Development - Review And Recommendations

nations employ many Afghans. On April 29-30, 2007, Afghanistan held the Fourth Afghanistan Development Forum (ADF) in Kabul (Afg...

Assessment of an IT Web Site

include a jobs section as well as a section containing white papers across a large number of different areas such as SOX complianc...

Literature Review for Use in a Project on Leadership in Kuwait

or values. It is by understanding leadership and its influences that the way leadership may be encouraged and developed in the con...