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Case Study/Breast Cancer

to replace lost cells or to repair damaged tissue and once this task has been achieved, "proliferation-repressing signals" are act...

Ghana, West Africa Case Study on Breast Cancer, Behavior, Attitudes, and Knowledge

detected are already in the later incurable stages (Jones, 1999). There are many arguments regarding issues such the ethical res...

Research Results on Ghana, West Africa Case Study on Breast Cancer

Research Report, 2002). Figure 1; Respondents Age Group Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid Age...

Cervical and Breast Cancer and Nutrition's Effects

of cell cycle progression change when cells become cancerous. One of these aspects is the proto-oncoprotein c-Src (Taylor and Sha...

Article Overview of 'Rotating Night Shifts and Risk of Breast Cancer in Women Participating in the Nurses' Health Study'

in general, and the risk of breast cancer in premenopausal and postmenopausal American women. Sampling Procedures The sampling...

Tamoxifen Study and Prevention of Breast Cancer

ductal or lobular carcinoma in situ (35 cases in the tamoxifen group vs. 69 cases in the placebo group). Nine participants have di...

Qualitative Study Death Sentence' to 'Good Cancer' Couples' Transformation of a Prostate Cancer Reviewed

objective in conducting their study was to "describe the experience of men who are diagnosed with prostate cancer and their wives,...

Bone Cancer Case Study and Nursing Interventions

nurses as they engage in diagnostic, prescriptive, and regulatory operations of nursing" (Horan, Doran and Timmins, 2004, p. 30). ...

Breast Cancer Risk

order to come to an uninformed answer to the research questions. Statistical analysis was not undertaken due to the inconsistenc...

About Breast Cancer

"uninhibited in her sexual expression, regardless of her prior inclinations" (Thorne and Murray, 2000, p. 142). She will probably ...

Current Literature Overview on Breast Cancer

In a paper consisting of twelve pages breast cancer issues are examined in terms of relevant current literature coverage of the di...

Cancer Survival, Role of Attitude, Optimism

This research paper offers an overview description of "Aunt Phyllis," a breast cancer survivor who is experiencing emotional diffi...

Breast Cancer Examination

but it is not uncommon for breast masses that develop in this area to be malignant. Determining the presence of a breast mass is ...

An Article on Breast Cancer Patients and Food Choices Critiqued

been the principal focus in current research (1997). Studies focusing on school children generally include a food preference compo...

Preventing Cancer with Green Tea

This research report takes a look at a variety of literature on the subject. Prostate and breast cancer are the diseases given the...

Overview of Breast Cancer

This research paper presents an overview of several different issues that apply to breast cancer. Topics surveyed include discussi...

African American Women and Breast Cancer

percent, while rates among black women increase 1 percent, says the National Cancer Institute). Although White women are more li...

Cancer Chemopreventative Agents and Their Effects

In five pages the article by Wendy Smith, Jamal Arif, and R. Gupta entitled 'Effects of cancer chemopreventative agents on microso...

How to Cope with Breast Cancer

women cope with this diagnosis. The following examination of this body of research demonstrates that while some studies are inform...

Cancer Detection and Breast Self Examination

In an analysis of the study, throughout 1994, doctors had diagnosed breast cancer in 144 of the women getting regular screenings a...

Breast Cancer, Qualitative, Quantitative Research,

This research paper address the differences and relationship between quantitative and qualitative research metrology by utilizing ...

Breast Cancer Support Group Grant Proposal

In five pages this paper proposes a study and literature review on how breast cancer survivors benefit from support groups. Five ...

Breast Cancer and Birth Control Sample Research

recorded dropped out of the study because of illness or death (U.S. Newswire, 2002). In addition, none of the media stories mentio...


This is not to suggest that families cant be trendy or countercultural. But the problem with anything trendy or countercultural is...

Case Study on Toxic Waste Exporting and Ethics

of employment at the plant instead of clear skies. The issue for shareholders, the board and executives, at lest is bottom line p...

Teaching about Breast Cancer

prefer the least invasive surgical option, others prefer the traditional approach (Katz and Hawley, 2007). Therefore, a major topi...

Lance Armstrong and the notion 'Its Not About the Bike'

on Armstrongs body but the real heroics are attributable to the man and to the body itself! Armstrong was diagnosed with te...

Case Study of Dow Corning

In three pages a case study of Dow Corning is presented in the answers to 5 questions regarding the controversy of silicone breast...

Breast Cancer and Mammogram Screening

dense or fatty breasts. Poplack, et al. (2000) provide definitions that can be applied to the more general patient. "Screening i...

Examination of Breast Cancer

& Estrin, 2003). However, a core biopsy or incisional biopsy is when just a small part of the tissue is used ( Pfeuffer & Estrin, ...