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Essays 1 - 30

Century of Air Cargo 21st Century

This paper consisting of 5 pages examines the support for the notion that air cargo is the 21st century industry and its problems ...

Nineteenth through Twenty First Centuries' Global Power Shifts

Germany and Italy were not major players in the global empire race of the 19th century as they had just become unified until the 1...

Twentieth Century Events That Will Affect the Twenty First Century

In ten pages this paper considers certain events of the twentieth century that will register a major twenty first century impact. ...

Preventing Twentieth Century Mistakes From Repeating

This paper examines the major mistakes and follies of Twentieth-Century society and discusses how they can be prevented from occur...

The Twenty-First Century and the First Century Compared

the Apostles in the Bible helps us realize that nearly a generation passed before the events of Jesus life were recorded into the ...

Paul Kennedy's Preparing for the Twenty First Century

general. Kennedy does an admirable job of demonstrating how the population explosion that the world is currently experiencing is i...

Teacher Training for the 21st Century

traditional pedagogies are inadequate to meet the needs of the 21st century and that education paradigms that were created in the ...

Development by Eras

Child development theories did not really come to fore until the late 19th and early 20th centuries. In fact, the word ‘childhood’...

The Air Cargo Industry

its vision on areas other than China. Current Situation "Our industry in 2007 will grapple as it always has with the challe...

Twenty First Century eCommerce

In eight pages this essay analyzes how ecommerce is the 21st century's premier forum for business and companies must be online in ...

Depictions of Aboriginal People in Australia 1729 - 2006

Overell, 1993). A more civilised image was put forward by Hawkesworth in 1773 when editing the account of Captain Cooks voyage. ...


can do, therefore, is to do his/her best, learn as much as s/he can from the organization, then move on (either voluntarily or inv...

Gay History

In five pages this paper considers the history of homosexuality in ancient Greece, Japan of the seventeenth century, England of th...

18th Century Painter Francisco de Goya and His Influence

In fifteen pages this paper explores how Goya's 18th century paintings influenced 19th century Impressionists and 20th century Exp...

Revolution Concept of Jacques Ellul

In five pages this paper examines Jacques Ellul's concept of revolution within the context of European history from the sixteenth ...

World History and Ethnic Group Persecution

The main reason why the Huguenots were unpopular with the majority in France during the time period was because they were not of t...

History Of Child Rearing Practices

(Hulbert, 1999). More children were attending school towards the middle of the century and the trend in education was away from th...

Los Angeles Air Pollution and Healthy People 2010

2008). Further significant improvement is unlikely in the near future, however. Californias Efforts Governor Arnold Schwar...

Gore Vidal: “Creation”

Herodotus (Vidal). Herodotus was an actual historical figure, known as both the "father of history" and the "father of lies." Here...

Henrik Ibsen's A Doll's House as a Reflection of 19th Century Social Issues

In four pages this paper examines how the playwright represents social issues in this 19th century dramatic play....

Peace, Power, Leadership, Vladimir Lenin and Mohandas K. Gandhi

In five pages this paper discusses the obvious differences but also notes surprising similarities between these 20th century leade...

John Stephens' Incidents of Travel in Yucatan

This 19th century text is analyzed in ten pages. Three sources are cited in the bibliography....

Historical Significance of Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad II

In five pages the twentieth century relevance of Heart of Darkness is considered in this historical perspective of Joseph Conrad's...

Early US Penitentiaries and 3 Concepts

In three pages this paper examines 3 concepts on 18th century penitentiaries with Pennsylvania and the Quaker influence the primar...

Twentieth Century Women's Changing Roles

This paper considers 20th century women's changing social roles with employment and family position among the topics discussed in ...

IRA Actions in Great Britain and Terrorism

are made define an abstract concept, there will always be some groups who are able to find exceptions to the definition because of...

Yugoslavian Cultural, Political, and Social Conflict

incorporated Serbs, Croats and Slovenes - three different ethnic groups, but a country in which the Serbians formed the dominant c...

Magdelena and Balthasar by Steven Ozmet and Religious Controversies

Redeemer" (Ozment 14). As a result, Magdalena and Balthasar not only put their faith in good health in the various medical remedi...

Differences in Gender in the Peasant Residences of Central Europe and Southeast Asia

tended to marry much earlier in Europe than in Asia. Both peasant groups seemed to have grown grain crops: rice in Asia and whea...


all that terrific. What is wrong with this picture? Why would an elderly man put himself through such discomfort, simply to...