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Discussion About Unions

When unions were first established and for decades later into the early to mid-1950s, they provided fairer wages, safer working co...

Discussion Questions on Classroom Discussions

In a paper of three pages, the writer looks at discussions carried out in the classroom. The pedagogical value of these discussion...

Labor Unions in Mexico

affiliated with the Partido Revolucionario Institucional (PRI), through the Confederation of Workers of Mexico (CTM), which is as...

Overview of Trade Unions and Their Functions

European Union Treaty. The Competition Bill is intended to clarify the numerous ineffective laws currently on British Books and i...

U.S. and Japan Labor Laws Compared

to decide on the "levels of the salaries and bonus payments" (The Akahata PG). This is done by using a joint-consultation of unio...

Soviet Union's 1991 Collapse

its own borders, but the economic benefits were dispelled by the inefficient disbursement. Basically, the government of the Sovie...

Humanistic Leadership & Nursing Unions

with humanity, that is, to be humanistic in ones orientation refers to the principles of humanism, which has been given a variety ...

U.S. Labor Unions

The movement opened doors for women and African Americans that had up until then been shut tight. In short, the Knights of Labor ...

Discounts, Pricing, and EU Competition Law

seen as an agreement that fixed "price, price ranges or other related conditions" (Weatherill and Beaumont, 2000). The article its...

AFL CIO and Democratic Elections

In twenty pages the factors leading towards the AFL CIO's first democratic election are chronicled with a discussion of the Wagner...

Overview of European Monetary Union

In five pages the European Union and the European Monetary Union are examined in a discussion of the issues that relate to each al...

Will a Union Presence and Collective Bargaining result in Increase Wages Bills

Thatcher decided to break the unions, as it was argued this would be beneficial to businesses, help them grow, become more efficie...

1990s' Labor Unions

overall labor movement are experiencing sustained and vigorous growth. Edelisa Wolf, an $11.25-an-hour waitress at the MGM Grand ...

Complex Union of Marriage

does begin to notice the details of her life that she used to overlook, such as returning home, windblown and sunburned, and disco...

The Confederacy and the United States - Self-Definition

by the Founders, who felt that a strong central authority was possibly the only way to cut down on factionalism, which they felt w...

The Changing Role Priorities Of Trade Unions

of the unions may be argued as changing, with decreasing membership, holding onto every area in which they may be able to influenc...

Expansion of the European Union

the membership of the CEECs as well as the internal reform of the which will be a precondition for the next enlargement" (2001). T...

Europe and Corporation Tax

In twelve pages European corporate taxation is examined with an examination of Germany and a discussion why the UK may not be able...

Union History and Reform Legislation

Union history is the focus of this paper consisting of ten pages in which the Wagner Act, the Taft Hartley Act, and the Labor Mana...

Nation State Status and European Citizenship

the wars fought over the last century, and more, have had the rise of nationalism as a root cause. This is certainly the case for ...

EU and International Trade Law

In twenty seven pages this paper examines international trade law in a discussion of its various aspects and how they pose threats...

European Union Membership, Luxembourg and France

the most pronounced socialist bent of all the European nations that were not formerly under communist rule before the fall of the ...

Cold War Ideological Separation of the United States and the Soviet Union

erupt. The years which fell during the Cold War was perhaps one of the most interesting periods of world history. The inte...

EU and Spain

In six pages this paper examines Spain's membership in the European Union in a discussion of its negative aspects. Five sources ...

The Paranoia That Led to the American Civil War

admittance was a critical one. At the time the scale was essentially balanced between those states that supported slavery and tho...

The North American Union

the development of programs" (Sanchez, 2007) and they also gave more instructions to their committees (Sanchez, 2007). At that ti...

Starbucks Coffee and International Marketing

In twenty pages this paper examines the global business rise of Starbucks, its successful international marketing strategies, and ...

The Division of Europe

help of the Soviets Europe would effectively be divided into two sections (1993). By the time 1950 rolled around, the world looke...

European Union and Future Budgetary Challenges

In sixteen pages a scenario is presented in which members of the European Union agree to the inclusion of Slovenia, Hungary, Polan...

Russia and Islam

production and distribution system, something called perestroika (1999). That contributed to the breakup of the centralized struc...