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Essays 1 - 30

Dysfunctional Family Counseling

telling Helen and Manny do not know where she is. They have a conflicting opinions about Derek as well. Derek has a part-time jo...

Counseling a Dysfunctional Family with Obesity

Family crisis). However, society itself is made up of smaller units, of which the family is one, and therefore structural function...

Structured Family Theory of Minuchin and Family Dysfunction

transformation, characterized by the organization of hierarchical positions and recurring transaction patterns between and among t...

Family Therapy and Dysfunctional Families

both parents exploit the children and treat them as possessions whose primary purpose is to respond to the physical and/or emotion...

George A. Reker's Counseling Families

parents hold down full-time jobs are the rule rather than the exception, and as Rekers has observed, this creates problems among b...

Television Situation Comedy Married With Children and Family Dysfunction

do. "With Ozzie and Harriet, everyone felt guilty," said Barbara Cadow, a psychologist at U.S.C. School of Medicine. "With these...

Differences Between Dysfunctional and Functional Families

Actions and behaviors therefore are at least partially the result of the inherent relationships that exist within the family. ...

Humanity and the Origin of Racial Prejudice

In nine pages this paper considers where prejudice among the races originated and compares the bias that Asian Americans and Afric...

Dysfunctional Families in Antigone and Oedipus the King by Sophocles

not have written them. Sophocles wrote "Antigone"(c. 442 B. C) and "Oedipus the King" (c. 425 B. C.) among numerous other works. ...

A Dysfunctional Family: “Bee Season” by Myla Goldberg

what they possess in the marriage. But, as the years go by it seems she is less and less interested in any intimacy with him. When...

The Dysfunctional Loman Family in Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller

In five pages the concept of the functional family is defined and then contrasted with the dysfunctions exhibited by the Loman cla...

Dysfunctional Families and Substance Abuse in Adolescents

following drug abuses were evaluated, marijuana, glue, other drugs, bought or drank alcohol, or drank alcohol at school. Wh...

Cognitive-Behavioral Family Therapy

This essay has attempted to provide a strong background in marriage and family counseling by reporting a brief history, the needs ...

When Parents Aren’t Parents: The Impact of Dysfunctional Parents on Their Children

that others do not. We need to understand the obstacles these children face in order to help them and by doing so, help society as...

Institutional Care, Legalities, and Ethics

of children in an institutional setting is at the very crux of ethical issues. Because the caretaker maintains control over the c...

Personal Philosophy for Counseling

to achieve real and positive change in their lives. When writing a personal essay based on this guide, the student should adapt ...

4 Approaches to Counseling

In eight pages the pastoral counseling of Charles Gerkin, the cognitive counseling of Frances Egan, the affective counseling of Ca...

'Why I Live at the P.O.' by Eudora Welty

workings of identity, however, there are grand variances that separate one person from the next when it gets past a superficial le...

Significance of Jesus Christ’s Death and Resurrection as Decay and Renewal in William Faulkner’s The Sound and the Fury

and one from their devoted black servant Dilsey Gibson and read like the gospels of the Bible in that observations of actual event...

Teddy And Lenny In The Homecoming By Harold Pinter

highly dysfunctional family adopted survival behaviors a long time before the play begins. Instead of getting mired in the chaos f...

Case Management, Sample Case on Structured Therapy

This 4 page paper offers a sample structured therapy case with assessment/evaluation, background, and treatment plan for a boy suf...

Assisting in Grief Counseling

left to deny anything connected with the loss, either before or after the fact. Those left behind also need to acknowledge the me...

Marriage Counseling - Case Study

delivery system, race, gender, and socioeconomic status have become important issues to consider when formulating therapeutic stra...

Counseling Across Cultural Lines

In the world of the 21st, counselors must take the culture of the person being counseled into consideration when deciding what cou...

The Use of Counseling and Career Support

24 pages and 15 sources used. This paper provides an overview of a survey of counseling professionals with a specific focus on ca...

Counselors' Codes of Ethics

that introduces concerns that differ somewhat from the client bases and environments found in other organizations....

Personal Counseling Reflections

counselor. Counselors not only have their own set of personal values, they hold a set of professional values. Confidentiality is o...

Ethics and Choice of Therapy

Masson and Harvill, 2009) While group therapy encompasses some tremendous advantages, it is also important to acknowledge that t...

Family Systems Theory

equilibrium" (Christian, 2006). Each of these features lies within their own continuum. For instance, while all families establish...

Native American Clients, Counseling

This essay pertains to counseling Native American clients. Four pages in length, four sources are cited. ...