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Evolution of Christianity from Judaic Roots

scholarly and historical thought on this subject offers guidance on these issues. Christianity "was born of Judaism: it was the ...

Continuity between Judaism and Christianity

any connections to the Jewish faith or even that "Jesus himself was Jewish" (Sandmel 251). However, this situation was very diff...

Nicaean Creed & Trinitarian Doctrine

A 15 page research paper that examines documents associated with the early Christian Church, such as "The Nicene Creed," as well ...

Jewish Roots of Christianity

In ten pages the Jewish roots of the Christian faith are exposed in a discussion of major contention points that existed, similari...

World Events, Bias, and Religious Prejudice

In seven pages this paper discusses such global events as sect to established religion transition, Medieval Christianity and Europ...

Christianity as a U.S. Double Edged Sword

of the supposed "truth" of some Christian believers to cut through the sin of the real world for the sake of the individual soul o...

Buddhism and Christianity

to enlightenment. The aim of the focus is to achieve an ultimate and final freedom from existence (Religious Tolerance [1], 2007)....

Christianity, Social Tolerance & Homosexuality

society, actually many shifts, that led to the current attitudes held by Christians today. For example, there was a time when peop...

Christian Worship and the Sacraments

By the 5th century, Christianity in the West was guarded by the bishop of Rome, the pope, who was the "final custodian of the doct...

Christianity and Evolution Compatibility

To understand however how different Christian groups understand evolution, it is important to understand the two different formula...

Native Americans and Religious Evolution Over a Century

The full circle evolution of Native Americans in terms of religion during the past century is examined in this paper consisting of...

Religion and Evolution

In eight pages Islam, Judaism, and Christianity are considered in a contrast and comparison of evolution theories. Six sources ar...

Jack Weatherford's 'Native Roots'

This is a book review consisting of 5 page that supports his belief that the basic constructs of society, culture, and politics in...

Jack Weatherford's 'Native Roots'

This is a paper consisting of 5 pages that considers the way the relationship between Native American communities and European set...

Debate of Creationism v. Evolution

In ten pages this research paper examines the ongoing debate and includes such topics as Darwin's theories and the reaction of the...

Roots and Routes

which focus on Judeo-Christian traditions and apply specific dogma to personal beliefs. Recognition of differences and openness...

Evolution of Social Welfare Policy in the United States

insurance approach to public welfare" (Historical development). That is, these public programs would "ensure that protection was a...

Religion in the History of Early America

faculties, they "won admirers by their eloquence" (Norton et al 33). The Jesuits drew on science to predict "solar and lunar eclip...

Evolution of Evil in Christianity

How evil evolved in Christian beliefs is the focus of this paper consisting of ten pages and how evil has changed in terms of soci...

Suffering and Evil

suffering: Why doesnt he participate, and why does he leave his faithful servants to suffer?5 These questions are fundamental to...

Jewish and Islamic Customs/Head Cover and Menstruation

a mitvah, which resembles a small swimming pool. The water of the mitvah must be very pure and from a natural source, therefore, r...

C.S. Lewis/Theology and Evangelism

be a universal perception of morality, that is, on the existence of natural moral law, that is an innate sense that is common to a...

Early Christianity

itself, and how, in relationship to its being a rich location, many different people lived there and desired to be there throughou...

Christianity's Relationship to Judaism

as his twelve disciples, and the authors of the books of the New Testament, as well as the vast majority of the earliest Christian...

The Church and the Empire in the 4th Century

in the late Third and early Fourth centuries. Diocletian had ruled with an iron hand. He established a four-fold division of power...

Christianity and What it Means

and beliefs. For Christians the creed centers around Jesus Christ, the son of God. Christianity requires belief in Jesus Christ ...

The Relevance Of An Impossible Ethical Ideal By Niebuhr

what He was doing when He created man alone with the commandment of love. This is an exceptionally good argument because we cannot...

Modern US Society and Christianity

campaign of 2004 commences in earnest, Democratic and Republican candidates will be fielding the same questions from voters as the...

Christianity's Early History

mankind has attempted to provide explanation of the events they see unfolding around them in the natural world and in interrelatio...

The Mosaic Timeline -- Rome's Santa Maria Maggiore

The oldest surviving example of mosaic in a Christian church, the Santa Maria Maggiore in Rome shows Christianity's biblical timel...