YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Homers Odyssey What is an Epic Hero

Essays 1 - 30

Epic Hero Status of Odysseus in Homer’s “The Odyssey”

was time to allow Odysseus to return home. Should he be allowed to go back to Ithaka to be reunited with his wife Penelope and hi...

'The Iliad' and 'The Odyssey' by Homer Compared

could live. It was on the broad shoulders of this classical hero upon which the security of society rested. While the hero walke...

Epics of 'Ulysses' by James Joyce and 'The Odyssey' by Homer

In 8 pages these different literary texts are compared in terms of how they satisfy the epic definition in nation and character po...

Order and Chaos in Homer's 'Odyssey' and the Epic of Gilgamesh

In five pages this paper examines the relationship between order and chaos within the context of these two classical literary work...

An Analysis of Homer's Epic Poem, The Odyssey

of the Muse to introduce its tale: "Sing in me, Muse, and through me tell the story / of that man skilled in all ways of contendin...

How the Divine Was Represented in The Epic of Gilgamesh and Homer's 'The Odyssey'

with not only Odysseus but with the other characters as well" (Athena, the Goddess). For example, "At the opening of the book, Ath...

Differing Depiction of Women in Homer's Epics 'The Iliad' and 'The Odyssey'

Greek society was that imposed upon them by either their fathers or purchasers. They would never aspire to privilege or influence...

Hero Justification of Odysseus in 'The Odyssey' by Homer

the examples of the main characters, a certain amount of wit and common intelligence is necessary to possess as an essential work ...

Heroic Greek Definition in 'The Iliad' and 'The Odyssey' of Homer

In seven pages the classical Greek definition of hero as revealed in the epic poems of Homer is discussed....

Homer's 'The Odyssey' Goddess Athena and Hero Odysseus

In five pages this epic goddess and hero are examined in terms of their similarities. There are no other sources cited....

Otherworld and Heroes in 'The Odyssey' and 'Epic of Gilgamesh'

in order to acquire knowledge, and to demonstrate bravery or quick-wittedness while they are dealing with unfamiliar situations or...

Epic Heroes in 'The Iliad, 'The Odyssey,' 'Beowulf,' 'The Aeneid,' and 'The Ramayana'

than life and serves as a role model for others to follow; they are brave, smart and good in battle; and, the hero embarks upon a ...

Odysseus' Maturation and the Epic 'The Odyssey' by Homer

In five pages this paper discusses the maturation Odysseus underwent throughout the course of 'The Odyssey.' Three sources are ci...

An Analysis of Heroism and the Journey in Star Wars

An eight page research paper considering the literary concept of the hero's journey in this classic science fiction film by direct...

'Epic Hero' Characteristics of Odysseus

In five pages this essay discusses how Odysseus qualifies as an 'epic hero' because of the suffering and hardship he endured throu...

Homer's Epic Style

return home. They are in morning, for they have lost a son. They pray to the gods for his return, but feel that he is dead. They e...

Journeys in Dante's 'Inferno' and Homer's 'Odyssey'

and his courage will constantly be tested. Without going into great detail, and there is a large amount of it in this classic, we ...

Comparing Achilles and Odysseus

Odysseus was renowned for both his brain and his brawn. He was also had bravery, and competence at his skills. Odysseus was an a...

Epic Literature and Heroes

In five pages the epic heroes that are featured in epic literary works are discussed in a consideration of 'The Song of Roland,' '...

Gilgamesh, 'The Odyssey' and Heroic Epics

In five pages this paper discusses the societal and immortality quests of epic heroes in Gilgamesh and Homer's 'The Odyssey' in a ...

Achilles' Shield in 'The Iliad' by Homer

In five pages the importance and symbolism of the shield of Achilles is considered in this examination of Homer's epic....

Timing and Disguise in 'The Odyssey' Stories

his household. The suitors have taken it upon themselves to essentially use Odysseus home as though it was their own, killing live...

Bless Me, Ultima & The Odyssey

reacts to the presence of the men by eating two of them, Odysseus attacks and manages to blind Polyphemus by stabbing him in his e...

Classical Literature and the Hero

In ten pages this paper contrasts and compares the hero's role in Sophocles' Antigone, Thucydides' The History of the Peloponnesia...

Homer's Heroes Patroclus and Achilles

In this essay consisting of five pages the argument is presented that the friendship between these heroes in Homer's 'The Iliad' s...

'The Iliad' and the Homeric Hero

prince, a warrior and one who will fight to the death to defend what he believes in. However, in order to support the above thesis...

Differing Versions of the Underworld in The Inferno, Gilgamesh and the Odyssey

can defeat death too. His first leg of the journey involves descending into a tunnel-like cave composed of nine terrifying leagu...

Beowulf v. Odysseus/Who is the most attractive?

announces to all listeners that this warrior has the skill to battle the monster that has terrorizing Heorot. Beowulf battles Gren...

Rebekah and Nausicaa in the Bible and Homer's 'The Odyssey'

This paper examines the power by women in ancient Hebrew and Greek societies as represented by Rebekah in the Old Testament and Na...

'The Odyssey' by Homer and Symbolism of the Olive Tree

In four pages this paper analyzes how life's renewal and rebirth are symbolically represented by the olive tree in Homer's epic 'T...