YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Intervention Model for Teenage Pregnancy

Essays 1 - 30

Intervention Model for Teenage Pregnancy

In eight pages this paper discusses teenage pregnancy and the components of an intervention model sample. Six sources are cited i...

Intervention and Teenage Pregnancy

needs to be done in this area. Table 1 illustrates the distribution of teen pregnancies by ethnic group. Table 1. Teen Pregnanci...

Teen Pregnancy Problems and Issues

from underprivileged backgrounds. C.) Teenagers can not resist natural urges. D.) Teenagers...

Teenage Pregnancy Satire

In 6 pages the 'benefits' of teenage pregnancy are satirized....

Teenage Pregnancy

as 23% between 1992 and 2000, while the rate for 18 to 19 year-olds only dropped by 11%" (Statistics on Teen Pregnancy, 2007). In...

Sexual Activity and Pregnancy in Adolescents

In six pages these two articles pertaining to the many aspects of sexual activity and pregnancy are presented 'Early adolescent se...

Memo for Adolescent Pregnancy Community-Based Interventions

This 3 page paper gives an example of a memo concerning adolescent pregnancy prevention. This paper includes four community-based ...

Dangers of Teenage Drinking

in the first place. Another argument, alluded to in the beginning, involves the body. The student could take the following...

Public Policy and Teenage Pregnancy

In eight pages this paper discusses teenage pregnancy issues and problems from a public policy perspective with left and right win...

Teenage Pregnancy: An Overview

United States each and every year Huus, 2010). Experts differ in their analysis of what trend is responsible for this rise in te...

Overview and Summary of When Children Want Children by Leon Dash

In five pages this paper summarizes and presents an overview of the text that considers low income teenage pregnancies in hopes to...

Teen Pregnancy and African Americans II

In five pages this paper examines how the African American community is affected by teenage pregnancy in a consideration of associ...

Teenage Pregnancy Issues III

In five pages this report considers teenage pregnancy and the problems associated with it. Four sources are cited in the bibliogr...

US and Teenage Pregnancy IV

In eight pages this paper examines teenage pregnancy in America in a consideration of its causes and effects upon children, parent...

Teenage Pregnancy Problems and Solutions V

In seven pages this paper examines teenage pregnancy problems with possible solutions including adolescent contraceptives, program...

Social Problem of Teen Pregnancies

In eight pages this paper examines the social problem represented by teenage pregnancies in a consideration of many adult males in...

Impact of Poverty in the United States

Poverty is widespread in rural counties without economic bases. There are also 625 counties in the US where poverty and wealth are...

Social Problems and Substance Abuse

In twenty pages this paper discusses growing welfare costs, crime, and teenage pregnancy in this consideration of the social probl...

Social Welfare Program Process

problems come in bunches and are inextricably linked. Not only do they affect the poorer communities, but there is a spill over ef...

Paying Teenagers for Pregnancy Avoidance Policy Analysis

This paper consists of six pages and assesses Planned Parenthood of Denver's proposal for pregnancy avoidance through the payment ...

Causes and Solutions Regarding Teen Pregnancy

Although drug use has, in fact, been correlated with the increase in teen pregnancy; the increased propensity of our nations youth...

Birth Control & Teenagers

indicates that teens are often confused by abstinence-only programs, as this approach to sex education sidesteps around issues and...


lightly and surely not a topic that one could conceive of as being used as the foundation of a comedy film that would actually rec...

Teen Pregnancy and a Social Service Program

In seven pages this paper examines a rural school's social service program for to target teenage pregnancy reduction. Eight sour...

Literature Review on Pregnant Teens, Counseling Theories, and Treatment Approaches

effective course of action. Much of the earliest literature in the area of teen pregnancy counseling focused upon Carl Rogers p...

Relationship Between Gender and Sexuality

legal gay/lesbian relationships contends that same-sex marriages do not fall into the traditional category of accepted matrimony. ...

Teenage Pregnant Risk Factors

This research paper pertains to the risk factors that are associated with the pregnancy rate for teenage girls. Three pages in len...

Teen Pregnancy, Regulatory and Legislative Influences

Because antiabortion activists have been so successful in blocking legislative approaches toward governmentally subsidized contrac...

Health Care Systems, Population Subgroups, and Teen Pregnancy

in the United States alone, "the annual cost of teen pregnancies from lost tax revenues, public assistance, child health care, fos...

U.S. Incidences of Teen Pregnancies

be done in this area. Table 1 illustrates the distribution of teen pregnancies by ethnic group. Table 1. Teen Pregnancies by Eth...