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Essays 1 - 30

Invasive and Exotic Plants

state of fluctuation in terms of their plant and animal communities. Each of the above factors all interplay to create truly dyna...

Species Known as Osage Orange (Maclura pomifera)

softball and has spawned a number of unique names in addition to those noted above. Each fruit from Osage Orange has many fleshy ...

Plants That Are Non Native and Invasive

is nothing wrong, per se, with a particular plant . . .until it threatens the plants that are supposed to be in a particular area ...

An Examination of Carnivorous Plants

The writer provides an overview of plants such as the Venus Fly Trap and the Pitcher Plant, which are carnivorous. The writer prov...

Paraphilias, Sexual Experience, and Human Sexuality Feelings, Thoughts, and Behaviors

In eleven pages 3 primary paraphilias types invasive, consensual, and noninvasive are examined in a discussion of feelings, though...

Invasive Species

simplest thing like a rat can affect the entire ecosystem of a region and that "Only recently has the full extent of the impacts o...

Stalking the Wild Turnip

The writer gives an overview of the plant Brassica rapa, also known as birdsrape mustard or wild turnip. The writer discusses this...

Organizational Behavior - Case Study

of his third year, he broached the subject of changing career directions with the president as they golfed together and subsequent...

Bonsize Plant Hormone Marketing Case Study

be somewhat doubtful as to the results they will get with the product, it was decided that television marketing would be important...

Rainbow Plant Food New Marketing Plan II

marketing strategy. Not only will Rainbow Plant Food color the foliage but also at the same time it feeds the plant a healthy bal...

Animal and Plant Evolutionary Examples

Each has a definitive place in the worlds ecology. As our first example of the contention presented above, take the...

Signal Transduction in Plants

"for a protein kinase, an enzyme that adds a phosphate to a protein, which then becomes...

Defending Nuclear Power Facilities

back up scientists claims has provided fuel for those in denial, but the denial faction stands on the cusp of being faced with int...

Connecticut's 'Filthy Five' Cleanup Proposal

In twelve pages this proposal argues in favor of no longer exempting the oldest power plants in Connecticut from pollution or admi...

1985 Minnesota Hormel Plant Strike

And what was Hormels perspective toward negotiations and why was the company so insistent on mistreating its workers? Ther...

Student Submitted Lafontaine Electronics Company Case Study

In twelve pages a Canadian plant closure and the process involved are discussed in this student supplied case study of Lafontaine ...

Quality Issues in Business Operations

In ten pages quality issues as they pertain to business management operations are discussed with the first part examining a Heinek...

Breeding Turfgrass

the elements in which the plant will be used. A clear and rather simplistic example is that the grass used in a professional or c...

Plant Hormone Auxin and its Heat Responsiveness

In five pages this paper discusses the hormone auxin plant's heat sensitivity. Ten sources are cited in the bibliography....

JIT And Change

attacking any fundamental problems in the process that do not add value, establishing systems that will identify any problems, al...

Carboniferous Age

Carboniferous Period. Large trees covered with bark and huge ferns grew in the middle Carboniferous swamps" (Fossil Facts and Find...

Mass Extinction: Comparison of Flora and Fauna

may be severely affected by this extinction period as early as 2100. PBS reports that, while scientists like David Jablonski belie...

Crocus sativus Saffron

Saffron has been used by mankind for centuries. It represents, in fact, one of the worlds most valuable substances. Consequently...

How Plants and Animals Differ in What they Eat and How that Affects Us

Organisms can vary tremendously in the way they procure food. Plants, for example produce their own food using only sunlight, carb...

Afghanistan National Development Strategy (ANDS)

Security; Governance Rule of Law & Human Rights; Infrastructure & Natural Resources; Education; Health; Agriculture & Rural Develo...

Computer System Project

This 10 page paper looks at the way a project to install a computer system in a shop may be planned. The paper focuses ion the pla...


place concurrently at the same time) rather than consecutively (one at a time after each other). Possible paths Total number of ...

Romantic Poets and the Elements of the Archaic and Exotic

clearly the use of the archaic in the art piece itself, and its history, which presents us with sense of the exotic as well for th...

Insight into the Exotic and Fascinating or Political Propaganda in 'National Geographic'

that are found in "National Geographic", however, is that these images be presented in a way that meets with our cultural expectat...

'Upscale' Cuisine of Yuppies

. . . When the concept of "yuppie" (young urban professionals) first became part of the American lexicon, it was applied to anyt...