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Issues Pertaining to Economic Philosophy

This research paper examines eight questions that pertain to issues concerning economic philosophy. The topics addressed include t...

Comparative Philosophical Analysis of David Hume and George Berkeley

In five pages this report compares Hume and Berkeley in terms of their philosophies' differences and similarities particularly as ...

Communications and Economics

that is involved. Magazines, for example, 96% of marketing professionals think consumers accept magazine advertising, only 60% of...

3 Questions Regarding Economic Issues and Problems

convenience" (Thomas PG). For example, there is no question how the concept of Electronic Funds Transfer, which has been in...

Proposal for Outreach Education in a Community Needs Assessment

Developing effective hospital-sponsored community outreach education programs in upper New York States requires attention not only...


comes to action. Another issue is that of the financial structure of the company. The heads of Fonterra are supporting par...

3 Student Questions on Supply and Demand

is probably that this creates more revue and as such the price decrease is a good move. 2. Paul has complained to Gordon Brown th...

School Revenue Issues

educational goals and objectives continue to increase; 2. communities are constantly demanding more and better services from the s...

Meditations on First Philosophy by Rene Descartes

The revolutionary philosophy of Rene Descartes as it is presented within Meditations on First Philosophy is explained in an essay ...

Philosophy's Role and Defense of Socrates in Apology by Plato

In two pages this paper examines philosophy's role and human activity purpose as well as Socrates' defense as represented in Apolo...

Education and Philosophy

In nine pages this paper examines teaching philosophies in this overview that explores the relationship between philosophy and edu...

The Criminal Justice System in Liberal and Conservative

Criminal justice in the United States is a litmus-test issue for liberals and conservatives. This paper discusses the differences ...

Marxism's Contemporary Relevance

In five pages this paper discusses Marxism and its sociological and economic concepts with social stratification, capitalism, alie...

State's Role and Economic Liberalism

economic system. In other words, this economic liberalism (also known as neo-liberalism) claims that markets function best when th...

Capitalism and Freedom by Milton Friedman

not be separated. Friedmans implication is that when a state fails to act in a morally acceptable fashion, it ceases to function ...

Economic Growth and the Effects of Taxation

This then has an impact on loadable funds, with the ability of financial institutions to transform funds into loans and facilitate...

Nursing Economics/ Fiscal Realities

harms the healthcare systems of the home countries of these nurses, which ethically and morally limits its use. Another method t...

A Review of Issues in Economics by Robert Guell

in depth the basics of theory. The section starts out with the more basic ideas of economics, first there is a chapter on opportu...

Redwood Forests of Northern California and Economic Issues

social forestry. A strong economy and strong local communities are essential for this stage to exist. While a great number of act...

Bureaucratic Politics and Agency Administration

In a paper consisting of twelve pages the topics pertaining to modern bureaucratic politics and agency administration includes pol...


to obtain more clients (especially outside of tax season), another goal should be for Top Notch accountants and staff to work more...

Educational Sociocultural Aspects Case Study

In a paper consisting of eleven pages the sociocultural issues particularly as they pertain to Hispanic and Hmong individuals are ...

'Mandate of Heaven,' Human Rights, and Economics in Modern China

In seven pages this report examines the 'Mandate of Heaven,' human rights issues, domestic and foreign economic policies as they p...

Industrialization and Economic Development

However, it is increasingly becoming obvious that there is a need to raise the living standards and improve the domestic economies...

Legal Issues, Rape Charges

This paper pertains to legal issues that pertain to rape charges. Rules pertaining to motions of severance and continuance are des...

World's Top 5 Economics, Development, and Public Governance

The post-9/11 recession in the US was one that had been long overdue, according to the laws of the business cycle. This is the bo...

Keynesian Economics Views and and Impact of Paul Anthony Samuelson

In five pages this paper assesses the economic impact of Paul A. Samuelson particularly as it pertains to free market capitalism, ...

Phillips/Socrates Cafe

pundits or the mainstream media happen to be handing out at the moment. This is a process that rekindles a "child-like--but by no ...

Development & Sub-Sahara

to develop (Terray 38). According to classical evolutionary theory, as argued by early sociologists such as Auguste Comte, socia...

Philosophical Issues' Examination

In five pages this paper considers philosophies of James Mills and Immanuel Kant in a discussion of how philosophy can develop iss...