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John Galtung/Theory and Methods of Social Research

located outside the social scientist himself, and we shall follow this tradition" (Galtung 9). As this indicates, Galtung does not...

Economists Thomas Malthus, David Ricardo, and Adam Smith

laissez faire held sway. In short, Smiths thought was that if the market and economy were basically left alone, that theyd functio...

Ainsworth/Attachment Theory

following discussion of attachment theory, which particularly focuses on the contributions of Ainsworth, offers an overview of it...

2 Undergraduate Student Research Books Reviewed

amount of results, with the data being recorded often being predominately numerical, it is suitable to be used as a method of dete...

Christianity, Social Tolerance & Homosexuality

society, actually many shifts, that led to the current attitudes held by Christians today. For example, there was a time when peop...

The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck and its Social Commentary

The social commentary by author John Steinbeck in his novel The Grapes of Wrath is examined in five pages....

Quantity v. Quality in Utilitarianism

This 5 page paper analyzes John Stuart Mill's theory of Utilitarianism, how it works and how it evaluates actions, both quantitati...

Applied Social Research/Whyte and Yin

and racketeering. Whyte readily acknowledges that he had no training in either sociology or anthropology when he began the rese...

Literature Review for Use in a Project on Leadership in Kuwait

or values. It is by understanding leadership and its influences that the way leadership may be encouraged and developed in the con...

Influences of Classical and Keynesian Economic Schools

In nine pages this research paper considers the classical and Keynesian schools of thought in terms of their economic influence an...

Civilian Review Boards and Internal Affairs

This research paper offers a discussion of the characteristics of civilian review boards and internal affairs as methods for addre...

Johan Galtung’s Peaceful Approach to Peace

his father arrested by the Nazis when they occupied Norway and when on to become a committed pacifist. This places an interesting ...

Moral and Ethical Decisions in Business

(Himma, 2003). Throughout their lifetime, individuals are presented with moral dilemmas and situations in which they must make a ...

Political Theories' Synopsis

the time, which was that an absolute monarchy was not an adequate form of governance because it contained no means by which indivi...

Quantitative v. Qualitative Data

they are classified, counted and used to construct statistical models. Many quantitative researchers generally view the qualitat...

Theory and Practice Relationship

The relationship between theory and practice in education is a long-standing controversy. This is one of the issues discussed in t...

Overview of Educational Research

in scientific research demonstrates the validity of the qualitative approach: Criterion Quantitative Research Qualitative Research...

Aggression Considered in Three Views

can result in aggressive responses" (FAT, 2004). A triggering event can frequently be something insignificant, such as a joke, ges...

It's Not Luck by Eli Goldratt

processes and also shows their practicality in hypothetical real-life situations. The following examination looks at Goldratts t...

Afghanistan National Development Strategy (ANDS)

Security; Governance Rule of Law & Human Rights; Infrastructure & Natural Resources; Education; Health; Agriculture & Rural Develo...

Social Responsibility and Libertarians

Libertarianism and social responsibility are two major theories of political organization in the world today. Libertarians stress ...

Social Work Practice and Theory

In addition, she makes the point that when considering any social phenomenon, there will invariably be a diversity of interpretati...

Delinquency and Deviance Theories

However, in some cases the desired goals would not be equally available to all social groups, in others there might be too...

Interviewing and Research Concepts

In five pages this paper discusses researching through a combination of interviewing and research as considered in applicable chap...

Social Psychology of Identity, An Article Analysis

is a cognitive skill necessary for survival. This innate tendency is the root cause for the formation of in-groups, people similar...

Research Proposal To Assess the Value of CBT For Patients Diagnosed with Depression

to similar patients that are not receiving CBT. In order to undertake this research the following questions will need to be answ...

Vocational Rehabilitation Counseling: Case Study Analysis

of school for a year and needs direction. He has never held a job. Mark is currently living with his parents, receives SSI benefit...

Social Psychological Theory Current Event

This paper applies a social psychological theory to a current event. The paper demonstrates how the theory can be applied to a ver...

Evaluation Theory in Academia

This 25 page paper discusses the field of evaluation with regard to academic programs. The paper includes a literature review of p...

Justice Conceptual Inquiry

"what is justice?" and after a definition is provided, Socrates gets the interlocutor to make a statement that would obviously con...