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Essays 1 - 30

Justice and Ethics III

(Deontological, Teleological and Virtue Ethics, n.d.). Kants bottom-line position is that individuals should act from the "catego...

The Tragedy of King Richard III by William Shakespeare and the Evil Protagonist

In five pages this paper presents a psychological analysis of Shakespeare's evil protagonist Richard III....

Government Out of Operation

Can the American Government just shut down? Yes, it is legal to do so but why? This essay brings in the concepts of justice and la...

Business Ethics and Policy

religious ideology) and the various "sciences" of business (Parker S27). Quite often these arguments have attempted to negate the ...

Overview of Multicultural Counseling

female, that have opted to let their hair grow long. Realizing the weakness in herself to consider men with long hair to be untrus...

The Concept of 'Freedom' of Choice as Perceived by Epictetus, Epicurus, and Aristotle

be regarded as involuntary because it is not externally rooted in another person; but it is irrational and therefore not represent...

'The Play's the Thing': Analyzing Six Passages from William Shakespeare's Plays

Analysis of William Shakespeare's Hamlet (Act V, Scene ii), As You Like It (Act II, Scene vii), Richard III (Act I, Scene ii), The...

Component Overview of the High Performance Piper Arrow III (PA-28R-201) Aircraft

Arrow to an even wider market for it offered a comfortable transitioning to pilots that were unaccustomed to flying high performan...

Division III Athletic Program Marketing

In twelve pages Division I, Division II, and Division III marketing differences are among the topics considered in a discussion of...

Relationships in Richard II and Richard III by William Shakespeare

he appears sincere and supportive, such as when Richard asks what one has said of him, and Buckingham replies "Nothing that I resp...

'Soldier of Love' Richard III in Act I, Scene ii of William Shakespeare's Play

for the deaths of her husband, Edward V, and her father, Henry VI. Nevertheless, he demonstrates himself as quite capable in prov...

Organizational Justice and Motivation

that this will impact on behavior. As seen in the Mayos Hawthorne studies, where employees had a good employment relationship with...

'Letter from Birmingham Jail' by Martin Luther King Jr. and Social Justice

the United States. Its ugly record of brutality is widely known. Negroes have experienced grossly unjust treatment in the courts...

Criminal Justice III

calls for service either as a patrol officer or as a desk officer and follow up investigations of crime. Everything else is in sup...

Comparing William Shakespeare's The Tempest and Richard III and Themes of Justice and Destiny

especially apparent when critically examining Shakespeares historical play, Richard III and his final work, the dark comedy, The T...

CSI Personal Code of Ethics

1. the best in the moral philosophy of all ages and places; 2. the moral standards of Christendom; 3. the ethics of the Christian ...


are a small minority (we hope). It is important for scientists to not get so intent on proving one thing or another that they vi...

Nursing Ethics in December 2002 AORN Journal

Washington Medical Center, Seattle, and a clinical instructor, bio behavioral nursing and health systems, at the University of Was...

Two Articles Compared Regarding Business Ethics

business ethics. The first, they maintain, was launched in the defense industry during the 1980s, when reports of military contrac...

Three Essays on Philosophy and Ethics

made to render the greatest happiness for the greatest number. That is all that utilitarianism is equated with. There are differen...

Books I, II, and III of Nicomachean Ethics by Aristotle

In a paper consisting of five pages the concepts of human good, the 'doctrine of the mean,' and 'phronesis' as presented in Books ...

Colonial America's Rebellion Against the Rule of Great Britain and George III's Role

The rebellion of against British rule by the American colonies is the focus of this paper consisting of eight pages in which the r...

Napoleon III's Life and Reign

In fifteen pages this paper examines the life and reign of French Emperor Napoleon III. There are 11 sources cited in the bibliog...

Hodding Carter III's Speech 'We're Losing the Drug War because Prohibition Never Works'

This speech addressing the 'war on drugs' is analyzed in terms of speaker rhetoric effectiveness in five pages. There are no othe...

Pope Innocent III's 1202 Papal Letter Venerabilem Fratrem Nostrum

In twelve pages Pope Innocent III is discussed in an overview of his life and the impact of his 1202 papal bull. Six sources are ...

King Richard III's Reputation

In seven pages this paper assesses the actions and character of Richard III in this consideration of how his reputation has been h...

Afghanistan National Development Strategy (ANDS)

Security; Governance Rule of Law & Human Rights; Infrastructure & Natural Resources; Education; Health; Agriculture & Rural Develo...

Kant's 'Kantianism Ethics' and Mill's 'Utilitarian Ethics'

This paper offers summary, contrasts, comparisons, and weakness analyses of these ethical philosophies. No additional sources are...

Prison Overcrowding, as a Flaw in Criminal Justice

This paper focuses on prison overcrowding as an ethical issue that affects the American criminal justice system Three pages in len...

The Criminal Justice System and the Issue of Racism

a great deal of ignorance and disrespect for that individual; just because someone is a member of a certain race does not mean tha...