YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Kantian Ethics and Reason
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lying promise is ethical, even if it might save the life of a child. Smythe (1998) writes: "As Kant had indicated, we have a duty...
be serious diseases amongst the populace. By mandating it for the greater good, as it is something that will help the greatest num...
ethical theory, utilitarianism and deontology often enter the picture. Mill (2001) for example, who is a utilitarian, claims that ...
situations where lying is attached to a greater good, no one can predict the future. The premise is therefore sound as a maxim. In...
of ethical considerations in the art of persuasion, Johannesen (2010) offers the scenario of a hypothetical speaker attempting to ...
actions that he would normally finds repugnant. Similarly, the captain of the guard who compels Joe to commit murder undermines Jo...
policy for dealing with the issue of gays and lesbians serving in the US military was implemented by the Clinton administration as...
should treat other people as ends in themselves rather than as means to an end, and that one should act in such a manner that cons...
times. However, not all societies approve of it or approach it in the same way. Since there is a great deal of criticism of it as ...
not all agree with that assessment. Harvey began to mistrust the government which could prove dangerous if he were to become invo...
representative of a different generation, one that freely mixes and matches from the whirring flood of information across new and ...
right. Kant felt that right actions had moral value in of themselves, not simply because of their consequences. Therefore, he wrot...
there is a contradiction. Good will should be implemented, but at the same time, there is a sense that relying on such ideas, or s...
such morality, we render ourselves essentially useless. In other words, Lachs contends that it is one thing to expound about the ...
rule utilitarianism (Pojman and Meagher 223). Act utilitarians are often thought of as consequentialists because they look at the...
trust the individuals in the position, or is a drug test needed? Utilitarianism supports the idea that the greater good is what i...
of the marketplace by big business (Bittlingmayer, 2002). Catanzaro (2000) accuses President Richard Nixon of using antitrust law ...
remembered that slavery was legal until the mid-nineteenth century and racism and discrimination were likewise legal until the mid...
administration that is tied to a clandestine love affair. Forbes prints a small article regarding another type of conflict of inte...
words, living a life of virtue has its own implicit rewards some might equate with happiness, but the instant gratification achiev...
are doing is unethical. Why? The majority of people are not environmental activists and they do not care about the trees. Of cours...
a prison takeover (Burke, 1995). Though unusual, if something like that were to happen, officials would be at an extreme disadvant...
be wrong. Of course, one only has to look back half a century to see Martin Luther King, Jr. sitting in jail in Birmingham because...
In twelve pages community policing is considered from an ethical perspective in terms of virtue, Kantian ethics, utilitarianism wi...
In five pages this paper examines the ethics of testing a child for this rare and fatal condition using Kantian and utilitarian ph...
due to the fact that she was in so much pain. However, in the case at hand, the situation was far more serious. If one accepts th...
According to Kantian theory, private employee monitoring - at least, without informing the employee - is not moral, no matter how ...
some point, the fetus has a face, but perhaps cannot survive on its own. The question becomes whether or not this fetus is a human...
The writer discusses Kantian Theory, which says that people who do not live up to their ethical responsibilities have no respect f...
university policy that clearly states personal business is not to be conducted upon school computers. Nick had more than enough r...