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Kolb and Managing Anger

theories (Smith, 2005). The following pages discuss anger and anger management incorporating Kolbs four elements of learning in ...

Kolb's Experiential Learning Theory

on the experience. The learning reflects on - analyzes, judges, evaluates - the experience (Davies, n.d.). 3. Abstract Conceptuali...

Experiential Learning Project

It is comprised of four stages that the literature refers to as the Kolb Cycle, the Experiential Learning Cycle or as just the Lea...

Women and Anger Therapy

insomnia, eating disorders, headaches, TMJ, asthma, self-mutilation or self-harming behaviors, and chronic physical complaints(Bac...

Article on Adolescents and Anger Critiqued Critique of “Anger in Adolescents: Sex, Ethnicity, Age Differences, and Psychometric Properties”

The authors conclude that the anger-in scale of the STAXI may be less reliable for younger groups but that it is still valuable fo...

Explication of the Poem The Eternal Dice

In four pages this poetry explication considers the author's future world vision and anger regarding God....

Interpersonal Family Relationships of Courtship, Marriage, Parenting and How They Develop

In six pages this paper considers these basic interpersonal relationships along with the increasing importance of stepparenting wi...

Kolb's Learning Styles and Speaking in Public

In ten pages this essay discusses public speaking in terms of speech delivery and also incorporates Kolb's styles of learning. Fi...

Community College Learning and Teaching

funds, federal funds and miscellaneous funds (Association of Community Colleges). The community college system serves a different...

Operating a Small Business While Learning

proposed by Kolb, has four main stages, these all reinforce each other and create a continuous learning cycles. These may be seen ...

A Training Guide

directed with these weaknesses in mind. Therefore those who feel they lack the ability to deal with awkward customers can receive ...

Leadership And Motivation Models

models emphasized attitude, such as the degree of concern the leader had for completing the product versus their concern for the p...

Personal Reflection Using Kolb's Learning Model

The leader and locked eyes, he grinned and said, okay, thats fine! Most of the other people seemed a bit stunned. As the introduc...

Learning Styles And The Mature Learner

themes relative to the mature students first year in higher education degree courses that lent themselves to success, including: a...


adapt learning into a process, into a never-ending cycle that focused on concrete experience as its starting point. Through...


and a half years for causing the death of another driver ("NY man headed to prison for fatal road rage crash," 2011). The driver w...

Kolb's Experiential Learning Model and the Entrepreneur

traits that have been identified for a person to start their own business is a need for achievement (McPhee, 2000). Wanting to be ...

Anger Management and Behavior Modification

How behavior modification techniques can be employed in the context of an anger management program is discussed. This ten page rep...

Modifying Youth Behavior in an Anger Management Group Program

In eight pages an agency's dedication to providing mentally challenged youths with behavioral therapy for their anger issues is di...

Shades of Anger, Rafeef Ziadah

This paper offers a summary, analysis and background information on Rafeef Ziadah's poem "Shades of Anger," which expresses the po...

Managing In An Inclusive Environment: Diversity

different demographic may also be seen as undermining work-place equality (Rijamampianina and Carmichael, 2005). A key ele...

Patient Teaching Plan on Diabetes and the Internet

In five pages this paper examines how the Internet can be used as a tool to teach patients how to manage the disease diabetes....

Afghanistan National Development Strategy (ANDS)

Security; Governance Rule of Law & Human Rights; Infrastructure & Natural Resources; Education; Health; Agriculture & Rural Develo...

Afghanistan Development - Review And Recommendations

nations employ many Afghans. On April 29-30, 2007, Afghanistan held the Fourth Afghanistan Development Forum (ADF) in Kabul (Afg...


place concurrently at the same time) rather than consecutively (one at a time after each other). Possible paths Total number of ...

Computer System Project

This 10 page paper looks at the way a project to install a computer system in a shop may be planned. The paper focuses ion the pla...

Assessment of an IT Web Site

include a jobs section as well as a section containing white papers across a large number of different areas such as SOX complianc...

Literature Review for Use in a Project on Leadership in Kuwait

or values. It is by understanding leadership and its influences that the way leadership may be encouraged and developed in the con...

Planning and the External Environment

met. To consider the way planning takes place at all levels the process itself and the approaches can be examined. Mintzberg (et...

Article on Allocation of Costs

by the project, use of department that are using those resources. In the case of all costs being allocated to a single project or ...