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Essays 1 - 30

Lesson Plan : Seniors And Smoking

[There will be a variety of responses, like taking medication, calling and e-mailing loved ones, etc.] Short discussion about the ...

Analysis Of Lesson Plans

the lesson plan through the cooperative learning pairs. Students are given specific instructions on what to do at each step and wh...

Smoking in Public Places

health risks. Children: The risk to children comes largely from secondhand smoke, derived from the tobacco products their parents...

Lesson Plans Kindergarten-First Grade

There are two complete lesson plans presented in this essay. The focus is early language and literacy development. One of the less...

Evaluation Of Lesson Plan

to change their body composition or to bring their bodies within healthier BMI ranges. With different student goals, the teacher w...

Expository Writing - Lesson Plan

writing needs to be clearer or more interesting. Teach students to consider these questions: Does the reader need to know somethin...

Planning and the External Environment

met. To consider the way planning takes place at all levels the process itself and the approaches can be examined. Mintzberg (et...

The Dangers Of Smoking

to break. To bring the point home, half a million people die each year from cigarette-related causes (Whelan, 1994, p. 77), with ...

Computer System Project

This 10 page paper looks at the way a project to install a computer system in a shop may be planned. The paper focuses ion the pla...

Geography / Art Lesson Plan

relation to the United Kingdom and Europe. The teacher shows a picture of a satellite Atlas map (this can be found with a search ...

Nurse Education: Lesson Plan for Navigating a User Crisis

completing the ranges of study required to attain the licensing level each holds. Aides are not licensed individuals and may or m...

Free Resources For Teachers

finally see a complete lesson plan for different topics (, 2006). * The Teachers Caf? [http://www.theteachersc...

Two Lesson Plans for Adult ESL Learners

to memorize these words or phrases. * Working in dyads, students will practice one of two dialogues, either speaking with the nurs...

Phonics Instruction - First Grade

Some card will have words that fit the pattern and other cards will have words that do not fit the pattern. Whiteboard with marker...

Obama's Speech to Schoolchildren

of the speech ahead of time. Regardless of what may or may not have been intended, the speech was benign and contained not even a...

Primary Language Arts Lesson Plan

These words will be presented to the children before the story is read. Kindergarten children will learn how to pronounce these wo...

Diabetic Children, Adolescents Lesson Plan

This paper presents the speaker notes for a twelve-slide power point presentation on a lesson plans intended to address the learni...

Learning Comprehension

in that they know what the purpose of learning how to read is. Children do not necessarily equate a pleasant purpose. There are m...

An Analysis of a Third Grade Lesson Plan

This paper analyzes a third grade lesson plan for what is known as an Inclusion Class, for students with learning or mental disord...

Community Nursing: Positive Impacts on Nutrition and Lifestyle

Social Services they have complained that that funding is insufficient to provide for even their most basic dietary needs. Part o...

Classroom Observation Analysis

Slattery and Steinberg, 1999). Dewey promoted social experiences and having students solve problems in group settings (Kincheloe...

Afghanistan National Development Strategy (ANDS)

Security; Governance Rule of Law & Human Rights; Infrastructure & Natural Resources; Education; Health; Agriculture & Rural Develo...

Third Graders and Nutrition Diary

an actual third graders diary (Forstadt, 2008), a third-graders natural inclination is to write brief, one-to-three sentence entri...

Reflective Paper on a Social Studies Lesson Plan

before using it as an instructional model in future classroom activities. Improvement in Teaching Practice Viewing student per...

Third Grade Health/How to Protect Your Skin

so that they will not get skin cancer from getting sunburned. The saying means to "slip on a shirt, slop on sunscreen, slap on a h...

Word Decoding

to present materials. Students will be asked to identify the syllables in some common two syllable, three syllable, four syllable...

Water Quality Lesson

river and classroom activities. The first activity has the teacher explaining to students what macro-invertebrates are. They can s...

Effective Lesson Plan Development

In a paper of six pages, the writer looks at effective lesson plan development. A lesson in percentages is given as a key example....

Three Lesson Plans Regarding 6th Graders and Van Gogh Art Instruction

In two pages this paper presents 3 6th grade student lesson plans regarding the artwork of Vincent Van Gogh and includes vocabular...

Continuing Education for the Healthcare Professional

Continuing education is a universal requirement for professionals in the healthcare industry. This paper presents a lesson plan on...