Essays 1 - 30

Medea, An Overview

This essay presents an overview of Medea in Greek mythology, referring to scholarly assessment of ancient sources and also the way...

Assessment of Arguments Presented by Medea and Jason in Euripides’ Medea

Medea would also benefit: "What luckier chance could I have come across than this, An exile to marry the daughter of the king? It ...

In Medea's Defense

sentenced his children to the same alien status in Greek society. Everyone speaks of the cold-blooded Medea who slaughtered her c...

What Happened to Jason and the Argonauts After Medea Left?

This paper consists of six pages and presents a hypothetical scenario of what might have happened after Medea departed and the Arg...

Comparative Analysis of Seneca's and Euripides' Medea

In five pages Euripides' and Seneca's depictions of Medea are contrasted and compared in this literary analysis. There are no oth...

'Trunk Theater' and Euripides' Medea

In five pages this paper examines a 'trunk theater' rural school production of Medea, the Greek tragedy by Euripides....

Contrasts and Comparisons between Medea and Clytemnestra

In reaction, the nurse relates that Medea, "the hapless wife, thus scorned...lies fasting, yielding her body to her grief, wasting...

Western Classical Literature and Women

was forbidden to her, period. It was not her place to try to reason why; it was her place to obey without question. This is what w...

Medea Characterization by Euripides

In three pages this research paper contends that the playwright conceived of Medea as a character that would inspire sympathy in a...

Mythology of Greece and the Roles of Antigone and Medea

This paper consists of five pages with the focus of discussion being Greek mythology particularly as it pertains to the role of wo...

Epic Hero Transformation in Greek Literature

In six pages this paper examines the transformation of the epic hero in ancient Greek literary works such as Euripides' Medea, Sop...

Roles of Women in the Works of Euripides and Aeschylus

In a paper consisting of 5 pages this paper examines how women's social roles are depicted in Medea by Euripides and Agamemnon by ...

Medea by Euripides and the Barbarian's Role

In 5 pages this paper discusses the barbarian's role in the characterization of Medea in this analysis of the classic tragedy by E...

Heroism Critique by Euripides in Medea, The Bacchae, and Hippolytus

In seven pages this paper considers how the classical Greek dramatist critiqued heroism in a contrast of antiheroes Pentheus, Mede...

Greek Tragedy and Naturalist Theater

in drama, as well as two of the most destructive. This paper compares and contrasts the plays that bear their names. Discussion H...

Comparing Clytemnestra and Medea

to be somewhat different from those of their male counterparts. While men typically choose to kill in a very straightforward manne...

Medea, Oedipus Rex and Cruelty

Medea and Oedipus Rex are like many ancient Greek plays in dealing with a sub-theme of cruelty. This research paper examines the a...

Society of Ancient Greece and Women

This paper examines how women in Ancient Greek society were portrayed in a comparative analysis of the plays Lysistrata by Aristop...

Reason and Passion in Euripides' Medea

typical mythological female was not; her defiance, passion, reason and intestinal fortitude combined together with her ability to ...

How Aristophanes Depicted Women in His Works

possessed through their control of sex with their men. The entire idea of controlling the men was essentially the idea of Lysistra...

Antigone and Medea

men. It is their rules and their decisions that determine how women should act and what role they can play in society. Antigones ...

Women in Medea and Electra

This paper examines the female characterizations in Medea and Electra in five pages. There are 2 sources cited in the bibliograph...

Love of Family and Homeland in Euripides' Medea

about Jasons desertion is the fact that Medea compromised her own existence as a means by which to save his life and is reciprocat...

Medea, Hamlet, and the Theme of Revenge

In 6 pages this paper discusses how the revenge theme is developed by madness, the supernatural, and protagonist attitudes in Mede...

A Medea 'Apologia'

In five pages an apologia or argument on behalf of Medea is constructed based on the reasoning and logic of 'Encomium of Helen' by...

Drama Then and Now

In five pages drama is considered in the works Wit by Margaret Edson, Hamlet by William Shakespeare, and Medea by Euripides. Ther...

Drama of Euripides

This paper consists of five pages and examines Euripides' psychological dramas Hippolytus, Medea, and Alcestis in terms of their d...

Medea and Antigone as Representatives of Fifth Century BCE Women

that which was rightfully hers. This was a very grave endeavor during these ancient times and serves to illustrate just one small ...

Is Medea a Feminist Work?

must leave and also leave the children with him. In all honesty there is no reason why he should have dismissed her in such a mann...

Comparative Analysis of Hester Prynne and Medea

bound to engage. While mythological women were strong of mind and spirit, they were not allowed to express their inner most being...