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Negotiation Questions

used negotiation to arrive at a satisfactory answer, rather than letting antagonism mount and result in divorce. Sue and Ed could ...

Conflict and Negotiation

innovation, without international conflict many of the weapons innovation may not have taken place, at company level conflict betw...

A Negotiation Process

The main aims are outlined above but it is also recognised that the employee may not gain all of these concessions and these may b...

Negotiation and the Wellington Institute of Technology

means that there are two goals, a short term goals as well as a longer term goals that will help to mitigate the situation so that...

Need for Trust in Principled Negotiations

47). This is also a key with joint-gains or win-win negotiations: "Clarify interests, not positions" (Kilman, 2000, p. 9). Pinnel...

The Issues of the Composite Talks between India and Pakistan

2. Issues in the Negotiation When identifying the issues there is some benefit to be gained from looking at the way that...

Analysis of William Ury's Getting Past No

"cluttered attic, full of old resentments and angers, gripes and stories" on page 59). In this regard, the steps involved mean def...

Book Sales Negotiations

take some copies prior to selling the book should also be declared at the beginning to avoid any later confusion. The main point...

Human Resources Case Study

for his actions if he was simply acting in self-defense; and 2. Does the companys policy of zero tolerance for fighting mean that...

India, China, the World Trade Organization, GATT Treaty, and Multilateral Relationship Advantages and Disadvantages

In fourteen pages this paper examines negotiation and trade relationships between India and China in this economic comparative ana...

Negotiating Conflict

manager, the five approaches all have a place in general conflict management. The five methods are: 1. Mediate the conflic...

Negotiating and Pre-Planning

a need for material focusing on the planning aspects of negotiation strategy. Over the course of the paper, a four-step strategic ...

Developments in Negotiation Theory

is given but literature between 2007 and 2011 will be the focus. The evolution of negotiation theory has passed through several t...

The Contribution of Game Theory to Collective Bargaining and Negotiation in Contemporary British Industrial Relations

2000). When we look at the way the decision making process is followed in any firm or individual then it is likely that at some po...

Conflict & Negotiation

it the most. Then, they switch tactics and begin to discuss the problem more rationally. In this process, they discover that one s...

Conflict Resolution, Mediation and Negotiation

solution to a common problem" (Negotiation, 1998). (All three of these definitions come from the same website: the Conflict Resear...

Trust Within Business Negotiation

best while the manager is there to do what he should be doing: leading the organization through effective communication and negoti...

EU IP Negotiations Changing

The approach the EU uses in negotiations is less dominant than that of the U.S. They tend to be more nuanced although they can get...

Integrative and Distributive Negotiation

In a paper of four pages, the writer looks at negotiation strategies. Distributive and integrative strategies are assessed for the...

The Negotiation Process

In a paper of five pages, the writer looks at negotiation. The importance of goal-setting, frame-setting, and negotiation itself a...


Discusses deceptive negotiation techniques, why they're used, and negotiation within relationships. There are 4 sources listed in ...

Global Negotiations

as opposed to American English, in Japan it may be American English, and even in this there are differences in meanings and infere...

American and Korean Business Negotiation

Business negotiations can be tricky at best, even if both parties are from the same culture. This paper examines the various stage...

Worksheets on Negotiation

In a paper of three pages, the writer looks at negotiation. Concepts of negotiation strategy are explored through the development ...

Negotiation Styles

This essay describes the various styles of negotiation and the writer relates this information to her personal negotiation style. ...

Negotiation and Communication

a debate or argument, a useful negotiation involves the careful interplay of communication strategies, so as to facilitate the bes...

The Benefits of Collaborative Negotiation

progress (externally, at least) by brokering favorable deals that lead to the establishment of a better position within the market...

Negotiating a Solution

Any holiday requests submitted after a specific cut-off date will be allocated strictly on a first-come first-served basis, with n...

Miami School District Negotiation Strategies

to problems are not always clear. Often, there are cases where multiple solutions are proposed, and compelling arguments are made ...

Business Law Questions

find a meeting of the minds. Mediation and collaborative law are two other types of resolution processes. Mediation is when the...