YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Poetry Literature Influence of Victorian Society World War I

Essays 1 - 30

Poetry, Literature: Influence of Victorian Society, World War I

This essay pertains to T.S. Eliot's The Waste Land and Sigmund Freud's Civilization and Its Discontent, as well as the influence t...

The 20s and 30s and Literature

out at this particular time were truly offering up new visions, realistic visions, and modern visions of life. In looking at some...

Impact of the Great War on Western Literature

would be sent to war in just a few years, underscores the awful waste of youth, of life, of promise. The final stanza, in particu...

Explication of the Poem The Eternal Dice

In four pages this poetry explication considers the author's future world vision and anger regarding God....

Compare and Contrast: The Two World Wars

suppress anti-Habsburg activities, organizations, and propaganda and that Habsburg officials be permitted to join in the Serbian i...

Effects of World War I

This essay discusses how the Fist World War changed different things like society of the winners and losers. The essay comments on...

Warfare Technological Change and Sociological Impacts

There are many points of comparison between wars. This is certainly true of the Jacobin phase of the French...

Victorian Society, Thomas Carlyle, and John Stuart Mill

In seven pages this paper examines how Mill and Carlyle influenced the Victorian Era as well as the society of the time influenced...

The Impacts of World War I and World War II on American Society

I resulted from a variety of causes. The most prominent of these was the rise of nationalism. People of common geographic origin...

F. Scott Fitzgerald and Literature Influences

very influential in his work for he and Zelda essentially lived the exciting lives of the flapper generation of the 1920s. They dr...

Overview of World War I's Battle of Verdun

that if they could destroy Verdun and move troops in, they could violate the integrity of the French forces. Though France coul...

Society, Characters, and Crick Crack Monkey and Nectar in a Sieve

In two pages this paper examines the conflicts of minorities in society in a consideration of these two works of literature....

The Postive and Negative Impacts of the Two World Wars

a battle unlike any before, inasmuch as new war technology had brought with it even more despicable methods of death. As soon as ...

Showalter, Culture and Literature

formalist-structuralist critics have evaded the issue of sexual identity entirely or dismissed it as irrelevant and subjective" (S...

Societal Impacts and Influences of American Warfare

In nine pages the ways in which war influenced and impacted the society of early America are considered in a discussion of the Ame...


1917. The overt, and simple, explanation for Americas entry into the European conflict was the May, 1915 sinking of the Bri...

Wilfred Owen/"Dulce et Decorum Est"

This essay pertains to Wilfred Owen's poem, which captures the horror of World War I. Five pages in length, seven sources are cite...

The Reasons Cited for the Onset of World War I

Russia and Britain signed a treaty, Russia joined the Entente. Russias entrance into the war was due to this Entente and their goa...

Holocaust and Its Sociopolitical Causes

There has been some evidence that Hitlers rabid anti-Semitism was catalyzed upon his rejection. One of the most prominent judges ...

Second World War Participation of Japan

In seven pages this paper examines why Japan became embroiled in the Second World War conflict and its failed effort....

Neville Chamberlain's Policies of Appeasement

This paper examines the pre World War II appeasement policies of British prime minister Neville Chamberlain in tewnty seven pages....

England's Use of Propaganda During the First World War

In five pages this paper discusses how propaganda was used by England during World War I. Ten sources are cited in the bibliograp...

Second World War and Changes to the Nursing Profession

base on Pearl Harbor in Hawaii, officially bringing the United States into World War II. At the time of the surprise attack, howev...

Japan and U.S. Second World War Occupation

of nature. These two factors can be seen in the both the practice of calligraphy., and its design images. In attempting to find ...

Tokyo Story as a Reflection of Conditions in Post World War II Japan

such a level of significance which allows it to be seen as a representation of the issues which are applicable to the society, and...

First World War's Origins

War I, Great Britain, France, Italy, and Russia all opposed Germany which was aligned with Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, and the Otto...

Pre Second World War Policy of the US

opting to abstain from joining the League of Nations when it was formed. If one had to point at a single cause of World War II and...

First World War and Franz Ferdinand's Assassination

joined the crowd lining the Archdukes route to City Hall" and were successful in killing not only Franz but his wife Sofia, who wa...

Gearing Up for War: Europe 1939

see. But the reporter was in Germany at the end of WWI and found the social and economic conditions there to be deplorable. The co...

The Entry of the United States into World War II

support for joining the war. Although it seemed as if the U.S. might become involved, the Americans were quite happy with Europe f...