YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Pre and Post Jesus Age Jewish Culture

Essays 1 - 30

Pre and Post Jesus Age Jewish Culture

In five pages this paper examines the different Jewish sects that fragmented before the birth of Jesus such as the Essenes, the Sa...

The View Women by Jesus

at the rights and role of women in Palestine during the time of Jesus, and interpret his reported words within that context. The...

The Pre-Existent Divine Word Or Son Took On Human Nature

Father, as being from above, and other such phrases (Kasper, 1978, p. 173). Jesus was in all ways like us with one great exceptio...

Matthew 22:34-46

teaches that "all of the Law and the Prophets rest on the command to love God and neighbor (22:34-40)" (Kozar 78). Matthew 22:34...

Messiah as Perceived in the Jewish Faith

Messiahs coming. These questions will be addressed on the following pages. Historical Concept of the Messiah...

Christianity and Jesus of Nazareth

Christs work on earth, His incarnation, His passion and death and His resurrection. At least two Apostles, John and Paul, perceive...

John's Messianic Ideas

John was familiar with Jewish ideas regarding the Messiah. He incorporated those ideas into his Gospel. He gently brings about the...

Jesus’ Kingdom

5 pages that examine Jesus’ teachings and his time at Caesarea Philippi. There are 6 sources....

Jesus in the Qua-ran and in the Bible

is now dead (Jesus - The Quranic View, 2003). Those who would consider Jesus to be God, the Son of God, or part of a trinity are ...

A Soccer Training Plan for Youth

Sport Fitness Advisor (2002) reports: "Of all the types of soccer training you could do...

How Jesus Is Described In The Gospel Of Matthew

phrase could mean the individual had a special relationship with God, therefore, they must learn the meaning of this in terms of J...

The Historical Jesus in 3 Views

the context of Jewish salvation history (Sanders 88). Nevertheless, the issue of Jesus supernatural birth, as related in the gospe...

Personal Perception of Judaism

small child, I knew I was Jewish, so I really do not remember when this identity was established or how. I did not think about it ...

4 Articles on Jewish Culture Compared

In six pages Jewish life and culture are considered in a discussion of 4 articles which offer contrasting views to Jewish societal...

Comparative Analysis of Paintings Jacob van Isaackszoon Ruisvael's Jewish Cemetery and Frans Post's Brazilian Landscape

In five pages this report presents a comparative analysis of these paintings in terms of how they are similar and how they are dif...

Jesus Of History, Jesus Of Faith

means of research" (Merrigan and Haers, 2000, p. 61). In other words, Meier was saying it is impossible for us, today, to obtain t...

Jesus As Messiah, Prophet And Son Of Man

Later in Luke, we read "The Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men . . . ." (Luke 24:7). In the Acts of the Apo...

The Beatitudes in Matthew

cognitively prepare the hearer for the evangelical message of salvation that will soon follow and the third interpretation is that...

Holocaust and Its Sociopolitical Causes

There has been some evidence that Hitlers rabid anti-Semitism was catalyzed upon his rejection. One of the most prominent judges ...

Neville Chamberlain's Policies of Appeasement

This paper examines the pre World War II appeasement policies of British prime minister Neville Chamberlain in tewnty seven pages....

Pre Second World War Policy of the US

opting to abstain from joining the League of Nations when it was formed. If one had to point at a single cause of World War II and...

Pre 1917 Shtetl Jewish Women and Their Role

In six pages this research paper discusses the pre 1917 role of Jewish women in Eastern Europe with references made to There Once ...

Jewish Wedding Traditions

This 8 page paper discusses the traditions of the Jewish wedding ceremony, including the breaking of the glass and the role of the...

Jewish Concept of Evil

Jews maintains a direct relation to the way in which the state of Israel exists. The combination of fear and dread that consumes ...

Tutorial Sigmund Freud Lecture

In seven pages this tutorial essay instructs how to deliver to a group comprised of older Jewish women a lecture on Sigmund Freud....

Jewish and Christian Holiday Traditions

celebrate the holidays. It argues that each celebration is meaningful to those of that faith, but when "adopted" by the other, bec...

Historical Jesus

Luke 2.1 there is also the reference to the birth taking place in the time of the census of Quirinius, this was in 6 CE2, however ...

Myth, Fact, and Early Christianity

sacrificed consorts who was killed by the Father Zeus after the fertility rite that coupled him with his Mother (Graves 89). Also ...

Jewish Messiah and Jesus Christ

In ten pages the Jewish Messiah concept is compared with that of Jesus Christ. Eight sources are cited in the bibliography....

1969 tp 1975 Cambodia Involvement by the US

This paper considers the Cambodian involvement of America during this time period in 5 pages with an overview covering the pre bom...