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Prescribing Nurses and the Treatment of Wounds

in which nurses had to request perceptions for certain types of dressing was a waste of time and resources, which in turn impacted...

Best Practice in Ensuring Infected Wound Healing

potential for long term physiological complications as well as long-term emotional impacts. Not only does the type of care needed...

Case Study/ICU Wound Mgmt

(Cardozo, 2003, p. S35). Within a few hours of being admitted to the ICU, Jacks condition was evaluated using the Waterlow risk as...

Wound Care/Wet-to-Dry v. Advanced Dressings

the same manner, however, this dressing is intended to stay moist until removal; however, this may become a wet-to-dry dressing in...

Ostomy Wounds

diversion stoma (urostomy) allows urine to be passed through the stoma rather than the urethra (Kirkwood 20). Sometime stomas are ...

Wound Closure: Vacuum Assisted Closure Therapy (V.A.C.)

a foam dressing, which is placed in the cavity of the wound (Medica, 2000). The other end of the tube is attached to a canister th...

Young Victims of Suicide and Depression

and adolescents (Mahler, 2005). Of every twenty children, in fact, one has struggled with severe depression at one point or anoth...

Geriatric Clinical Nurse Specialist/State of CA

in any other state must, as of January 1, 2008, have a masters or another advanced graduate degree in nursing (Phillips, 2005). Wi...

APRN Working to Their Full Extent

This paper offered a position paper on the topic of allowing Advanced Practice Registered Nurses to practice up to their knowledge...

Noncompliant Patients Due to Culture

The United States has become more and more diverse over the last four decades and that diversity continues to expand. Different cu...

Wound Closure

After ensuring that the wound is clean and dry, align the wound edges and place strips on either side, without placing them under ...

Nazi Medical Experiments

pain and often humiliation, and the experiments would usually be fatal (Cohen, 2002). The justification for the research was ide...

Using Adrenaline to Treat Anaphylatic Shock

(called IgE) (ONeill, 1990). This then sticks to other cells such as the mast cells or the basophils, this is a chain reaction as ...

Pressure Sore or Ulcer Treatment and Prevention Research

In fifteen pages this paper applies wound assessment teams, Braden and PSST assessment tools to the consideration of the U.S. pres...

Electrical Stimulation For Chronic, Non-healing Wounds Literature Review

or slowly the body is able to heal itself, which is why the elderly often have considerable difficulty with chronic wounds. The s...

Issues Concerning Childhood Depression

the childs life. Children are not simply adults in miniature, as their bodies and organ function are in a continual state of deve...

Ritalin in the Treatment of Attention Deficit Disorder

In this paper consisting of nine pages the Ritalin treatment of ADD is evaluate through an examination of misdiagnosis potential w...

Back Pain and its Biomechanics

In six pages biomechanics are examined in terms of lower back pain and its treatment through prescribed exercises. Five sources a...

Nonadherence to Medical Instructions: Walker and Avant

issue via conceptual analysis, inasmuch as Walker and Avant provide specific steps that allow one to wholly define the ambiguous a...

Medicalization Of Depression

the symptoms for diagnosing clinical depression. There must be at least five symptoms from the list that have lasted for at least ...

Healing Wounds and the Role of Nutrition

placement of polyvinyl alcohol sponges into subcutaneous pockets" (p. 7). Each of the rats were "given a nutritional solution con...

Nursing and Self Care Wound Instruction

In six pages this tutorial presents information on how to create a nursing instruction plan for how wounds can be self treated. F...

Information on Nursing Homes

This paper consists of five pages and considers three issues as they pertain to nursing homes including nursing rates of pay betwe...

Prescribing Medications and Practice Nursing

In five pages this paper discusses the medication prescribing of practical nurses in Europe. Ten sources are cited in the bibliog...

NPs Prescribing/Alberta

In 1999, Albertas Nursing Profession Act Extended Practice Roster Regulation provided province authorities with the legal capacity...

Myocardial Infarction, A Case Study

This research paper offers a case study of J.H., a 38-year-old father of 3, who has suffered a myocardial infarction. The case stu...

Type 2 Diabetes

Kolatkar, 2005). For instance, a lack of exercise and obesity are believed to contribute to diabetes (American Diabetes Associatio...

Clinical Considerations of a Tuberculosis Case Study

which initiates a series of events that will either successful contain the infection or prompt it progression toward active diseas...

ADHD and the Role of the Psychiatric Nurse

motor vehicle crashes, substance abuse, and illegal behavior" (Visser, Lesesne and Perou, 2007, S99). Symptoms include irritabili...

ADHD: A Critique of the Research

and Perou (2007) report that an estimated five to eighteen percent of youth in the US are diagnosed with ADHD and most receive so...