Essays 91 - 120

Confucius, Jesus, and the Golden Rule

pronouncements express a similar orientation, they are actually quite different because the positive form encompasses a "greater e...

Characters from "On Golden Pond" and "The Death of Ivan Ilyich"

This research report examines various characters in each of these works. Both the film and novel are explored and Ivan in Tolstoy'...

Rice That is Genetically Engineered

the problems they (I assume "they" is a team of scientists) encountered patenting the rice, and in making the technology freely av...

Questions on Organizational Behavior

behavior and role is going to be different from his or her subordinates. 2) You are a manager, and a member of one of your task g...

Age 18 or 21

There is some controversy over the ages 18 and 21. For instance, in some states a person who is 18 can order an alcoholic beverag...

Psychosocial Factors Impacting the Intellectual Function of the Aged

Numerous factors determine whether we continue to develop socially and cognitively in our golden years. There is one source liste...

Conditions in Old Age

Dementia is becoming more prevalent because more people are living into older ages. As we age, we have a greater risk of getting o...

Preschool Vision Screening Justification

a drivers license that the only problem is that they cannot see properly. Slides 3 and 4 How Can Vision Affect the Ability to Lea...

Children and Early Formal Educational Instruction

to say that more and more states are recognizing the value of investing in early childhood education by enacting laws that provide...

Vertical Integration and Rock of Ages Granite Memorial Company

Number of firms. As the countrys largest such company, Rock of Ages has "110 Company-owned retail sales outlets in 15 states" (Ov...

Romantic Era and Early Victorian Jewelry

pendant or brooch (DeNunzio, 2005). The social, political and economical impact of the arts has been vast and encompassing ...

The Importance of Training and the Aging Workforce

As the workforce progressively ages to include more and more new recruits over the age of fifty-five, training takes on a greater...

Medieval Individuality and Leadership

require freedom. It would not be until much later, during the latter part of the eighteenth century, that the world would see imme...

Socioeconomic and Political Settings in Victorian Age Literature

In seven pages this paper discusses how the Victorian Age's socioeconomic and political landscape are reflected in William Thacker...

Analyzing Another Country by Mary Pipher

old-age (Pipher, 2000, ch. 1). Its certainly not what many had imagined, and among the greatest of differences is that they find ...

Article on Adolescents and Anger Critiqued Critique of “Anger in Adolescents: Sex, Ethnicity, Age Differences, and Psychometric Properties”

The authors conclude that the anger-in scale of the STAXI may be less reliable for younger groups but that it is still valuable fo...

Nutrition and Aging

25 and 30 percent of residents are underweight (Matrix). Data collected from 255 nursing homes in ten states revealed that 31 perc...

Job Loss Due to RIF

these benefits. As your claim is that there was discrimination based on Marys age, being over 55 you will also be aware that the...

Age Discrimination and RIF

process. The employee was doing her job well enough to meet legitimate expectations of the employer (Utah State University, nd). M...

Preschool Children Vision Screening II

2003 in Pediatrics, the journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics. The professionals comprising the Committee stress that ear...

Victorian Era's Love Poetry

despair associated with poverty, class distinctions, and opportunities for individuals to ever rise above their "place." The Dif...

Normal Process of Aging and Depression

able to evolve in a manner that is in correspondence with their desires (Atchley, 2002). At the same time, this learning takes pl...

The Phenomenon Known as Ageing

increased number of T cells with identical phenotypes which are found in the elderly....

Drinking Age Lowering

In seven pages this paper discusses state policies regarding the drinking age and examines the state advantages to lowering to eig...

Europe From 800 until 1400 A.D. and Changes in Religions, Economics, and Social Groups

In three pages this essay discusses changes that had a great cultural impact upon Middle Ages' Europe. There are 2 bibliographic ...

A Review of Lopez's Commercial Revolution of the Middle Ages

of the arts) were administered accordingly. One of the most significant changes brought about by the barbarian age was its ge...

Medieval India and China Contributions

In three pages the Middle Ages' contributions of these two nations are considered and include India's system of Arabic numerals. ...

Middle Ages and Scholasticism

In five pages this paper compares high Middle Ages' Scholasticism with other religions of this and other time periods with theolog...

Romantic and Victorian Literature Contrasted

In five pages this essay contrasts these very different literary styles with the Romantic period's 'Rime of the Ancient Mariner' b...

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Age Correlations

In five pages this report examines the correlation between ADHD and age with research currently pointing to a lack of concise info...