YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :School Dress Issues and Public School Uniform Codes

Essays 271 - 300

School Administration, Reform, and Planning

In response to the apparent crisis in our educational system, U.S. President Bill Clinton authorized, and Congress passed the "Edu...

School Principal's Role

is management and leadership skills. Finally, the principal must have a strong background in personality development to understand...

Proposal for an Elementary School Career Guidance Program

the concept of work into their idea of self and they do this by identifying with an important adult in their lives (Marino, 1998)....

K-12 Issues of School Safety

the issue of who is liable for the safety of children while they are at the school. The schools and school systems examined will b...

Marketing Campaign Case Study Development

to re-launch this service to this target market with a budget of ?1,000. The best way to look at this is to consider the theory be...

School Vouchers and School Choice

In a paper consisting of twenty pages the controversy involving school vouchers and family choices of schools are examined. Twent...

A School Appeal

In a paper consisting of two pages a school board appeal is presented in which the student requests another chance to stay in scho...

Successful Education and Funding

United States we as citizens, however, have come to look to issues such as job security to justify our continued path in a system ...

Effective School Characteristics

by observing principals and teachers. From these rather long lists, an organization or an author will select the most common and p...

2 Education Law Cases Analyzed

to other venues merely because the cost of creating a special program for one child may be prohibitive. The cost of bus service is...

The Cornish Case and the Right to Free Speech

of the Madison Country Day School to address difficult issues. Ms. Cornish charges that her dismissal has not been based on quant...

Roland Case and Penney Clark's The Canadian Anthology of Social Studies

the globe, to armchair inquiry into such things as films, television and music of contemporary urban life. While anthropology may ...

Comparison of U.S. Boarding Schools and Local Schools of Hong Kong

at the forefront of the learning curricula even at the preschool and elementary levels. Because household children often subsidiz...

School Choice and Politics

encouraged by the Supreme Courts decision on the "appropriateness of public funds" being allocated to private schools (Powers and ...

Statistics on Violence in U.S. Schools

Act. The data re for the school year 1998-1999 and reflect the percentage per 1,000 students. The data is from the U.S. Department...

Argument Against Banning Go Ask Alice

addicted to drugs and turn into a very desperate and psychotic person is what set the world on edge when it was first published. ...

Architecture of Cathedral Schools

In seven pages this essay discusses how cultural values are represented in Cathedral schools' architecture. Around seven sources ...

Gunmen at Columbine High School and the Media's Influence

In six pages this paper presents the argument that media in the forms of music and cinema strongly influenced the Columbine High S...

Modern Criminology Theorists and Positive Thought

In twelve pages this paper discusses modern criminology principles and the Italian school's positive thought. Eleven sources are ...

Increasing Problem of Violence in Schools

In twelve pages this paper discusses the problem of increased violence in schools in a consideration of theories and shared blame ...

Georgia Education Demographic Analysis

In this paper consisting of six pages Georgia demographic data based on 1990 census information is applied to the educational syst...

Elementary Charter School Odea;

In five pages charter school reforms are examined in this description of what an ideal charter school would be like in terms of ph...

Urban Youth Alcohol Use Prevention and Nurse Consultations

In five pages this paper examines the Journal of School Health article describing a research study entitled 'Brief Nursing Consult...

Cost Effectiveness of Charter Schools for Middle and High School Students Who Are At Risk

In twenty two pages a literature review that supports charter school advantages for middle and high school at risk students is pre...

Changing Our Schools by Louise Stoll and Dean Fink

the authors address the topic of school effectiveness studies and the ways in which this topic has been regarded has changed over ...

Olympics and the Relevancy of High School Athletics

In seven pages this paper examines Olympic training and the significance of high school sports and high school athletic programs. ...

The Problem with Literacy Teaching in Schools

To potential value of a dialogic pedagogy has been recognized in different government policies. For example, in 2005 with the EPPI...

Developing a Nutritional Policy for a School In Ireland

major concern as researchers found that overweight and obesity levels are increasing within the adolescent population. In 2002 a l...

School Culture vs Family Culture

sense of empowerment and a sense that they can control what is around them. The long term goal is to bring about holistic change i...

Diane Ravitch, Her Views on American Public Schools

countrys leading educators and has been a vocal advocate for both testing and accountability initiatives in the public schools. A ...