YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Seeing History Through Hills Hobsbawms Thompsons and Marxs Eyes

Essays 1 - 30

Seeing History Through Hill's, Hobsbawm's, Thompson's, and Marx's Eyes

to the letter, which suggests that there may have been a flaw in his theory, but communism was by no means his only idea. Karl Mar...

Hobsbawm/Age of Capital

subsequent citations refer to this text). Part I contains only the first chapter, "The Springtime of the Peoples," and this rela...

Killer Angels by Michael Shaara'

In five pages the Civil War Battle of Gettysburg as seen through the eyes of author Michael Shaara is examined in this text review...


in other words, seeks to be a type of "What Would Jesus Do" endeavor for typical problems faced by the typical owner or manager....

Eric J. Hobsbawm's The Age of Revolution

In five pages this paper discusses French history at the time of its revolution in Eric J. Hobsbawm's The Age of Revolution. Ther...

Modernist Views of Nationalism

In six pages the modernist perspective is applied to nationalism in a consideration of Slavic nations' history and present activit...

Eyes in Film

Schwartz towards the woman he is longing for; the disappointed gaze of his wife Lotte (Cameron Diaz). When a person is presumably ...

Karl Marx and Class Stratification

and continue the cycle while those in the "other class" consume these items, usually by placing them on credit cards. The idea tha...

The Strengths of African American Families

7 pages ad 4 sources. This paper outlines the basic principles presented in Robert Bernard Hill's The Strengths of African Americ...

Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail, & the Advent of Gonzo Journalism

The journalist records events as they occur, but also incorporates those details of personal opinion, sensory impressions, and so...

People's History

In five pages history as seen through the eyes of Native Americans, African Americans, women, and factory workers is glimpsed in a...

Max Weber and Karl Marx on Capitalism

have much to do with capitalism but each theorist treats the subject differently. Weber expressed that capitalism did not just ...

Industry and Empire by E.J. Hobsbawm

In six pages Hobsbawm's argument that Great Britain was beginning the decline of its empire at the height of its economic powers d...

British Empire's Decline

In five pages this paper considers the decline of the British Empire within the context of E.J. Hobsbawm's conclusions. Two sourc...

Hunter Thompson/Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

downers, screamers, (and) laughers (Thompson 4). Additionally, their arsenal against sober perception also includes "a quart of te...

Contemporary World Economy and The Communist Manifesto of Karl Marx

In two pages this paper applies Marx's ideal government to the modern government system that is powered by an international econom...

Frederick Douglass and Karl Marx Fictitious Dialogue

In five pages this paper presents a fictitious dialogue between Frederick Douglass and Karl Marx utilizing Marx's Communist Manife...

Biblical Scholar Thomas L. Thompson

In ten pages Thomas L. Thompson's work and views are examined from a biblical scholarly perspective. Thirteen sources are cited i...

'The Negro' Views of Stephen Thompson and Alain Locke

In a paper consisting of five pages the Old Negro is compared to Alain Locke's examination of the New Negro along with Stephen Tho...

Capitalism and Labor

In five pages capitalism and labor are examined through the perspectives offered in E.P. Thompson's 'Time, work-discipline and ind...

Morton Thompson's The Cry and the Covenant

began to question the administration of the hospital why it was that women who gave birth in the street were healthier than those ...

Unity by Kevin Kerr

a director and actor, as well as a playwright. He is also one of the co-directors of Vancouvers theater group, The Electric Compan...

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas by Hunter S. Thompson: An Analysis of Part I and Part II

way to Las Vegas to find the American Dream" (Thompson 6). In Part I of Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Duke is motivated by his ...

Hunter Thompson and The Hells Angels

topic of controversy ever since the group came on the scene in the early 1950s. While members of the gang claim they are simply mo...

Afghanistan National Development Strategy (ANDS)

Security; Governance Rule of Law & Human Rights; Infrastructure & Natural Resources; Education; Health; Agriculture & Rural Develo...

Does Marx's Characterization of Capitalism Hold True Today?

in human history, it claims that particular parts of history will ensue and ultimately culminate in a state of communism (McLeish,...

Communication and Body Language

the whole time, but to be careful not to let your eyes wander. Theres nothing more offensive to the person to whom youre talking t...

Walter Moseley, Toni Morrison, and Social Commentary

In five pages the social commentary featured in Walter Moseley's White Butterfly and Toni Morrison's The Bluest Eye are contrasted...

Capital Production and Karl Marx

In ten pages this paper examines Parts 3 and 5 of Marx's Das Kapital in a discussion of Marx's anticapitalism theories and how the...

Seeing Macbeth Through Machiavelli's Eyes

In six pages the Machiavellian approach is applied to Macbeth and examines the Lord and Lady's actions in comparison with Machiave...