YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Self Assurance in the Works of Zora Neale Hurston

Essays 211 - 240

A Healthy Self-Concept

or her ability and worth. For example, when this writer/tutor was an adolescent, I judged my math ability negatively on both my ...

Self-Interest and Economics

them. Were the producers products of no interest to others, then they would realize no financial gain from them. The producers a...

Adolescent Self Concept

interpret and organize information in a way which leads to the development of a stable idea of "self". They note that Erikson (196...

A Personal Informational Self Analysis

each of the six areas of life: family and home; spiritual and ethical; social and cultural; financial and career; physical and hea...

Modalities of Self Care and Holistic Nursing

help each other by merely listening and offering words of encouragement. My psychologist friend firmly believed that lifestyle ch...

Adolescent Psychology and Family Dysfunction

alcohol or substance abuse, and suicidal ideation, it is important to assess some of the views of maternal attachment, the impacts...

Preference of Self Regulation and Voluntary Conduct Codes in Corporate Governance

seen in many different industries in the way when pressured the industry will capitulate, even if unwilling, to the government dem...

An Analysis of Maslow's Hierarchy Of Needs

to self-respect, respect from others, being recognized (Kotze, 2004). 5. Cognitive, the need for cognitive growth, knowing, under...

Self Presentation and Self Perception

including children who were racially different from themselves, as well as a different gender or body type.ii The results of the s...

How Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau Define 'Self Reliance'

emphasized the importance of self reliance. Both Emerson and Thoreau are remembered for their philosophies that encapsulate...

Self Love According to Aristotle

we love ourselves, we fill ourselves with love that we then are able to give away (Is Self-Love Justifiable? 2004). If we do not...

Psychiatric Nursing and Self Disclosure for Therapeutic Purposes

many had very definite opinions on the matter as a whole, "none of the participants articulated what the process consisted of or h...

Cinderella Contrasts and Conflicts in Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte

focus on her self-respect: "I hastened to drive from my mind the hateful notion I had been conceiving respecting Grace Poole; it d...

Online Learning Issues

The purpose of Online learning, or, e-learning is to provide knowledge and enhance skills. There are many advantages to e-learning...

Self-Directed Andragogy

In a paper of seven pages, the writer looks at self-directed learning theories. Behaviorism and humanism are used to build a self-...

The EQ to Lead

The literature has consistently concluded that effective leaders have high emotional intelligence and the key is self-awareness. T...

Philosophical Critique of Iris Marion Young’s Concept of the Distinction Between Self-Development and Self-Determination

later. In each, she focuses on what she regards as the two most significant values that must be preserved if social justice is to...

Observations Of Preschool Classroom

The yard had exceptionally nice equipment. There was a large log-type structure with stairs, tunnels, bridges, slides, cubbyholes ...

"Who I Am Depends On The Situation And Time Of Day" - The Role Of Self-Esteem, Self-Efficacy And Impression Management In Constructing The Self

ability, there exists no division between ones inner and outer self, inasmuch as there is no need to display defense mechanisms. ...

Homeless & Mental Illness/A Vulnerable Population

necessary health-related behaviors" required for meeting "ones therapeutic self-care demand (needs)" (Hurst, et al 2005, p. 11). U...

Victorian Reading Habits: The Thrill of Transgression

"a castle, ruined or intact, haunted or not"; sinister ruins "which arouse a pleasing melancholy"; dungeons, catacombs, crypts and...

The Thrill of Transgression: “Frankenstein” and “Manfred”

is blasphemous. Also, and certainly unknown to himself, he is skittering along the knife edge between madness and sanity. He is a ...

Holistic Assessment Of Self And Plan For Self Growth

of this journal is to demonstrate a newfound appreciation for everyday occurrences, it is important to note that each entry does n...

The Authenticity of Self and Philosophy

itself (Howell, 2010). Nevertheless, one who wishes to cultivate an authentic self can do so by following the path of philosophica...

Emerson's Concept of Self in "Self-Reliance"

of the individual to that of equal to great philosophers, religious leaders and poets. His argument is that within the "self," tha...

The Perception of the Self - Explanations from Baumeister and Cooley

and perhaps unhealthy, influence on society. Unstable audience members have fantasy relationships with movie stars and violent fil...

Self-Regulation Outside Psychology

learning and academics. As the field of self-regulation in learning has emerged, an entirely new theory of self-regulated learning...

A Research Proposal on Social Phobia

approaches: medications and psychotherapy. Cognitive behavioral therapy has shown the greatest promise. Among other elements, this...

Self-Assessment Management

and treatment programmes Qualifications: * Form 5 Graduate * City & Guilds Level 2 Diploma in Beauty Therapy Experience : * On-th...

Soccer, Culture and Identity

was that team members would be consistent, playing for an entire season, which would engender the building of self esteem, with th...