YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Short Stories and Cultural Attitudes

Essays 1 - 30

Short Stories and Cultural Attitudes

In five pages the cultural attitudes reflected in John McMurtry's 'Kill'em, Crush ‘em, Eat ‘em Raw' and Roland Barthes...

Social and Cultural Influence of 'The Storm' by Kate Chopin

of the elements made her laugh as she lay in his arms. She was a revelation in that dim, mysterious chamber; as white as the couch...

Men in 'The Cask of Amontillado' by Edgar Allan Poe

In six pages this short story is analyzed in terms of male bonding and how the relationship between the men changes throughout the...

Switching Partners

yo like. Ill be home tonight." The screen door made a little snick as it swung closed, and she was alone. She pulled the gown back...

Ernest Hemingway's Attitudes About Women

In six pages this paper examines how Hemingway's rather condescending attitudes and low opinion of women are reflected in his shor...

Louise Erdrich: ”Fleur"

amount of money (Erdrich). Fleur won, and refused to play any longer; in retaliation, the men got drunk and raped her; that same n...

Saving Face: An Analysis of George Orwell’s “Shooting an Elephant”

which he attended from 1917-1921 (Merriman). In 1922, Blair went to Burma, apparently following his fathers inspiration, and join...

War by Luigi Pirandello

potential, or realistic, loss of children during the war. War has always taken children from the parents and this is simply a very...

How the Storm Helps Readers Understand Ann’s Character in “The Painted Door”

it is in a few words: "The sun was risen above the frost mists now, so keen and hard a glitter on the snow that instead of warmth ...

Walker: “Everyday Use”

as the fact that Dee has left home and created a new persona for herself, thus trying to deny who and what she is. She is no longe...

Post 911 Fighting Fear and an Example of Narrative Writing

On the other hand, if the attack is primarily intended as a background setting from which the main character extrapolates their ow...

Comparative Analysis of Richard Connell's 'The Most Dangerous Game' and Thomas Wolfe's 'Child By Tiger'

an accident with a drunk man. It is the drunks fault that the cars collided but the drunk man is belligerent and begins to hit Dic...

Acceptance But Not Soul Mates After Five Years

house, the meals, and my life. Fiona never seemed to bother much with my brothers but she seemed to take a particular interest in...

Nathaniel Hawthorne's 'Rappaccini's Daughter'

isolated as a result. In many ways, it is the men...

Tobias Wolff's 'The Rich Brother' and Family

we have no sense of frustration or unrequited longing in terms of his aspirations....

'Tent Worms' and Tennessee Williams

In three pages this essay discusses this short story by Tennessee Williams in an analysis of techniques....

'The Company of Wolves' by Angela Carter, 'The Swimmer' by John Cheever, and Short Story Journeys

In six pages the deceptiveness of appearances is examined in a consideration of the journeys each of these short story protagonist...

Conforming By Way of Nonconformity in 'Bartleby, the Scrivener' by Herman Melville

In five pages the ways in which Melville's short story protagonist can only conform to social demands through nonconformity and no...

An Analysis of The Necklace

A 5 analysis of the short story by Guy de Maupassant. 7 sources,...

Katherine Anne Porter's 'The Jilting Of Granny Weatherall'

her mother does not always know the time of day. "He just left five minutes ago"; "That was this morning, Mother. Its night now" ...

'The Country Husband' by John Cheever

In five pages this short story is reviewed. There are no other sources cited....

'A Good Scent from a Strange Mountain' by Robert Olen Butler

In five pages this paper analyzes the structure of Butler's short story....

Fictional Short Story 'Into Her House, With Flowers'

In seven pages this short story which features a woman's fight to freely live her life despite several mental impairment is presen...

The Language and the Quilt in 'Everyday Use' by Alice Walker

In seven pages the use of language and the symbolism of the quilt are examined within the context of Walker's short story....

Comparing 2 Short Stories by Franz Kafka

In nine pages Kafka's 1913 short story 'The Judgment' is compared with his classic 1915 work 'The Metamorphosis.'...

Nine Short Stories of J.D. Salinger

In five pages the differences and similarities that exist within Salinger's Nine Short Stories are discussed....

'The Egg' by Sherwood Anderson

In five pages this essay discusses this amusing short story by Sherwood Anderson....

'Hills Like White Elephants' by Ernest Hemingway

In four pages this essay analyzes the short story by Ernest Hemingway with an emphasis upon symbolism includiing that represented ...

Creative Short Story Romance

In five pages this paper presents an original short story romance which is followed by an explanation of the narrative form used....

Stephen Crane's 'The Monster' and Nathaniel Hawthorne's 'Young Goodman Brown'

In seven pages this essay considers transformation within a comparative context of these short stories....