Essays 1 - 30

Speech Analysis

role to his advantage, Mr. Brown complimented his words with what he alleged were statistical facts and related raw data. Pro...

A Communications Perspective Speech Analysis

This is another analysis of Lee P. Brown's 'War on Drugs' speech delivered in May 1994. One textbook and speech reference constit...

Three Characters Speech Analysis from Oedipus the King by Sophocles

This paper consists of five pages plus includes an outline of one page and analyzes three speeches from King Oedipus, and two spee...

A Speech Analysis

Lee Brown's speech on the 'drug war' deliverd in May of 1994 is the focus of this paper consisting of three pages and is presented...

'Atoms for Peace' Speech Analysis

premise (at least in this example) is not necessarily true: not everyone who studies will get an "A"; sometimes even a student wh...

Speech Analysis / King's 'I Have a Dream'

Dr. King does indeed work to build his credibility during his speech although it was probably not as necessary in his particular s...

Speech Analysis on Globalization

been accompanied by the realisation of the way in which the past has impacted on both the globe and also on the individuals within...

Figures of Speech Favored by William Wordsworth

This five paper examines the various figures of speech used by Wordsworth to portray irony, imagery, and other themes in his poem,...

Analysis of President John F. Kennedy's 'Ich bin ein Berliner' Speech

speeches. Note that analyzing only one speech allows for a much more detailed discussion of Kennedys speech.) John F. Kennedy - I...

Case Study Analysis of Freedom of Speech

shoppers. What is proposed is a nuisance law, with a nuisance being defined as something that contributes nothing to the social go...

MLK's 'I Have a Dream' Speech Analyzed II

In five pages this speech is analyzed in terms of its organization with such communications elements as qualifiers, action steps, ...

'I Have a Dream' Speech Analyzed III

needs that the I Have a Dream speech appealed to included a need for reassurance of worth and an informal need for roots. More sp...

Analyzing 'Letter from a Birmingham Jail' by Martin Luther King Jr.

the courts 1954 decision makes it incumbent upon him and others to point out the failure of the government to act on its own behal...

Analysis of a John F. Kennedy Speech

on the basis of his fourteen years of experience, where the number of years is a fact with which he intends for people to rational...

Analysis of the 'Silent Majority' Speech Made by Richard Nixon

door which publicly would be closed. I did not wait for my inauguration to begin my quest for peace" (Nixon, 1969)....

Real Time Speech to Speech Translation Devices

10.8% per annum (Romaine and Rishardson, 2009). At the current time the majority of the industry revenues for the global top 30 t...

Speech's Power

In five pages this paper examines the considerable power wielded by speech and words in a consideration of various biblical passag...

Precedents of the U.S. Supreme Court and Free Speech

In five pages this paper examines how the 14th Amendment's free speech provisions affects symbolic acts in case considerations of ...

Analysis of Martin Luther King Jr.'s 'I Have a Dream' Speech

In four pages communications analysis of King's famous 1963 speech is presented in a consideration of the speech's structure, orga...

Analyzing a Speech

In three pages the Toulmin format and AIDA model are included in this analysis of communications perspectives that provide an elab...

Narrative Speech Under Critical Analysis

in the continuing fight for womens rights. With the very first line, Truth exposes her defiance toward the systems rules, which, ...

Rhetorical Analysis of John Kerry's Vietnam Veterans Against the War 1971 Speech

Invention In regard to invention, Kerry uses three modes of persuasion...

Analysis of William Shakespeare's Henry IV Speeches I.ii.185-192-I.ii.1-9

In five pages this paper presents an analysis of King Henry and Prince Hal's speeches in terms of tone and metaphor in a contrast ...

'I Have a Dream' Speech by Martin Luther King Jr. from a Neo Aristotelian Perspective

dramatize a shameful condition"(Dream.html). King already has the support of African-Americans, therefore, in order for his speec...

Analyzing the Speech by Othello in Act II, Scene ii

A critical analysis of Othello's climactic speech is featured in this paper of two pages....

Analysis of a Speech by Barbara Jordan

In seven pages this essay analyzes Jordan's speech while chairperson of the Commission on Immigration Reform and presents major pa...

Obama on Syria - A Semiotic Analysis

In a paper of fifteen pages, the writer looks at Obama's speech on Syria. US perceptions of power are revealed through a semiotic ...

Topics and Analysis: Speech Questions

This 3 page paper gives an overview of speech topic and analysis. This paper includes issues such as audience and gives a list of ...

Analyzing LBJ's March 31, 1968 Televised Speech

search for peace was going on, North Vietnam rushed their preparations for a savage assault on the people, the government, and the...

September 11, 2002 Rhetorical Analysis of President George W. Bush's Speech

remarks refer to the pain and sorrow inflicted on the families of the victims and the sacrifice and service of American military p...