YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Story Comparison from The Interpreter of Maladies by Jhumpa Lahiri

Essays 61 - 90

Sickle Cell Disease, an Overview

This research paper offers a comprehensive overview of sickle cell disease (SCD). First of all, the writer describes the gene muta...

The 1995 Short Story Winner

This paper discusses and analyses a short story. An alternative ending is written for the story. The writer discusses the main the...

Concept Analysis: ADHD

This concept analysis pertains to attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and provides a comprehensive discussion of this...

Societal Suppression in A Rose for Emily and The Story of an Hour

utterly free. When Emily discovers that her boyfriend is gay, her instant fear of what the community would think of her leads he...

Hawthorne's "Birthmark"/Lee's Mockingbird

possible defect" causes him dismay, as it is a "visible mark of earthly imperfection" (Hawthorne 1021). Alymers disdain for the bi...

Hawthorne's "Birthmark"/Lee's Mockingbird

possible defect" causes him dismay, as it is a "visible mark of earthly imperfection" (Hawthorne 1021). Alymers disdain for the bi...

Canaries and Snow Country

have suddenly grown weak" which symbolizes also the weakness in the man as well through the death of his wife and the memory of hi...

Comparative Analysis of the Short Stories 'A Christmas Memory' by Truman Capote, 'The Rocking Horse Winner' by D.H. Lawrence and 'The Child by Tiger' by Thomas Wolfe

in him. While this unnamed relative (Capote calls her simply his "friend") is childlike and somewhat simple minded, she is also n...

Leaving Home According to Ernest Hemingway and James Joyce

In five pages this essay considers the theme of leaving home as experienced by the protagonists in Ernest Hemingway's 'A Soldier's...

Critiques of 'The Lottery' by Shirley Jackson Examined

that were written prior to 1980 will be compared with three from the later time period. Elizabeth Janeway published a critique o...

Comparative Analysis of Myths in Epic of Gilgamesh, Beowulf, 'The Odyssey' and a Work by Jack London

In five pages this paper contrasts and compares the myths featured in these ancient works and also makes a thematic comparison wit...

Themes of Nature and Death in Simone Schwarz Bart's The Bridge of Beyond and Gabrielle Roy's The Road Past Altamont

environment, which is rare anymore, is often a very dangerous environment that can threaten ones life. This makes the reader under...

Social Change Through Theater and West Side Story

Story from Historical, Social, Cultural, Political and Religious Perspectives Surprisingly, the original idea for West Side Stor...

Tales of Devious Caribbean Women by Hispanic Authors

became increasingly diffident towards him" (Ramirez 79). Yet, when the manager asked the narrator what Francoise was saying, he wo...

Tenth and Twentieth Century Variations in Language

spelling of swor (to swoor) and the change from "hire" to "hir." In addition, though of the usable participle "to" clarifies the ...

Flannery O'Connor's 'Revelation' and 'A Good Man is Hard to Find'

clothed. Later, the family takes a detour onto a country road in order for the grandmother to show them a "old plantation" that sh...

Motifs of Ancient Greek Literature and Superman

This essay consists of seven pages and presents the argument that the motifs in the contemporary Superman stories are much like th...

Symbolism and Theme in the Short Stories of Flannery O'Connor

In five pages a contrast and comparison of O'Connor's short stories 'Everything That Rises Must Converge' and 'Good Country People...

Marriage in the 19th Century According to Kate Chopin and Charlotte Perkins Gilman

In five pages 19th century marriage and the woman's role within it are examined in a comparison of Kate Chopin's 'The Story of an ...

What Life Is

In five pages this paper examines life and humanity in a comparison of the short stories Paul Fussell's 'Thank God for the Atom Bo...

Gothic Romance Northanger Abbey by Jane Austen

In five pages this paper discusses how in her novel debut, Jane Austen parodied the Gothic literary genre with a comparison with o...

Satanic Verses and Haroun and the Sea Stories/Rushdie

This research paper offers a close comparison between the characterization and themes that Salman Rushdie use in his Satanic Versu...

Life and Art in 'The Storm' by Kate Chopin

In five pages this paper discusses the author's life and writings in a comparison with the short story regarding Alcee and Calixta...

'Master and Man' Short Story by Leo Tolstoy

In five pages this paper discusses how the author's beliefs regarding death and Christianity are expressed in this short story by ...

News in Print and Broadcast

In six pages the differences between print news and broadcast news of radio and television are explored with story comparison of p...

Relationships Among Spouses in 'The Girls in Their Summer Dresses' by Irwin Shaw and 'The Storm' by Kate Chopin

In five pages these short stories are analyzed in a contrasting and comparison of spousal relationships. There are no other sourc...

An Introduction to Sixteenth Century Anabaptism

This five paper paper reviews the book The Anabaptist Story An Introduction to Sixteenth Century Anabaptism by William R. Estep. T...

Children's Literature, Humor, and Changing Messages

In fifteen pages this paper compares the humor and messages in a comparison of children's literature by Maud Hart Lovelace, Sydney...

'The Yellow Wallpaper' by Charlotte Perkins Gilman

A section from this story is analyzed and then considered within the whole story's context in a paper consisting of five pages. T...

Section Five of The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman and Symbolism

In five pages this story's 5th section is analyzed in terms of the wallpaper symbolism, what it projects, and how it relates to th...