YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu and Nature

Essays 1 - 30

Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu and Nature

In five pages this paper examines the importance of nature in this collection of Taoist tenets. There is 1 source listed in the b...

Applying 'Tao te Ching' by Lao Tzu and The Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli to Business Operations

In two pages this paper assesses which of these theories would be most successful in terms of company operations. Two sources are...

Taoism and Lao Tzu

mean "The Way and its Power" (Rasmussen, 2002). The philosophy which would result did so in direct response to a number of social...

Feudal China and Taoism

In eight pages this research paper examines the militaristic mentality that existed in feudal China and how Taoism was a peacefu...

Chinese Statecraft and Rulership in Han Fei's Writings and in Tao Te Ching

In seven pages this paper contrasts and compares the perceptions of rule and Chinese statecraft within Han Fei's writings and in t...

Taoist Poetry: A Photographic Analysis

is an ancient collection of philosophical principles presented in a poetic fashion. It has been maintained and circulated since th...

The Tao Te Ching and the Mengzi - An Ethical Examination

In a paper of six pages, the writer looks at the Tao Te Ching and the Mengzi. Ethical formulations from each book are contrasted w...

A Million Little Pieces and Tao te Ching

thrown up and obviously experienced writhing agony, yet he falls asleep, after her call, "Still. Eyes closed. Smiling" (Frey 130)....

What Went Wrong in the United States According to the Writings of Plato, Karl Marx, Lao Tzu, Niccolo Machiavelli and Frederick Douglass

The writings of 'The Republic,' 'The Communist Manifesto,' 'Tao te Ching,' 'The Prince,' and 'Narrative of the Life of Frederick D...

Corporate Management According to Lao Tzu and Machiavelli

In two pages this paper examines how to run a company by applying the theories contained within the Tao te ching and The Prince. ...

Tao Principles Applied to the World Bank

billion (Capital goes global, 1997). That trend slowed some after the advent of the Asian currency crisis in 1997, but it slowly ...

Cinema and Tao te Ching Edited by Michael LaFargue

This is mysterious Femininity (Tao Te Ching, p. 70). Lefargue (1992) describes this saying as indicating that femininity is the...

Chinese Philosophy Tao Te Ching

In six pages this paper examines Tao in terms of its history and its primary principles are summarized. Seven sources are cited i...

Confucianism and Taoism Comparison

(Chung, 1997) that were necessitated within the lessons of both leaders. The writings of Lao Tzu, which were essentially the fo...

'Form of the Good' by Plato and the Taoism of Lao Tzu

of just what human nature represents in relation to mans actions. It has long been postulated that human nature is bound by defen...

Common Themes in Literature

see this throughout the world. It is not something peculiar to a time and place. Only communism was supposed to alleviate the clas...

Sacred Land and the Taos Indian Struggles to Keep It

In six pages this paper examines the hardships the Taos Native Americans have endured regarding retention of their sacred land and...

Sun Tzu's The Art of War

first shot is fired. Finding the enemys vulnerability has always been a strategy, but in this book one is also urged to look for o...

Motorcycle Diaries of Che Guevara

In five pages a book review of Che's letters and diaries while on a 1952 South America motorcycle trip are discussed as they revea...

Ethics According to John Stuart Mill and Mo Tzu

did not invent the principle of utility (which goes back to Plato) however, he was the first to devise a comprehensive theory base...

Robert McNamara and Sun Tzu

and dodged the most important matters, continually laying the blame for the killing of millions at the feet of others (Cockburn, 2...

"The Art of War" by Sun Tzu and What Can be Learned by Reading This Text

chance of receiving the promotion by first devising a plan that can achieve the goal. A proactive plan will allow the employee to...

Human Nature According to Thomas Hobbes and Hsun Tzu

In eight pages this paper discusses man's social role within the contexts of Hsun Tzu and Thomas Hobbes. Six sources are cited in...

Primitive Cultures in Documentaries Cannibal Tours, Onka's Big Moka, and Dead Birds

In six pages this paper discusses human nature's dark side as revealed in this trio of primitive culture documentaries....

Business Application of Sun tzu's Art of War

In seven pages this research paper discusses how today's highly competitive business market can benefit from the principles contai...

Sun Tzu's The Art of War Analyzed

consider that if an entity, such as a nation, is to grow and become prosperous there will be enemies and as such perhaps war is es...

Sun Tzu's "The Art Of War"

those few but powerful pages described how to achieve holism within the esoteric nature of battle. Firing a weapon to kill the en...

Perspectives on Human Nature

the pagan world, sex was considered a divine gift and it carried none of the sense of sin and punishment that became associated wi...

Afghanistan National Development Strategy (ANDS)

Security; Governance Rule of Law & Human Rights; Infrastructure & Natural Resources; Education; Health; Agriculture & Rural Develo...

Daodejing by Lao Tze

48 is actually entitled "Inaction," and is as follows: "The follower of knowledge learns as much as he can every day; / The follo...