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Essays 1 - 30

The Cajuns by Bernard

In three pages this book report includes text summary, critiques its use of sources, discusses how it may be ordered and any other...

Staying Rational in an Irrational World by Michael Bernard

This paper examines the rational theories of Albert Ellis in this review of Michael Bernard's text Staying Rational in an Irration...

'Kiss of the Lord' Sermon by Saint Bernard of Clairvaux

In five pages one of these sermons by St. Bernard of Clarvaux is analyzed in terms of the monastic asceticism that is emphasized b...

Saint Bernard of Clairvaux's On Loving God and Prayer

out, but that he would do his best to convey his thoughts on loving God in the hopes it can help others, focusing only on loving G...

The Call for Exemption from Government Cost Disclosure Requirements

5 pages and 1 source used. This paper provides an overview of the attempt by one company, the Cajun Company, to justify their cal...

Overview of Creoles

In three pages Creoles are examined in terms of how they are distinguished from Cajuns along with where they came from and when....

Americanization of the Cajun People

starting with a dramatic chapter discussing the Cajun sailors who were caught in the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941, then moving t...

On Loving God By Bernard Of Clairvaux

loving God for our own sakes but then, we are able to love God for Himself. Question: Does Bernards work support the notion that...

Scientific Management in the UK

been able to cope with the expansive growth seen over the last fifty years. In order to consider this we need to look at the compa...

St. Bernard And Abbot Suger And Art

adorned with art, sculpture and other adornments. He even included the Pope in his negative comments (Encyclopedia of World Biogra...

Bernard's Importance to The Waves by Virginia Woolf

point: "Thus my character is in part made of the stimulus which other people provide, and is not mine, as yours are" (267). It s...

Bernard & Krieger/Knowledge & Power

removed, "the phenomena will no longer appear" (Bernard 55). As this illustrates, Bernards goal in his research was integrate the ...

Pygmalion's Liza Doolittle in the Context of Early Twentieth Century Britain

panacea when it came to womens rights. Liza was caught in this time period where she wanted to strike out on her own but was held ...

Three Medieval Theologians on Knowledge and Love

if Charity is "something created in the soul" (Aquinas 17). Without background knowledge on this debate, his points become somewha...

Shaw’s Pygmalion, Euripides’ Medea

expert, Henry Higgins, makes a wager with a friend that he can masquerade a lower-class girl, Eliza, as a member of the upper clas...

Ebbers Behind Bars

prosecution witness and is "crucial to the prosecutions case," since he is the only witness who said that "he spoke directly to Mr...

Melodrama as Both Tragedy and Comedy

retelling of the Faust legend; the story of the man who sells his soul to the devil in return for success and love in this world. ...

The Strengths of African American Families

7 pages ad 4 sources. This paper outlines the basic principles presented in Robert Bernard Hill's The Strengths of African Americ...

Candida and Arms and the Man and Romantic versus Real Love

business without impertinence" (Shaw). He has never exhausted his store of "spiritual enthusiasm and sympathetic emotion," qualiti...

The Magic Barrel

Introduction Bernard Malamuds short story The Magic Barrel is an intriguing and magical story of a man who is looking for a wife....

The Four Stages of Christian Love

group, which itself was a well-regarded and well-educated order (Harris, 2001). As an advocate for a strong papacy, he commanded a...

Williams/Jim's Predicament

the central square of a small South American town," where twenty Indians are about to be executed by government soldiers in order ...


with the SEC) (Glovin, 2009). Securities fraud is unethical (and illegal) because it is a situation in which an individual...

Portrayal of Women in Two Play by G.B. Shaw

that there is little, if any, true relationship or familial feeling between the two women, as Vivie tells Mr. Praed, "I hardly kno...

Bernard Madoff Effects People's View of Markets

This 3 page paper gives an overview of the role risk plays within financial markets. This paper includes the case of Bernard Madof...

Gordon Wood and Bernard Bailyn on the Revolutionary War

In six pages this comparative analysis explores the Revolutionary War perspectives of Gordon Wood in The Radicalism of the America...

Doom and Interpersonal Conflict in the Cerebral Arcadia by Tom Stoppard

In six pages this paper examines how conflict and pending doom are contrasted in the characterizations of Thomasina and Septimus a...

Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan

In eight pages this essay analyzes the text's complexity in terms of Bunyan's uses of setting, allegory, and characterization with...

Individuality Concept and Capitalism

In a paper consisting of six pages the individuality concept and its conflict with capitalism are considered through such works as...

Early US Political Thought and the Philosophical Foundation Laid by Lockean Theories

In seven pages this paper discusses how the theories of John Locke as presented in his Two Treatises on Government cemented the fo...