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The Death Penalty and Mental Retardation

arguments about the death penalty run the gamut and include rhetoric embracing issues of constitutionality to morality to fairness...

Mental Retardation & Psychopathology

mental illness. One area of practice where this factor in Christian psychiatric practice may prove effective is in regards to the...

Against the Death Penalty

a moral or an ethic is right for it is a very personal reality. As such one can only persuade another to their side with the under...

Controversy: Death Penalty

in "cases involving a person who is convicted of multiple first-degree intentional homicides, if the homicides are vicious and the...

Death Penalty Supporting Argument

In seven pages an argument that supports the death penalty as justified punishment in terms of retribution, deterrence, and infall...

Deterrence and the Death Penalty

the death penalty is rarely used and perhaps not used on a consistent basis involving particular crimes. Regardless, however, ther...

Capital Punishment: How Americans See It

DNA testing and the overturn of convictions, two thirds of Americans still support capital punishment ("The Death Penalty - Americ...

Support for the Death Penalty

topic has led noted criminologists to conclude that "...executions have no discernible effect on homicide rates" (Goertzel). There...

Mental Issues, Mindset And Social Work

state hospitals; however, ignorance compounded the fact that "at the time of its enactment the structure and support some people w...

The Constitutionality of Capital Punishment

which may or may not be constitutional one must look at the Constitution itself and what the focus is all about. When...

In Support of the Death Penalty

that contend that it is a gruesome and uncivilized option for our society, those that contend that we have advanced to the point t...

A Reply to van den Haag

is not to abolish the death penalty but to "abolish the discrimination (which, he adds, favor murderers of blacks and therefore fa...

Arguing in Favor of Capital Punishment

This paper consists of five pages and discusses how the death penalty can serve as a crime deterrent as illustrated by large city ...

Death Penalty in Michigan

illustrates that incapacitation without the death penalty is possible through incarceration (Bedau, 2004). Even when these two rat...

Refuting the Death Penalty

of the most common reasons given to support capital punishment is the notion that executing a criminal is somehow a necessary act ...

Capital Punishment

In a paper of four pages, the author reflects on the impacts of the death penalty. This paper reflects an argument against the dea...

Literature Review of Psychosocial Interventions

In five pages this literature review considers noninvasive treatment of learning disorders, mental retardation, and mental illness...

Death in Hospice Verses Death in Death Row Incarceration

which the individual is supposed to pass, the doctors are usually good at predicting whether a dying person has a few days or a fe...

History and Pros and Cons of Capital Punishment

used often and for less severe crimes, such as stealing and forgery" (Anonymous Beheading, burning, and hanging 2D). The list ...

Criminal Justice System and Its Current State

ineffective as a crime deterrent. The rising rate of the prison population attests to this fact. Although the prison syste...

Americans and Mental Retardation

In five pages this paper discusses mental retardation in terms of definition, etiology, and incidence as it affects the American p...

Designation of Mild Mental Retardation

In three pages this paper discusses the definition of MMR according to special education criteria and the changes brought about by...

Community and Mentally Retarded Individuals

In nine pages this research paper examines the community transition of individuals with some form of mental retardation. Twelve s...

Overview of Mental Retardation

In ten pages this research paper presents a mental retardation overview that includes definition, its causes, negative perceptions...

Definitions of Mild to Moderate Mental Retardation and Educational Considerations

who would be considered as mentally retarded and in need of some sort of special education. In addition to the below average intel...

Literature Review of Psychosocial Treatment of Mental Illness

more common in boys than girls (Silka and Hauser, 1997). Determining the cause of retardation can be difficult and hard to pinpoin...

History of Mental Retardation

typically unnoticed by Marcia herself and were never studied formally or even named by her(Richardson, 1996). It was determined t...

Characteristics of Mental Retardation

severely physically disabled special needs students into a more mainstream atmosphere, it encourages a wider scope of classroom pa...

Developmental Life Issues and Mental Retardation

and federally mandated law support the idea that children with mental retardation should spend "some or much of their school day i...


this is the ubiquitous "sticky note." We see these everywhere, and theyve become an important part of paperwork. But the original ...