YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :The New Testament and The Mission of Serving Jesus
Essays 1 - 30
This paper discusses scripture from the New Testament and examines what is involved in the mission of a servant of Jesus Christ. ...
edification of readers who seek, like him, to try to deepen their understanding of Christianity. In accomplishing this task, Gre...
Jesus was both human and Divine as is reflected in many parts of the New Testament. This paper discusses the account of the Last S...
phrase could mean the individual had a special relationship with God, therefore, they must learn the meaning of this in terms of J...
the hero receives the call to adventure, which he initially rejects before crossing the threshold into adventure. Next comes initi...
The writer reviews the Laurie Beth Jones book Jesus, CEO, which gives business advice based on the leadership techniques demonstra...
the "restored kingdom of David" (Hahn 28). Matthews Gospel perfectly typifies what Augustine meant when he commented that the "N...
In five pages this paper discusses how human standards can be lived up to in a consideration of the Old Testament's unrighteousnes...
means "face of God" (NIV). These verses record that a "man" (exact origin is unstated) wrestled with Jacob until daybreak. Jacob ...
this account of Jesus ministry portrays it as a "coherent judgment comprising sin, chastisement and restoration" (Clifford and Ana...
and they therefore are telling their stories from that point forth. While the Old Testament looks forward to Jesus, the New Testa...
reflecting the image of Christ? An examination of scripture reveals that these two ideas are not contradictory. Rather, the idea o...
other outside sources, there is much presentation and analysis of Jesus attitudes on the issue of non-violence. There can ...
Testament, these words generally refer to "service associated with the work done in the temple."6 In the New Testament, these word...
perspective is not the error, in this authors view, but rather approaching the subject of naturalizing Jesus from a preconceived n...
This essay cites a specific book, Fundamental Theology by Heinrich Fries. The writer summarizes Chapters 33 and 34. Major themes, ...
John was familiar with Jewish ideas regarding the Messiah. He incorporated those ideas into his Gospel. He gently brings about the...
in the case of John the Baptist, he should feel that Jesus followers were becoming a political threat to his rule. Herod Agrippa...
is far more to life than just that of worldly possessions -- it taught the value of life at its purist form. These same teachings...
of the Sower in Matthew 13:3-23. This parable talks of a farmer sowing the seed is not to be taken literally. The farmer is an ana...
5 pages that examine Jesus’ teachings and his time at Caesarea Philippi. There are 6 sources....
the US. It retains its strong growth in international markets, and recently the company and Kraft Foods announced they would be e...
In five pages this paper examines what a Jesus' servant's mission is in a consideration of John 17, verse 18; 20, verse 21; and 21...
the context of Jewish salvation history (Sanders 88). Nevertheless, the issue of Jesus supernatural birth, as related in the gospe...
women differently than the culture dictated? Did He treat them differently than He treated other people? Did Jesus behaviors place...
Crucifixion as a means of execution served a number of purposes in the ancient world. This paper discusses the origin of the pract...
teaches that "all of the Law and the Prophets rest on the command to love God and neighbor (22:34-40)" (Kozar 78). Matthew 22:34...
author points out, it would be impossible to spend as much time on each and every event and person mentioned in the Old Testament....
Law of Christ. The Israelites believed that the Spirit of God lived in the Tabernacle, which is why it was guarded so carefully. I...
In seven pages this essay examines Christianity in terms of the role played by Satan in both the Old Testament and the New Testame...