YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Theological and Social Plurality and Jewish Theocracy

Essays 1 - 30

Theological and Social Plurality and Jewish Theocracy

leadership into a new discussion, "a theology of pluralism." "It is not enough that we live together as faith communities; rather...

Afghanistan National Development Strategy (ANDS)

Security; Governance Rule of Law & Human Rights; Infrastructure & Natural Resources; Education; Health; Agriculture & Rural Develo...

Computer System Project

This 10 page paper looks at the way a project to install a computer system in a shop may be planned. The paper focuses ion the pla...


place concurrently at the same time) rather than consecutively (one at a time after each other). Possible paths Total number of ...

Afghanistan Development - Review And Recommendations

nations employ many Afghans. On April 29-30, 2007, Afghanistan held the Fourth Afghanistan Development Forum (ADF) in Kabul (Afg...

Assessment of an IT Web Site

include a jobs section as well as a section containing white papers across a large number of different areas such as SOX complianc...

Literature Review for Use in a Project on Leadership in Kuwait

or values. It is by understanding leadership and its influences that the way leadership may be encouraged and developed in the con...

Planning and the External Environment

met. To consider the way planning takes place at all levels the process itself and the approaches can be examined. Mintzberg (et...

Assessment and Recommendation for TDG Ltd

assess the way it should continue to compete in the future. 2. Internal Analysis In order to assess the company and determine t...

Article on Allocation of Costs

by the project, use of department that are using those resources. In the case of all costs being allocated to a single project or ...

Developing a Marketing Plan for Viagra

to influencers Pfizer may appeal to men who would not otherwise come forward. It is undertaken in a tasteful manner, in line with ...

Reflection of Katherine Tanner's Edited Spirit in the City

existence of God (more specifically religion) as existence in the urbanism of today. The fact that this does so in as many voices ...

Theological Writing

falls into this category (Malcheski, 2002). The essay is not necessarily objective in that the writer is attempting to argue for a...

Personal Perception of Judaism

small child, I knew I was Jewish, so I really do not remember when this identity was established or how. I did not think about it ...

Theological Analysis of Night by Elie Wiesel

the figure of Christ. It must be remembered, also, in this context, that one of the most important principles of Judaism is the co...

Counseling From Various Theological Points of View

from Hebrews? If not, perhaps then we need to start mentally constructing how that "Christian" counselor will look, or what they ...

Jewish Concept of Evil

Jews maintains a direct relation to the way in which the state of Israel exists. The combination of fear and dread that consumes ...

Tutorial Sigmund Freud Lecture

In seven pages this tutorial essay instructs how to deliver to a group comprised of older Jewish women a lecture on Sigmund Freud....

Jewish Wedding Traditions

This 8 page paper discusses the traditions of the Jewish wedding ceremony, including the breaking of the glass and the role of the...

Jewish and Christian Holiday Traditions

celebrate the holidays. It argues that each celebration is meaningful to those of that faith, but when "adopted" by the other, bec...

Forecasting for a Fast Food Outlet

and ice creams sold in the summer, this looks at the trends rather than just the past performance. Regression analysis takes th...

2 Law Articles Addressing the Issue of Polygamy, Summaries

prohibitions against polygamy and bigamy. For example, in the Supreme Court case of Reynolds v. U.S. 1878, the Court held while a ...

Definitions in Comparative Politics

Domestic Product (GDP): This is an economic term that is "a measure of the size of the economy of a particular territory" (Wikiped...

The History of Judaism in China

Kaifeng, is a city of half a million people in the Henan province. It holds virtually no reminders of any of its Jewish history (...

Religion and Jewish Women

In four pages this essay discusses women in the Jewish faith within the context of the book entitled Jewish Women in Historical Pe...

Agunot, Marriage, Jewish Women, and England's Shtetls

In six pages this paper discusses Jewish marriage concepts in a comparative analysis of English Shtetls and Jewish women with the ...

Jewish Beliefs and Practices

This paper tracks the history of Jewish beliefs and rituals, from the Matriarchs up to the Hebrew Union College. The author also ...

Messiah as Perceived in the Jewish Faith

Messiahs coming. These questions will be addressed on the following pages. Historical Concept of the Messiah...

4 Articles on Jewish Culture Compared

In six pages Jewish life and culture are considered in a discussion of 4 articles which offer contrasting views to Jewish societal...

'Jewish Question' and Zionism

some sort of meeting of the minds regarding the Polish and German Jews, however, critics question that "admitting even that all th...