YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Thomas Bernhards Wittgensteins Nephew

Essays 1 - 30

Thomas Bernhard's Wittgenstein's Nephew

In five pages the philosophical and autobiographical aspects of this text are analyzed in five pages. Four sources are cited in t...

An Analysis of Old Masters by Thomas Bernhard

that are happening here in Austria." Shortly after the 50th anniversary of the Anschluss (German for the"union" -- Adolf Hitler oc...

Denis Diderot/Rameau's Nephew

as being different sides of the authors true character and argues that in "literature as in life, we must choose" (Brans 437). T...

Private Language and Wittgenstein's Theories

green. The general assumption is that everything that is the color of a leaf is green, but the experiential views of that color m...

Discussing the Mind

do with anything. The popular theory of mind to some extent broaches the concept of personhood. There must be a person associated ...

'Humean' Naturalism and Wittgenstein

neighbors. Such things do happen. When life happens, it is often unique and has little reference to the past. Yet, in examining t...

Philosophical Arguments Pertaining to God's Existence

In twenty pages this research paper considers philosophical arguments pertaining to God's existence as argued in support and in op...

'Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night' by Dylan Thomas

derives from the fact that it seems as if it had a familiar or conventional meaning. One might be tempted to try a nonliteral int...

Comparison of Lawrence Thornton and Bernhard Schlink's Works on Memory's Role

read to her. Hannah appears to envy and admire Bergs easy access to books and appears to be hungry for the information that he can...

Comparative Analysis of Abraham and Lot

In three pages this paper contrasts and compares Abraham and and his nephew Lot's lives. One source is cited in the bibliography....

Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain and Discipline

In seven pages this paper considers how discipline is depicted in the novle with Tom's Aunt Pol appearing to be very harsh but who...

Welsh Poet Dylan Thomas

could find. He entered his teen years in a state of rebellion, and left school when he was sixteen years old. He found work as a...

Anita Hill and Clarence Thomas Hearings Analyzed

The case involving Clarence Thomas's alleged sexual harassment of Anita Hill in 1991 is the focus of this five page paper and incl...

Medieval Perspectives on Religion by Keith Thomas and Eamon Duffy Compared

the other hand, is quite different. Duffy sees the magical element as part of an overall religious system that was flexible, vibra...

Poem Analysis: Convergence of the Twain by Thomas Hardy

This 4 page paper is a detailed explication of Thomas Hardy's poem Convergence of the Twain, which describes the Titanic sinking....

The Politics and Metaphysics of Thomas Hobbes

same time that other men pursue the same desires (Hobbes 185). The development of enemies comes from this course of natural compe...

Thomas Hobbes and the Influence of Francis Bacon

In seven pages this paper examines how Thomas Hobbes' writings were influenced by Francis Bacon....

An Assessment of the Statement 'All Men Are Created Equal'

In five pages this paper agrees with Thomas Jefferson's 'declaration.' There are three bibliographic sources cited....

Thomas King's Truth and Bright Water

Thomas King's novel Truth and Bright Water and its thematic duality are discussed in five pages....

Western History and the Divine Nature of God

of souls (Frost 104). It is possible that Plato was attempting to use popular belief to promote the teaching of more profound trut...

Literary Application of Rene Descartes' Method

Goldings Lord of the Flies, for example, gives a view of civilised society which is by no means optimistic. He takes a group of ch...

Intelligent Design and Aquinas

18). Harrison (2006) credits Aquinas as being the "major figure" in the reintroduction of Aristotelian concepts into Western cul...

General Thomas Gage: Profile

of England (The American Revolution, 2007). Before the American Revolution he lived in America and was there when legal acts wer...

Gospel of Thomas

there, but the Kingdom of the Father is spread out on the earth and men do not see it." A short parable occurs early in Thomass ...

Thomas Jefferson: Contradiction

associates in Europe" he would refer "to blacks as lazy, slow, unable to reason, lacking in imagination and even spoke against the...

Thomas Jefferson by Joyce Appleby

the United States. The book begins around the time he was elected as President, which took place at the end of the 18th century. I...

A Review of Deaf Like Me

A 5 page review of the book by Thomas Spradley and James Spradley. 1 source....

Philosophers on Religious Ethics

right or correct, or is there something about that action itself that God recognizes, and for this reason declares the action corr...

Philosophers Missing the Point

the manner by which one point can be (mis)interpreted in at least two different ways is attempting to successfully isolate a singl...

Ordinary Language by John Austin and Ludwig Wittgenstein

developed in everyday exchanges can illuminate and even transform many of the problems with which philosophers have grappled. It i...