YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Troy 2004 and Homers Iliad

Essays 1 - 30

"Troy" (2004) and Homer's Iliad

This essay discusses Homer's ancient classic epic, The Iliad, and the film Troy (2004, directed by William Petersen), indicating ...

The Depiction of Troy in The Iliad and in Film

is not identified as a goddess except for when a servant speaks to Achilles about the legends that have begun to be spun concernin...

Homer's 'The Iliad' Summarized

mother, a goddess, to make pleas to Zeus to ensure that Agamemnon will fail in all battles as long as Achilles is not fighting wit...

Comparing Achilles and Odysseus

Odysseus was renowned for both his brain and his brawn. He was also had bravery, and competence at his skills. Odysseus was an a...

"Troy" and "The Iliad" - A Comparison

In a paper of five pages, the writer looks at "The Iliad" and the 2004 film, "Troy". The changes in the latter are explained throu...

Themes in 'The Iliad' by Homer

In three pages life and death as they are thematically represented by the Trojan war and the city of Troy are examined in this ana...

Greek Literature and Admirable Character Leadership

In five pages and 2 parts Homer's 'The Iliad' is examines in terms of Patroklos' leadership abilities with a contrast and comparis...

Classical Literature Identity Questions

In five pages this paper examines the definition of identity in the works of Euripides, Sophocles, Sappho's poetry, the Oresteia, ...

Achilles and Odysseus

A 5 page comparison of the characters in Homer's Odyssey and Iliad. The author contrasts qualities such as heroism and humanism. ...

Trojan War and 'The Iliad' by Homer

were arranged on three concentic terraces that focused on the royal residence ("New..." 33). Recent excavation has discovered that...

Two Very Different Heroes Aeneas and Achilles

ultimate control, where there could be no arguments. Although all power was concentrated in the hands of a single ruler, Roman c...

Values of the Greco Roman Societies

In six pages this paper discusses how the values of the societies of ancient Greece and Rome are reflected in such works of litera...

History and the Epic Poems of Homer

In five pages this essay examines what is revealed about ancient Greek history in Homer's poetic epics 'The Iliad' and 'The Odysse...

The Anger of Homer's Achilles

In five pages anger as a motif and character motivation in Homer's 'The Iliad' is explored. There are no other sources listed in ...

Comparing Marital Attitudes by the Hebrews and Ancient Greeks

allowing them to be less complex than they often are in real life. In the Old Testament in the bible, they tend to be rather simpl...

Romance and Epic Characteristics

individual stories into the tapestry that became his famous epics. He did not create the stories; they had come from hundreds of y...

The Early Christians and the Ancient Greeks Comparing Their Gods

Looking at Saint Augustine's 'Confessions' and Homer's 'The Iliad', the author finds characters and situations that represent the ...

Overview of Homeric Warfare

In five pages this paper examines Homer's 'The Iliad' and 'The Odyssey' in its portrayal of Homeric warfare in a consideration of ...

Homer's Heroes Patroclus and Achilles

In this essay consisting of five pages the argument is presented that the friendship between these heroes in Homer's 'The Iliad' s...

Greco Roman Literary Works and Heroism

slave, and ironically enough, he is enslaved by the prophesy. "People of Thebes, my countrymen, look on Oedipus. He solved the fam...

Lover and Warrior Odysseus

traits he possesses that is less than admirable, one thing is clear. He exhibits loyalty and trustworthiness. He respects the gods...

Anger and Fear in the Workd os Chinua Achebe and Homer

and the Greek forces suffer mightily without their hero. Later in the narrative, his anger propels him into battle. But, just as a...

Sappho's Poetry, Homer's Epics, and Women

we mortals bear perforce, although we suffer; for they are much stronger than we. But now I will teach you clearly, telling you th...

Greek Culture and 'The Iliad' by Homer

occurs near the end of the conflict. These two warriors fight over who has the greater claim to a captive woman who is also the d...

Mortal Women in the Iliad

and she wishes that she were "wife to a better man" (Homer Book VI). Through Helens eyes and, also, through Homers portrayal of He...

The Iliad and "The Knight's Tale"

This essay presented an argument that Chaucer's "The Knight's Tale" reflects the ideals of Homer's The Iliad. Four pages in lengt...

Myth in Homer's Iliad

This essay utilizes a feministic approach and an anthropological approach to interpretation of Homer's Iliad. Eight pages in lengt...

Responsibility for Carnage in The Iliad

great deal of loss and death in his wake. But, he is not the power, the real power, behind the war and he really only seems to ser...

Helen and The Iliad

no power and they were possessions. So in that respect with Paris of Troy stealing something from Athens was cause enough for batt...

The Nature of War: The Iliad, Herodotus’ Histories, and Thucydides Peloponnesian War

ultimately started the war, Priam, his father and the king of Troy, and Hector, the other son of Priam. While there are other impo...